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big royal daddy

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Everything posted by big royal daddy

  1. When my daughter played, they participated in the 5/3 Tournament @ Lex. Cath. and it's probably the best. Also played @ Berea, which I personally liked the best and she also played In the Appleby's Tournament in Danville which was a good holiday tournament. Took a very good Clay Co. team to the wire in a semi-final match-up in Danville, but alas, couldnt pull off the upset.
  2. Interesting article for college basketball fans. Wish he would have posted complete rosters of 12 to 15 players for all teams to see how they really match up. I am sure Coach Rupp will be listed as the coach for UK obviously, but Pitino and possibly Tubby as assistants, don't know if their styles would have mixed with the Baron's idea of how basketball is or was to be played. Also, I understand the criteria of how he picked the teams, "You have to have won a National Championship, but it just doesn't seem right to have a all-KY team and not have Dan Issel at power forward, but Kansas doesn't get Wilt either:thumb:
  3. Here is some of the Mason Co. schedule for the upcomming year. Christmas Tournament at Daytona Beach, Jan. 23 @ Henry Clay, Feb. 2 @ Paul Dunbar, Feb. 10 @ Elliott Co., Feb. 20 @ Bryan Station.
  4. I have read this entire thread and there are alot of good ideas, some better than others, but as far as basketball is concerned the NBA and NCAA have to get on the same page and the NCAA has to give in on some of it's outdated rules. The main reason for the degree is to give yourself a better chance of making a living after school. Here are a few ideas. 1: NBA sets up every team with a D-League team and have a minor league system like baseball. 2: NCAA goes to a 4-year LOI with one no penalty transfer and leave the medical red-shirts and such as is. 3: High schoolers who opt for a pro career and are not drafted or are cut from NBA & D-League can sit out fall semester, sign a LOI for the 2nd semester and stay in school for 4-5 years like it is now. 4: If you sign the 4-yr. LOI out of high school or as a cut or undrafted free agent you cannot re-enter the draft until your class graduates. NBA mandates and helps non-college grads get some type of college degree to get them ready for life after b-ball. 5: NCAA allows a percentage of money from jersey sales and other sources to go into a savings account for each team member with strict controls on how much you get per month to live on. After you graduate you get the remaining balance paid in full. If you quit school or get kicked off the team or flunk out you forfiet the remaining monies and it goes back to the school. 6:Make athletic scholarships a form of student loan, if you get your degree you don't pay it back. If you quit, flunk, or whatever other reason you have to pay back the money to the school for the number of semesters you were enrolled there just like everyone else that gets a student loan. I know this is just a pipe dream, and like someone else said earlier makes too much sense, but if some of these rules were made, it would help the students, schools, and NBA.
  5. Hopefully he'll grow up and mature between now and Thursday. Heard today on the extra innings show that when a reporter asked him after his last start if has learned anything he said in a sarcastic tone "NO" and turned his back on the reporter. Just another incident in a long line of immature acts on his part since being sent back down last year and not getting to come north this spring.
  6. I agree with you on this 100%!:thumb:
  7. Your absolutely right, I wouldn't! Because I couldn't or wouldn't put up the crap that is allowed to go on these schools and of course our tax dollars pay to take away all disciplinary actions that used to be allowed when I went to school. Anyway, I am for him trying to get get his life together, but second chance he was given at Harmony Prep didn't seem to work did it. This kid needs to grow up and pay his debt to society. Get his GED and decide what kind of career other than playing basketball would best benefit him. If he wants to further his education after that, good for him, get student loans, pick a college, go to class, graduate, and become a tax paying member of society like the rest of us. Being a UK fan, I just can't fathom giving him a scholarship or prefered walk-on status. The program needs quality players and talent, on and off the court, not problem children. AS for most of the UK fans that post on here, I think the majority don't feel he deserves to be rewarded with a place on the team.:fight:
  8. I am sick and tired of athletes, no matter what level, making a public apology, and have a lawyer get them second, and third chances on drug and gun charges. Evidently he did what he wanted to do the last couple of years at SC and his grandfather, mother-where ever she is, Coach Hicks and and anyone else with some authority over this kid couldn't tell him what to do. So forget the diversion program, let him play a while for KDC- KY Dept. of Corrections! Or just let Chris Henry mentor him!:lol:
  9. Chambers from Mason Co. will not be participating due to an ankle injury she suffered during the regional tournament. I believe they put a cast on her sometime last week and should be ready for her freshman season at Dayton.
  10. Yes she is and your absolutely correct! But if your not familiar with the way the girls program was treated by the administration under Coach Buser then it's a toss up on if they do anything at all. Lacey Cline should have her number retired also along with Angie Garrett who they both passed to become 1 and 2 in girls scoring. If it ain't the boys it doesn't matter!:madman:
  11. I think Mason Co. played in this, do you have any scores for my Lady Royals?
  12. Nice article and very fine family. Have know her dad's side of the family for years and my daughter and her have been friends and teammates since boys club basketball. She was always a great friend and teammate to my daughter and I wish her nothing but the best at the next level. Her parents are class acts and I wish to thank her father for helping my daughter develop during their AAU playing days. Hopefully my work schedule will allow me time to watch a few games in person. Also hopefully the powers to be at Mason Co. will retire her jersey and display it proudly at the girls gym!:thumb:
  13. Has anyone heard anything about Kasey Litzinger and her being offered anything? I saw Pikeville talking with her after the Lex. Cath. game @ Memorial Coliseum? Saw her at the girls softball game yesterday but didn't get a chance to speak with her.
  14. I have also heard Fla. Atlantic might be interested in Cline because of the Mason Co. connection to the asst. coach Shannon Litton. She was in for the Christmas holidays and I saw her attend a girls game at the fieldhouse. Also I was told Maggie Prewitt was talking to a former Lady Royal at the St. Tourny. and mentioned the only real offer was from a D2 school out of state, but she couldn't remember what school she said was interested in her.
  15. Congatulations to both! They are fine young men and I am glad to see that they will get to further their playing careers.
  16. I personally like all 3, but Donovan turned down the job last year and Self won the big prise this year and really why would you leave LA for Lex. I know in all reality this thread is more of a wish list than anything else because in the end BCG will be here come Oct. 15. Just a personal like for the other 2 over Donovan. As far as Pelphrey and Ford are concerned, just like Roy Williams said when he took over at UNC, Matt Dogherty didn't have enough equity built up in his career to take on the detractors when things went south for him in his 2 short years and I see the Big Blue Fan Base really giving it too the two KY boys if they struggle recruiting or winning. In all reality out of the names I listed it would probably come down to Rick Barnes or Sean Miller.
  17. Since we're all playin devil's advocate here and playing AD let's go and use the power and money and connections that go along with being UK and very quietly send outa feeler for Self and Howland first and when they say "No Thanks" here is your short list: 1. Donovan 2. Calipari 3. Barnes 4. Miller
  18. Just unconfirmed rumors but i have heard Thomas More mentioned in passing conversations.
  19. :thumb: After listening to the coach speak at his press conference I am happy for the program getting someone outside of the local area to come in and put some spark into the program. But also I feel sorry for the Seniors who have graduated the past the past 3 or 4 years because if this change would have been made then our girls would maybe had at least a couple of Regional Titles instead of runner-up trophies. Good Luck to you Coach Butcher!
  20. It's been a privilige watching your whole high school and college career. Hopefully Tennessee can draw their first two NCAA Tournament games at Rupp Arena and give the home town folks from Maysville one final show. Good Luck to you and your teammates!:ylsuper:
  21. Despite the weather and the day of the game still up in the air, when do they open doors before the game starts? Trying to plan ahead.
  22. After reading some of the sarcastic remarks on this thread, some good natured fun toung in cheek stuff, some not, I have a real question for our fellow posters from the 40th District. What would have happened if the vote would have been 2 to 2? Who would have the tie breaking vote and is there a rule in place for this scenario? Fixing to make the trip Sat. weather permitting and know a good time will be had by all.
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