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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. Feel free to give reasons why but I'm not impressed with Paris so far. Credit to BC for fighting and scrapping and leading this one at the break.
  2. This game has potential to be a really good one. I have not seen Paris play this season but I have heard a lot about them. Apparently Paris must not shoot the ball well since many are calling for BC to play zone. Paris will have their hands full Crawford. Not sure how they will choose to defend him. If you let him get his, it limits the others scoring but if you make him give it up, it puts more pressure on the others. Having seen Crawford this year, it may be his choice on what to do with the ball!! Just really looking forward to this one.
  3. Augusta senior Connor Maddox scored his 1,500th point in the Panthers' win today over St. Patrick in the 10th region All A Classic quarterfinals. Much credit is deserved by Maddox for the hard work he's put in over the years to improve his game each season. Furthermore he played two seasons with Brent Bach who dropped in 2,600 plus of his own. Depending on how long Augusta's season lasts, Maddox could finish 4th or maybe 3rd on Augusta's all time scoring list. His work ethic is going to make some coach at the next level very happy.
  4. Quite a piece of work this game was. I thought the boys came out as focused and fired up as they have been this season. Help side was there every time the ball went down low to Frey, he couldn't get anything accomplished. They trapped after the first pass multiple times causing turnovers. Had very active hands slapping balls away before shots could even begin to go up. All in all extremely impressive. Then came the second half. I think it was a combination of the confidence they picked up by leading by 25 and only giving up 14. They took their foot off the gas and the Saints, to their credit, took full advantage of the opportunity. I didn't feel like St. Patrick was going to win the game because it just took too long for them to make their comeback and time started to work against them. Plus, once the Panthers took a deep breath and started to control the ball like the can so well, the upset just wasn't going to happen. But again I give the Saints credit for hanging in there. Down 25 at the half it's difficult to believe you have a chance but little by little they keep clawing back. If we meet them in the district tournament and we don't play 32 minutes like we did the first 16 today, could be interesting. Finally, I don't have any worries about lack of focus come Wednesday night. This group has played in quite a few big games and they know how to win them. Paris or Bracken County will have their hands full. As far as stats go, I'll post scoring, unless someone beats me to it, in about 90 minutes when I get home from work.
  5. The defending champion Augusta Panthers don't appear to be much of a factor in this year's tournament by looking at the poll and posts. Better to be an underdog and not face as much pressure but I thought maybe we'd get a little more of a chance in the minds of those who enjoy the entertainment that is bgp. I feel confident in their chances but at the same time do understand that there is pretty stiff competition in this tournament. First things first the Panthers have to dispatch of St. Patrick on Saturday before even thinking about who wins the Paris/Bracken County game. I will certainly be attending that one, like I'm sure many others will, just to get a look at the Greyhounds and see what could be a good game. As for my reasons for predicting the Panthers to win, first, they return their core from last season, the "Big Three" as they are called by some, who have been on the floor for all of Augusta's recent success. They have won four straight and six of their last seven and come into Saturday's game with a full head of steam. Second, should they win vs. St. Patrick, they have pretty much four days til their semifinal match up with Paris or Bracken County. That game's winner gets two days. Third, Augusta has known success in the Igloo. They have not lost on that floor since the 2012 39th district final and it's not a long drive for Panther fans. In fact, it's the next best venue besides being at home. So if the Panthers do make it to the following Saturday they should be matched up with the Bishop Brossart Mustangs. Having defeated them in last year's final that edge of intimidation won't be there this year. And having defeated Paris or Bracken County in the semifinal will certainly have them feeling good at that point. Now, will my predictions be right? I certainly do not know. I might have a better chance at winning this Saturday's powerball! But as I think about that, Vince McMahon's entrance music is playing in my head. Back to reality. I really think it's going to be a great tournament with some exciting games. I just had to get on here and give my team some love. Good luck to JT and Mike broadcasting all the games in this tournament, I imagine it will be a challenge. If the Polar Bears make it to Saturday those guys might need subs!! The following is a shameless plug. I will be broadcasting Augusta's game, hopefully games, just go to Augusta Independent Schools :ylsuper::ylsuper::ylsuper:
  6. I believe it is two right now. Hopefully if I am incorrect someone from PC will correct me.
  7. What's the latest on Allen? Hoping he is alright and able to play. Hate to think such a talented young man would miss any more time than he already has.
  8. If Allen doesn't play I think BC wins this one. But if he does play then fans should be in for a treat. Can BC stop Allen? Can PC stop Crawford? I just can't pick a winner. So much so that if Allen plays I will likely drive to Falmouth to take this one in all the while wishing it was in Brooksville.
  9. Sounds like they just did. As crazy as it seems I've seen it happen before. Don't ask who or when or where. I just remember it.
  10. I'm all for a history of the Fieldhouse on one very important condition, sometime in the production, preferably at the beginning, we hear Marty Wallingford say, "Good evening everyone and welcome to the Fieldhouse!!"
  11. I was thinking it would be neat to chronicle the families in our region but there have been so many. The Kelschs, Myricks, Owens, Dumphords, Masseys, Turners, Feldhaus', and the Hinsons, just to name a few.
  12. Anytime this happens it's sad to see. And what makes it worse is that it's a direct reflection on the coach. Players should know, especially starters, how to win with class. More often than not we see this from reserves but it still doesn't make it right.
  13. That would be Camryn Snapp. I could be off but it sounded good!!
  14. Okay, maybe it's going a little far calling SK an 8th region power so I'll go by the numbers. SK: 1,704 students AHS: 104 students SK: No starter shorter than 6'4" AHS: One starter over 6'1" and he's 6'3" We played Owen County last year, they were and are very good. But at the same time I think SK will be in the discussion at the end of the season in the 8th. This game does not make the season for Augusta they have bigger and more important goals to achieve. What it does do is give a good team a shot of confidence that they needed to get back on the right track. It also shows that no matter how big you are or how small your opponent might be you better come to play every night.
  15. He was cleared by his doctor to be able to play. When I say he's not 100% I'm talking about his shot not being where it was before the injury. Stamina wise he's strong, especially in the paint. But I see glimmers of hope on the offensive end with each game.
  16. I can't believe I'm going to say this but, you'd probably have an easier time ranking popcorn. :popcorn::popcorn::no::no:
  17. I think all of us "10th region fans" should just stop trying to rank our region's teams. Because every time you think you have it figured out, it all changes. Listened to this one. Strong game in the loss for Garrison, tossing in 27 while Pig Williams spent lots of time on the bench in foul trouble. Looks like MoCo is starting to find their way after some early season losses.
  18. Easily the most complete game the Panthers have played this year. Excellent job of ball control by the team. Ate up a lot of clock in doing so and seemed to wear down the much taller Pioneers. Just like the Campbell County game, the Panthers used their speed to combat the SK's size. Much better shot selection in this one though, leading to a victory. Connor Maddox continues to show he does more than just shoot threes as he hits only 1 in this game while scoring 30 on the night. Camryn Snapp, still not 100% coming back from ACL surgery, isn't scoring a lot but has been strong on the boards. Owens Crawford has been very smooth running the point for the Panthers, and does a nice job of finding open lanes to drive and score. I've preached senior leadership and experience being the keys to victory all season and tonight it was more apparent than ever. It takes everyone working together to hold the ball like they did and for the most part not turning it over ( 9 total turnovers) to be successful like they were. SK really struggled to get in any kind of rhythm at all on the offensive end. Just good, strong, team defense. And in the last couple of weeks, this group has boxed out as well as any Panther team I've seen. It's still very early in the season but this is the kind of game that can propel a group to bigger wins. Coaches draw up a game plan, players execute, team wins.
  19. Credit to the Royals tonight, they played well. Seemed like whoever they threw it to could hit. Panthers were really lacking on defense. The paint was open for business down the middle or along the baseline. They did do a decent job of boxing out and getting their hands on loose balls in transition. The good news is the problems they had can be corrected and if these two meet again it will be on a neutral floor and I imagine a much better game.
  20. I'm sticking with my Panthers in this one despite most predicting their demise. Once again senior leadership and experience will play a role. Playing at the Fieldhouse is nothing new for Augusta. They have lots of experience on this floor and won't be intimidated by it or the Royals. The Panthers are 6-2, the Royals are 6-1. Should be a good one. So happy to be court side to see this one!
  21. I know the Augusta/Mason Co. game will be on WFTM 95.9 or soft96.com for Mason County. Augusta's broadcast can be found on augustaathletics.org
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