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Everything posted by Eagle'01

  1. You would take Brohm over any other QB in college???:confused: WOW!!!! :scared:
  2. I can guarantee this is not a direct quote from Coach Matney. He has much more class and respect for the Ashland program than to say something like this.
  3. No it doesn't, that's like saying Trent Dilfer is better than Peyton Manning because he has a ring. Not saying Clark is Dilfer and Grim is Manning, but I think you get the point.
  4. Now that you mention it, Grim's running style reminds me of Blair also. I beleive Blair was a little more shifty than Grim, but Shawn has him when it comes to power running and breakaway speed. Blair was a great back though he gave JC fits when we were still in 4A.
  5. Both are great football players, wouldn't a coach give anything to have them both in their backfield. Talk about thunder and lightning!!!
  6. I don't think I have ever seen this many exclamation points in one paragraph before. :lol:
  7. :thumb: Exactly! No way the KHSAA sends Ashland a second place trophy for the game that is going to be played this Friday. They would never do anything like that to try and disrespect a team.
  8. I think you might be leaving out both the JC O and D line when you talk about being physical. Both have been very physical and performed well all year.
  9. Totally agree, JC will only throw in a pass here and there to keep people form stacking 9 in the box against them, which most teams still do anyway even after they have thrown a pass.
  10. We do have the talent to pass I just wouldn't want to rely on having to win a game with our passing. It is probably good enough to keep the monkey off our back but JC might be in trouble if they had to rely heavily on their passing to win. Not knocking JC's passing game at all its just the running game is so much better.
  11. Looked like Clark and Brown both had nice games in that one. I don't disagree with you Greybeard for JC to keep winning they will have to throw the ball some just to keep teams honest.
  12. Lower yourself to JC fans. You have to be kidding. I would bet you could go back as far as you wanted and you would never see JC fans belittle people the way you have tried to do. I for one hope you never post on a JC thread again. People like you give BGP a black eye. BTW how old are you? Fourteen, Because you are acting really immature.
  13. JC fans showing their excitment for their team and thinking we will win the game is a far cry from what you did. Your post had nothing to do with this game or football period.
  14. Whooo there buddy, lets not have a heartattack!!! As for class, you stating East KY being the armpit of the state, now that is classy. This thread was going a long fine until people like you come on here and post this junk. As for your opinion on things, of course you are entitled your own, but the East KY knock was uncalled for. If we are so arrogant,then leave the thread, it would be a lot better without post like the one I quoted from you. Also, I think you are a prime example of arrogance with your post about East KY and the JC fans.
  15. And they will continue to say that no matter how far JC makes it unless they were to run the table and win the state championship.
  16. I'm not sure how much they passed throughout the playoff's but they sure didn't have much success with it or try to throw that much in the championship game. Brown's passing stats for that game were: 1-6 for 11 yds.
  17. I just don't understand what would be so funny about me thinking that Bell or Rock isn't the best team in the mountains. :thumb:
  18. I bet that Belfry and Russell would disagree with you on that.
  19. Then I stand corrected... but I still think it is harder to go undeafted in the SEC than any other conference. JMO.
  20. Don't know a ton about other one of these teams other than they are both very good. So, I don't expect to see such a large margin of victory for either team, JMO.
  21. No, I'm not doubting that this is his opinion. I was just stating my own opinion. Is that alright samham?????? :confused: :confused:
  22. Not trying to back the SEC here because I do think that if UL wins out that they rightfully belong in the National Championship game but we need some type of playoff system. I just think it is so unfair to the SEC because of the tough interconference schedules they must play. It's no fair to teams such as Florida who play ranked opponents almost every week compared to teams like USC that play teams like Washington State. Once again not crying that the SEC is the all-world conference and that Florida deserves to play in the Nat. Championship, I just know it is much more difficult to go undeafted in the SEC than any other conference.
  23. I would like to see David Cutcliffe at UK, I think he has done a great job at UT this year as the Off. Cord. I think he would actually bring a little name recognition to the program as well, which I think it needs.
  24. JC will have to be ready to take Ashland's best shot on Friday night. I believe the Tomcats will come out fired up and play their best game to date this year.The Tomcats are far to talented for the Eagles to overlook but I have good feeling Coach Matney won't let that happen. The Tomcats come out and play their best game in this one but still can't pull off the upset. JC- 42 Ashland- 28 in a hard fought and gutty performance by both teams. GO EAGLES!!!
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