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Everything posted by nyrangers

  1. I like Tennessee because they are playing better and seem to have a sense of urgency about them. IF OSU plays with intensity then I think they are more talented............
  2. I have 3 inside sources none of which have talked to Patterson or his entourage however they did talk to the Quicky Mart guy in Huntington who says he is going to attend Thomas More so he can help them win a championship!!!!!! Seriously guys lets calm down!!!!!! Wait for April and see where he goes.
  3. We are going to disagree that the SEC is one of the toughest conferences this year. Very mediocre season for the SEC out of conference record. Also........the SEC has so many teams that are just that.....mediocre that of course they beat each other up. That is known as mediocrity. Now I will say that I feel that the three left in the tournament are three good if not great teams. But three teams do not make a conference top to bottom. Ask the PAC 10. Look at the SEC West? I mean really they weren't good they were mediocre at best!!!!! As far as the East was concerned..........Fla. Vandy and Tenn. were good Kentucky was good and the rest? Mediocre to bad. Now the SEC I believe over the past ten years has been the best conference in America. This year call it what it is.....average.
  4. I don't agree with the SEC tough from top to bottom. Yes Tennessee is good Fla. is great and Vandy......is Vandy. However look at the other SEC teams not invited to the tourney. They only had 5 teams invited for a reason and those not invited had no business being in. KY. losses have come against some great teams...so I guess it is in all how you look at it. Is it good for KY. to be a team satisfied with losing to top teams...........or is that not okay? As a fan of NC that would not be okay................
  5. Hey OT let it go. Mustang seems to be a straight enough guy alright. He is correct in that he didn't start the rumor.
  6. This recruiting really gets out of hand and must be just awful for the particpants (coaches included).
  7. Mustang what you say makes sense but how does the County feel about it?
  8. Also from the way it looks they are working on making sure they have "future employees" trained and ready in the system. :thumb:
  9. Are you talking Northern Ky rankings or state????????? The Herald Leader would have state rankings..........
  10. Yes the 8th is at Henry County. I think the biggest problem we have is Mason is a contender year in and year out. If Mason were like Henry Co (sorry Henry Co. fans) and not really competitive I doubt this much discussion would take place. In the 9th you have a 3 gym rotation for the boys? Please correct me if I am wrong. I was thinking Conner Holmes and Ryle but I could be wrong. I do not know why the 10th would want to have it any place else.....but I realize you have those that feel it is an unfair advantage.
  11. Where will the Mustangs play home games next season?
  12. Good luck to Katie! I am glad she still has another year left!
  13. Doug Barry is a good man. Is he going to still be working for the school district?
  14. Obviously two similiar teams and I think A & M is a little better at their game then the Cards are..........Home court edge to the Cards. I think it is 5 points or less....high scoring....and unfortunately an A & M win.
  15. I agree with OS. the Camels have their top pitchers back and seem to find a way to beat their cross town rivals in baseball.
  16. Thomas More definitely needs an influx of talent and he is a good one. However expect them to bring in tons of GCL talent to go with him in this frosh class.
  17. Notre Dame UCLA Georgetown OSU UCLA national champs!
  18. The real issue is more with select ball than knothole. Select teams start playing, even at 13 and 14 and under in March. Those kids could also be playing HS ball.
  19. The knothole rule reads no two teams except for school teams or something like that....but they can play for school teams at the same time. I am not sure what the KHSAA rule is though,,,,,,,,
  20. The 10th region traditionally has not been able to compete with Harrison. Now in my opinion it is due to a lack of quality teams top to bottom and Harrison being way out in front of everybody else. While a few teams year in and year out can be competitive..........the majority of teams in the 10th are not very strong and have very poor feeder programs. The 9th is an enigma. With so many class A schools the talent pool is spread out. There are many good/great players in the 9th but the teams from top to bottom show a great disparity. The top teams can play with anybody in the state, the middle teams usually have at least one pitcher that can knock off a top team. However......there are too many bottom teams that (see all the Div. III conference except Beechwood) ( teams like Holmes, Lloyd, Newport recently, etc) that just don't have it. With all the baseball structure in Northern Ky. you would think these teams could field more competitive teams.
  21. You guys are the best. I am in total suspense on the game and know what is going on thanks to you BGPer's Thanks!!!!!!!:thumb:
  22. Having been directly involved in this the state KHSAA did do things that did kill slow pitch. Choice? It was kind of like saying people got to vote on the leader in Communist Russia. Yes they had elections.....but no choices.
  23. That is true. The legislature did force this. However......the KHSAA could help promote both. The legislature did not say to kill slow pitch though. Only offer fast pitch.
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