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Everything posted by JIM SEYMOUR # 85

  1. Thank you. Very classy. Good luck to the Tigers the rest of the way, May we meet again....................
  2. Congrats Rocks. Looks & sounded like a good old fashioned "butt-kickin" Keep it going Rocks. Great job
  3. I've seen about everything on here. Who knew - there might be a ball game in a few hours ?? Good luck to both. injury free. Good sportsmanship - as always. GO ROCKS.
  4. Once heard it said - that : "Without the Ref's its just recess."
  5. Congrats to the Bengals. Let's hope that's it for the week. :thumb:
  6. Understand Game might have been shortened - in addition to the RC. Hope there were no injuries. Now - on to X. Wish we could score 70 on X !!!
  7. I know its obvious - but RIVALRY GAME - watch out. Never take anything away from the Xavierans in this one Just sayin'
  8. Thanks - but no thanks. Really not interested in this sort of rancor. It's a shame that some type of dysfunction - and the growing typical jerk parent scenario - winds up being played out here.
  9. Silly me I got on here to read about the game. :isurrender: Classy.
  10. I think that's super. Good for her & the Team. :ylsuper:
  11. Nice win. May have overlooked the Ridge a bit. Learn from it and move on.
  12. Pulling for A. Like what those Coaches have done. Good luck
  13. I think very much of what you say is true. It is a great thing for the state of the game to have more parity.
  14. Oh I'm pretty sure he already has enough !
  15. God Bless Shawnee. How about those Kids hanging in there ? Good for them,
  16. I agree completely. That was huge -IMVHO. Very nice win -
  17. With all due respect - I am sure all of that is true. And - there is no question the team and program have made huge advancements - but against Western (and to take nothing from them) - but still 6A vs. 4A ? Wish them all the best - but let's see a bit more compatible competition.
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