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Everything posted by mh2365

  1. 34-12 Desales .... Desales needs to win out now because Bullitt East may need them for a tie breaker scenario ... so go Colts!
  2. I take back the dumb comment .. just thought in a district game that mattered for the playoffs we should have taken our chances in OT ... they had us down 21-7, so we had momentum on our side.
  3. Yeah no kidding .. East lost 3 games this year by 3 points total. All had to do with an extra point in the final 8 minutes of the game. One missed extra point (Woodford), one muffed extra point ran in for two (Central), one dumb decision to go for 2 with no time left (Marion County). Fairdale, to their credit, beat us by 14 but the final TD came with under a minute left. So we have 4 loses by 17 points.
  4. But like I said ... it is only speculation on how BC would do against any other schedule ... fact is they have only been able to beat a team with 0 wins. Who is to say Marion wouldn't be 4-2 or 3-3 against BC's schedule? But put aside Marion for the moment ... BC is also ranked ahead of North Bullitt who is 4-3 and they had a common opponent. FWIW I think North beats Marion by 20 on the 19th.
  5. As a side note .. I hope everyone knows I'm just making conversation .. I am fully aware that the rankings mean absolutely nothing in the scheme of things and since nearly every team makes the playoffs, things will work themselves out there.
  6. But how do you know? If they played now maybe a 6-0 confident Marion roles over a 1-5 full of doubts Boyle County. Boyle had a bad season last year and did not prove themselves in the playoffs. So what makes anyone think they would this year? Lexington Catholic has played just as tough of a schedule .. difference is they won on the field and didn't use the schedule as an excuse. If BC was 4-2 then yeah factor in their schedule and rank them higher than Marion. But to say Marion would be 1-5 against the same schedule is nothing but guess work. Rank on facts ... Marion has taken care of business on the field BC has not. If BC with the bad year they had last year made a deep run in the playoffs then maybe ... maybe you could rank them in the top 10 at 1-5. But fact is they haven't proven themselves on the field for over 2 years now so what is their to base their ranking on? As far as close loses go ... 3 out of the 4 Bullitt East loses have been by 1 point ... but I'm not clamouring for them to be ranked any higher than they are because they didn't pull through in those games. How do you justify BC being ranked ahead of North Bullitt? They have one common opponent and North lost by 10, BC got beat by 24. North has 3 more wins. Both teams wins have come against teams that are not very good. Looking at North's schedule I see the same wins and loses for BC as North has suffered. Boyle loses to Shelby, Lafayette and Bullitt East. They win against Breck, Waggner, Larue and J'Town.
  7. There are always going to be examples .. just like you could point out 100 teams that started 0-4 and went 0-10 .. or point out teams that started out 5-0 and went 5-5. But until they start winning they should fall in the rankings. You example with Trinity .. they didn't deserve to be in the top 5 when they were 0-4, but eventually they started to win. Just like if Boyle County finishes 5-5 (which I think they could), then the a top 10 ranking would be just. I'm really not picking on any one team, just what I think is faulty logic. Once again for the most part BGP gets their rankings right.
  8. Who is to say until they actually played ... who knows what confidence 3-0 brings and what doubts 0-3 brings. No one knows the answer to that but what you do know is one team is 3-0 and another is 0-3. Look at 4A for example ... Marion County is 6-0 and ranked behind Boyle County who is 1-5. You can cry SOS all you want but the fact is Marion has gotten it done on the field and BC has not it took playing an 0-5 team to get a win. If they were both 5-1 or Marion was 5-1/6-0 and BC was 4-2, then maybe you can say well BC played a tougher schedule. I'm in tune with 4A because my kid plays for BE but I am sure there are other examples. SOS has to play a part of it but you can't use it to an extreme. Like I said for the most part BGP gets it close, but you can't just assume a team is good because they used to be and they have played a tough schedule.
  9. In my post above, for this scenario it was assumed the teams were 1-1 against each other, so we skipped to the next tie breaker.
  10. At 2-5 they shouldn't have been ranked in the top 10. The more the won as the season went along then they could sneak back in to the poll. As I've said all along .. SOS is fine but you have to win games. See my ND example they have had the #2 SOS in the country and are 1-5 ... in most HS polls in Kentucky this would have them ranked 3rd or 4th. FWIW BGP's is the only poll I think is decent .. but they still give too much credit to SOS and not wins. At some point a team has to win games. 0-11 with the #1 SOS is still an 0-11 team.
  11. Actually it helped my team. BGP had Bullitt East still ahead of Marion the week after we beat them, no way we should of been after losing to them. Any team that is 2-4 or lower has no business being in the top 10. You can claim SOS and history all you want but at some point you have to win games.
  12. Gotcha so it's the # of wins by teams that doesn't include the teams we are tied with. Thanks for the explanation. So in your scenario, Marion would be the 1 seed, Bullitt East the 2, and North the 3 seed. Just hoping for 1 playoff game at home. It would appear that as long as we beat Larue on the 19th we will have one. Thanks guys .. I wasn't getting it no matter how many times I read it.
  13. Actually most HS polls are a joke ... Most polls even BGP's tend to give HS teams credit for past seasons instead of just ranking them on what they are doing in the current season. No other way to explain teams that are 2-4 or 1-5 in the top 10 you can talk SOS out the ying yang but at some point you have to win games. Compare it to college. Notre Dame has the #2 toughest schedule right now. They'd be in the top 10 of most HS polls because they have had success in the past and have played a tough schedule, nevermind the fact that they have 1 win.
  14. Man I guess I need to be smarter to understand that. If North Bullitt beats Marion on the 19th and Bullitt East beats Larue, then there will be three teams in Region 4 with a 2-1 record. Looking at the link above I have no clue how they decide the tiebreaker. Section 1 is out because the three teams would be 1-1 against each other. Section II says "each team tied for the position shall recieve 1 point for each game won by any four of their defeated opponents" Can anyone explain that?
  15. They are a joke ... one look at 4A and all credibility goes right out the window. North Bullitt ahead of Bullitt East, Bullitt East ahead of Marion Co, Boyle anywhere near the top 10.
  16. I doubt they will overlook them just like I doubt Marion will be able to stop them. Marion will need to score 45-50 to have a shot at winning the game.
  17. North Bullitt will beat them pretty easily.
  18. A bit of a surprise maybe but an upset .. probably not. BE has dominated the series, North had it's first win in 11 years last year. North Bullitt was favored but not a huge upset.
  19. Great game all around .. was really proud of both teams. Too bad RD went down in the first half. Looked like he was getting into the flow of the game when he got hurt.
  20. Maybe I ought to pick against Bullitt East more often :lol: BE up 35-14 with 10 minutes to go, held on against a North Bullitt team that never gave up. Great football game. Sportsmanship from both sides. Great game between to very good teams. See you guys again in the playoffs.
  21. I don't see anything wrong with the t-shirts. They say "if they don't score then we can't lose" or something like that. It's not offensive at all. BE players always conduct themselves with class on the field and that is what is important. BE players don't grab and twist ankles in pileups or land blatant cheap shots on someone who just ran for a TD. North doesn't either and I expect a good clean game tonight. Rewarding the kids with a t-shirt for shutting out an opponent is a far cry from the things I witnessed at Marion two weeks ago. Good luck to North tonight.
  22. I see Boyle winning their last 5 games. Defeating East Jess at home in the first round then losing by 14-21 to Lexington Catholic in the second round.
  23. What are the tie breakers in district play for home field? Take Bullitt East's district for example. Let's say North Bullitt goes 3-0, Marion loses to Larue and BE beats Larue. Then you have North at 3-0, and the other three teams at 1-2. Who gets the #2 ranking and home field for the first round?
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