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Riverside 157

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Everything posted by Riverside 157

  1. Is it safe to say that Woodson and Brohm are OUT of the Heisman picture???
  2. ^ Was that the treaty that was signed at the last Bluegrass Preps (Genevia) convention..?
  3. 7 PRP 5 Valley 3 Ballard 2 Holy Cross 1 Shawnee TB Valley
  4. ^ Player development...or Win at ALL Cost mentality or BOTH...?
  5. I remember hearing earlier this year that Trinity had over 100 players on their Freshman team. Why are they playing Sophs on the Freshman team??
  6. Get out the sugar and candies......:laugh::laugh::laugh:
  7. To answer your question.... Who played in this game: Seneca vs. ?? Nuff said...........:lol:
  8. I thought that the Tigers looked a little rusty against PRP. Not sure if it was the hard work or the too soft work ethic during the week off.... Any way, just a little step slower, very little enthusiasm and pretty much played uninspired football, IMHO. Now on to Central => Game could give Tigers fits. If the Tigers don't step it up, I anticipate Central to take the early lead and maybe even lead at the break. Tigers will rebound and win by 9.
  9. How about some special teams play tonight...... Im going out on the limb here and say X returns a KO or Punt for a TD.....
  10. This sounds like a senerio for a semi-final game inwhich it takes the officials 15 minutes to discuss and then get the call wrong..........
  11. Congrats Tiger Freshman for the W over PRP and the Victory over the Shamrocks earlier this year.
  12. 7 - Holy Cross (Louisville) 5 - Jeffersontown 3 - Eastern 2 - North Bullitt 1 - John Hardin TB - Jeffersontown
  13. Tigers win this one in the first half. Tigers Roll....
  14. I did not read in the St. X response that they called anyone liars. I think St. X was defending itself against these allegations. Yes, a firm statement on St. X's behalf is appropriate. Anytime an individual or institution is attached by unsubstainiated claims in the general media, without proven facts, it is essentially "hearsay". However, given that it was in the paper, people believe it must be true..... So, If one wants to pursue, do some true investigative reporting, gather facts and bring charges forth... If unable to to so or unwilling, then issue a statement of apology to the St. X community. Becareful, you have two feet aswell...
  15. This is what I mean when I say we have to define "recruiting"..... I dont have the answer to satisfy all parties, but, somehow, somewhere, all sides need to come to an agreement of what is acceptable and what is not.
  16. Now we must move our discussion to the precieved benefits of having a Hottie as an admission counsler over the traditional overweight male administrator..... :lol::lol::lol: I for one would think this is an unfair playing field.
  17. Is it legal for JCPS to have recruitment of athletic students for the schools "traditional" program? Its just a question. Not a newspaper article..... What are the thoughts of posters on this site????
  18. I dont think he would be offered a job a U of L, nor would he be accepted by the fans.... Sure he got us a Orange bowl Victory, no small feat, yet how many job interviews did he have when he was here???? He doesnt want to come back to Louisville. Why do you think he was trying so hard to leave in the first place.....
  19. Cool weather....... I thought it would never get here......................
  20. Good to understand that you do believe that schools recruit students. Because they all do....... WRT the Athletic recruiting, I agree 100%. No where in my previous message did I say that athletic recruiting is acceptable. Any and all offenders must be delt with on a just basis, no question. I think a lot of it comes down to what is defined as "recruiting"...
  21. TA - Question. When T has an Open House, which many if not all private school do, do you consider this "recruiting"???? BTW - JCPS is holding a "recruiting" get toghether today in downtown Louisville.
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