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big royal daddy

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Everything posted by big royal daddy

  1. I agree whole heartedly, but let regular working class people, democrat and republican etc. ask the questions, not biased network or newspaper reporters. Could be entertaining to watch both candidates dance and try to worm their way out of blunt, direct questioning.
  2. There was a female financial analyst on the Today show this morning and to condense the interview she stated that the bailout that is being proposed will add approximately 10K to every households debt in the country. Hopefully this works out for the greater good of the country, but I would like to know if we get anything in return after the banks and stock market stabilize, like a tax credit or some kind of stock ownership in AIG or the such, probably not.
  3. Yes, Beth Queen, sorry about that got the first name mixed up with the girl that played at Rose Hill I believe. I wish the girls nothing but the best this year. Hopefully, Coach Butcher can rebuild the program up to where there is a consistant mix of seniors, juniors and sophmores somewhat year in and year out.
  4. Keller Menke and Kaitlin Smith will probably be the main players that will be asked to pick-up the scoring. Emily Queen and Hillary Doyle will probably be the girls down low asked to most of the rebounding unless there are some younger kids coming up.
  5. How about the Corvette Museum, Mammoth Caves, Carter Caves and the Hot Rod Show in Louisville. Oh I forgot about the 10th Region Tournament at the Fieldhouse. LOL:lol:
  6. My sentaments exactly, but he is a "reedeemer" I just don't see him redeeming himself, but maybe he can give Millen a job in Cincy.:cry:
  7. They need to get a year or two older and taller if that is anyway possible. Also they need to be better prepared defensively and fundamentally with an emphasis on bench development. Also the new coach is going to have to develop some type of team unity and chemistry that is going to filter down through the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades where the girls will want to continue with basketball once they get to high school.
  8. He is a UK verbal signee, he is a sophmore I believe and is a 6'8" forward.:thumb:
  9. Is his foot healed and will he be ready for the first day of practice?
  10. The reason the girls tourny is played in Bowling Green is so that one city, Lexington and Louisville(when the new bidding comes up again) don't get all the revenue from fans coming into one city, spread the so called wealth, and also whatever Rupp Arena or Freedom Hall charges to hold the tournament would be more than WKU charges the KHSAA. Their profit would be greater or loses would be less I would assume.
  11. Unforutunately it's probably going to take a local Bracken grad who is willing to put the program first instead of his career advancement and is willing to be happy living in his home county and get the respect of the community, parents, and players in the lower grades that are going to help developword a stable and consistant program that will be a contender year in and year out. It's a shame that money(but who does'nt need it especially teachers) and for lack of a better word, selfish pride career wise, gets in the way of some schools having a stable coach and program.
  12. All I need is to pick up this 7-10 split and the game is mine!
  13. Do we draft a quarterback or running back with the number 1 pick in April ?:laugh:
  14. I debated about them, gave them benefit of the doubt, depending on which school system it is, yeh, on second thought make em pay, they maake good money. Bet that would go over well here in Maysville! LOL:lol:
  15. I agree fully, I know for a fact that passes and hospitality room passes were abused at Mason Co. and I am sure everyone here knows a story or two about a privileged few at other schools in the region getting perks that they didn't deserve. My biggest beef has been the last three years a players girlfriends entire family(parents, grandparents-both sets, ect.) got parking passes for the upper level @ the Fieldhouse, game passes, hospitality room for the entire 10th Region Tournament. Great deal when you date an adminastrators son! Passes only for players, coaches and managers, and cheeleaders, superintendant and principals and AD's only. Everyone else can pay, IMHO.
  16. Royals led by Thompson with 173 rushing yards and 4 TD'S
  17. With the starting staff of Harang, Arroyo, Cueto, Volquez and either Ramierez or Thompson depending on any trades or how they perform in spring trainining, do the Reds use Bailey as trade bait with some of the position players(hopefully Patterson) to geta catcher or centerfielder? The way he has performed when given the chance and his attitude at times, do the Reds give up something to get something?
  18. 29 to 10 Mason Co. with a little over 6 minutes to play.
  19. Being that it was held at Campbell Co. last year and they are in the 38th District, I am guessing that the 39th District will host the tournament this year probably at Msaon Co. Nothing official mind you, just an educated guess.
  20. I agree with all of you, and I am man enough to admit that at one time myself and my wife along with some other parents are the people you are responding to. I make no apologies for myself for the simple fact that in our case the head coach along with some of her staff were basically inept at handling young girls emotions, building team unity and morall, and teaching fundamentals to the bench players. Like I said, I agree with all three of you fundamentally. but what do you do when in certain cases the parents are right and the powers that be won't listen or admit they are wrong in having hired or retained certain people to coach who aren't cutting the mustard.:confused:
  21. True, but you also have some parents holding their kids back a year on purpose so when they get to high school they will be a year older and more developed to take advantage of other kids who weren't held back. Most of the time the kids were held back at an early grade level, but I have heard of parents keeping a child back in the 6th through 8th grade level. So in theory they got a fifth year of eligibility and if the player was good enough the coaches on all levels knew what was happening also.
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