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Hoops 11

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Everything posted by Hoops 11

  1. I'm sorry for your loss. I had to do the same thing last year. It was the worst day of my life. God Bless
  2. I root for UL when they are not playing the Cats. Don't root for IU, but root for Bobby Knight. I like Kansas now that Roy Williams is at UNC. I wouldn't root for Roy Williams if he were playing a team from the Taliban. I root for all SEC teams when not playing the Cats.
  3. Ky should have not lost to G.W., San Diego, UAB, or played Stony Brook as close as they did. I just don't think it is all BCG fault. I like Tubby Smith as a coach. I think he is a very smart man to get out of UK when he did. Tubby saw that the program was going downhill talent wise and I feel that is why he left. Tubby Smith's recruiting was not where it should be either. But I really don't blame all that on him. With kids leaving early for the NBA, I don't think you can put all your stock in recruiting all McDonald's All Americans. If you do and all leave early, then you're back to square one. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Tubby was trying to recruit kids that would stay 4 years in the program instead of the kids that would stay a year or two and then leave. Teams like Gonzaga, George Washington, West Virginia have advanced farther in the NCAA tourney in the last few years with senior oriented players. Tubby just didn't recruit enough quality players in the last few years to keep the program up where it needed to be. I just don't feel that is BCG's fault that UK is not playing the ball we're used to. I would like to give him a chance, and if he does not produce, let him go. You've heard the old saying " You can't make chicken salad out of chicken s---." I think we just need some more chicken salad.
  4. What coach's have it worse? I'm not bashing Tubby Smith at all. All I'm saying is that your 5, 4 and 3 star players are not playing like their rating. Tubby won with these boys when they were injury free. I don't recall Meeks or Jasper sitting out this many games for injuries last year.
  5. This is true. But you need also to remember. Patterson is a freshman. Crawford does not play defense and turns the ball over like a freshman. Meeks and Jasper are coming off injuries, and can only play a few minutes without getting tired. Bradley's assist/turnover ratio is not that of a 3 star player. Harris can't score. Stewart does not see the floor because of lack of experience. And Carter has been injured his whole career and plays more like he is 5' 2" than 7' 2". These are not excuses. That is what BCG has to work with. I don't think any coach in the country could take what UK has and have a winning season.
  6. I agree with you on this one. My dogs would go wild when I pulled in the drive. Both of them passed away in the last eight months. I still look for them when I come home. I think my dogs were one of the biggest pleasures I've ever had.
  7. Two days ago, I came home from work and found my dog had died. She was very old, but in pretty good shape. This is one of the hardest things I have been through. She walked in my yard back in 1993 and never left. She could always put a smile on your face, regardless of what kind of day you had. She was more than a dog to me and my family. I've cried a lot of tears in the last two days. I'm sorry for your loss, and believe me, I know what you're going through.
  8. Are you saying that Whitley County holds kids back because they are immature and not because they want to compete with programs such as Clay County for the Regional. Or are you trying to say that the students at Williamsburg are not as mature as the students in the county system, therefore they loose more basketball games to the county.You know why they are held back. To gain experience at the varsity level so they have the best chance of winning and making the administration and coaches look good. If you want to hold your kid back for a year, then by all means hold them back. I just think you should be mature enough to tell the truth about why you're holding them back.
  9. Well deserved. The kid is a class act.
  10. New York Giants Quarterback and Super Bowl winner, Phil Sims played for Morehead. I have always heard good things about the school, but I do not know a whole lot about it. Good Luck
  11. Tough loss for the Hounds. They had a good season and will bounce back. I am not from Corbin, so I'm not patting my town on the back so to speak. I know alot of the kids that play on the football team, and the are all good kids. But there is one that stands out from the rest in my opinion. Caleb Watkins. I've watched him grow up to be a fine young man. I've never heard one negative thing about him from anyone. His character comes from his family life. Mr and Mrs. Watkins should write a book on how to raise a child. They done a great job with this young man. My hats off to the Hounds for a fine season and for having such fine young men representing their program.
  12. I'm not familar enough with the specifics to answer your questions. There was an article in a local newspaper that had some contact information. The number is 606 215-1235. This is a number to get in touch with committee members. Hopefully they can answer any questions you may have.
  13. What needed to be fixed with the program? I think Jim Black is an excellent coach. But to say the program was at a demise under Mike Campbell's tenure is wrong. Campbell had the program where it needed to be. Some of the powers that be wanted to bring in a Coach from Cumberland College. That didn't work out. Then they brought in Black to be the savior. Black went from Class A to 5A. That is a huge step. Give him time, support the kids and coaches, but don't say he had anything to fix, because there was nothing broke.
  14. Does anyone know who Coach Bakers assistant coaches will be?
  15. I had to lay my dog to rest on April 7 of this year. I have been through a lot in my lifetime, but this was the hardest so far. My dog had cancer and was suffering terribly. I had a specialist from the University Of Tennessee try and save her but she was too far gone for any treatment by the time she was diagnoised. I feel your pain and I'm so sorry for your loss. They are more than just a pet. They are family members. God Bless you and your family.
  16. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  17. Hopefully Whitley will give him a chance to prove himself. It seems like every coach they have had over the past few years have been under the gun. Good luck to Coach Baker.
  18. I keep hearing Cris Baker is going to be named the new head coach at Whitley Co. Does anyone know anything about him? His coaching expierence, where he is from, where he played highschool ball.
  19. Ian Hall was a fine a young man that I have ever met. He loved life and lived it to the fullest. I was a better person for knowing him. My sympathies go out to his family. May God rest his soul.
  20. Is J.D. Strange from Pineville? I think he is an excellent coach. I would hope Whitley would see if he is interested. He may be from Pineville and want to stay there though.
  21. I don't think this is how parents were treating Deaton. I think it has to do with how Deaton was treating the players, parents, and the school system.
  22. Nice story, in a tragic time. Hopefully the game took their minds off of it for a little while.
  23. I'm not saying anything bad about the guy. I was only stating what happened. He lost his coaching position, he ran off a talented player, he drove a bus. Getting up at 5:30 AM does not demonstrate work ethic. It means you are like everyone else and have bills to pay. Whitley Co. has ran off several coaches over the years. However, if they are valuable some where else to the school system, they (WCHS) will keep them. If Guffy was an Anderson, he would still be there. He would not be driving a bus or getting up at 5:30 am.
  24. He lost his coaching job at Whitley after the 2005 season. He only won a few games and ran off a very talented player. The administration was not impressed with his coaching or how he handled the situation with the player. They had him driving a school bus this school year.
  25. Can anyone tell me if Ross Deaton signed to play college ball anywhere? I don't live in the Somerset area, but I like to try and keep up with athletes in the southeastern part of the state. Thanks
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