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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Maybe you can see why some folks see the Rocks at the favorite..... :ylsuper:
  2. There were some obvious "problems" for the Ryle game and the remaining FC players did not respond in a favoralbe fashion..... Male wins this one, the first half......
  3. Game shapes up as a large margin W for the Rocks. Not surprised if it approaches 40+ ... Seems the Rock faithful are more interested in other games and thus profiding comments on other threads at a greater rate than discussing their own game. One should never under estimate their opponent.....
  4. That says a lot to me about the game and the fans.....
  5. My favorite holiday for a number of reasons;.... family, good food, football, No exchange of presents like x-mas, X-Mas decorating on Friday after.... Turkey samitches and HS football playoffs.........
  6. This was my exact first response..... TD beat me to it.....
  7. How about a project on Corrosion.... rusting of steel vs. galvanized steel. Why? what is the chemistry? What happens on a molecular level as well as the environmental impact of corroded steel? Wont be super easy, yet should be a very good learning subject for a youngster: key topics to research and understand include; Corrosion, oxidation, reduction, electrons, cathod and annode, galvantic cell, oxidation states of Iron, What is Rust?
  8. If only the Atherton Rebels had scheduled The Rocks this year and the Public vs. Private debate may have been settled..... :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  9. Any program with 17 titles (with space for #18) and 4 out of the last 5 has to be favored to win it all. Lets face it, they do not get eliminated from this tournament very often...... They are playing as well as anyone at this time, Stein is developing as a QB as well as any Rock has in his first year... Its Trinity's to lose, because they own it.....
  10. Well BGP'ers I have returned and I did survive. Had a great time hunting. Signs of deer were aplenty, yet did not see one......... Kinda disappointing but, all in all it was a great trip. May try my luck locally next weekend.
  11. I had the chance to check out Ryle vs. Fern Creek. I was impressed with Ryle's ability to play on the road. It did help their cause that FC fumbled the ball the first 4 times the touched it..... If Ryle can get on a roll they can make some noise.... However, next up is Boone Co.. Boone Co always seems to play good football and have a solid team. That is a credit to their program. Im going with Boone in this one..... Tradition will win out on this one...
  12. At this juncture, what are the teams you feel have a legitamate chance to win it all: My take is as follows.... Favorite: Trinity - Track record of 5 out of last 6 is hard to beat. And by the way, they do have a team this year..... Strong Contenders: St. X, Henry Clay, Manual and Male. Next step down: Fern Creek, Marshall, Meade, Ballard, Boone and Ryle... Fun to Watch: Shelby No True Chance: Nelson, Dunbar, Madison Cent. Makes for some fun football in November and December. Good Luck to all teams.....
  13. Could be a very close game, yet the Tiger D will prevail. Manual O can give us some fits but I think we may have learned how to stop that delayed draw.... Should be a very competitive game. I look for some surprises from the Manual team as well...... One would have to think that this is the game they have been "waiting for" all season long.... Playing at X will not be easy for the Crimsons. For Manual to win, must start out on top and stay ahead with a very good defense. The same has to be said for the Tigers, start out on top early and let the defense bring it home.... Looking forward to the pregame (GRC) festivities, brats and burgers, game time in the new stadium and the wrap up back in the park, after the game. Hopefully it will be nice and cool for the game.
  14. This will be a great game. The winner moves on to round three with a chace to advance to the final four..... But be fore we get carried away, I feel the Tigers will defend the home court advantage and play very stout from start to finish. Manual will pose a threat yet it will be all Tigers in the end, by at least 8....
  15. Ballard does not have a chance..... Rocks Roll.....
  16. Good Luck to both teams.... May the best team win...
  17. cville - I love the concept of gun safety..... I don't know what to say, but it is the MOST IMPORTANT part of any activity involving a gun..... Thanks for the words....
  18. Thanks for all of the great ideas.... I think I actually have all of them on my list. Now, I just have to be sure to pack everything..... Looking forward to hunting with my brother, who has succusfully baged a buck the last three years off of this mountian top.... thanks to everyone for the insight. I will post results on the 12th.....
  19. ^ I hear you on the timing of the call. just seamed that Cov Cath could move the ball without passing deep..... Water over the dam now, but it was an interesting call. Good luck to both in the weeks ahead.
  20. Congrats to the Tigers for bringing home the State Championship and an undefeated season. Quite an accomplishment to say the least. Great job guys .....
  21. How do you practice a play like that???? Seriously...
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