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Everything posted by Bluerunner

  1. If Walton takes care of the ball they win by 2 scores. If they don't take care of the ball (see the Bellevue game).
  2. Strong opinion, but not well versed on the subject matter.
  3. I have heard GCL schools chant at Highlands, "You Love NASCAR". Brilliant!!!
  4. I saw the Walton game last week for the Devils. It was bad on paper, but I thought Dayton was far better this year than last. Glad to see them put a whole game together.
  5. Looks like it is two running attacks getting after it this week. Simple formula: run, stop the run and take care of the football. The team that executes this will win.
  6. Dayton looked better than I thought they would. It was 14-0 Walton when Dayton drove the ball down the field and turned the ball over on downs at the 4 yard line. The next play went 96 yards to the house for a Walton touchdown. Went from being a possible 1 score game to 3 scores in a flash. Dayton's sails lost their air and it went south fast from here. I thought Dayton played pretty disciplined, and they have a couple of boys with some speed and size. They need to learn to finish. The season has started, now its trial by fire. They will get better as the season goes. The Bearcats took care of the football and played very good defense. Glad to see the young guys finish off the shutout. A true team effort in the shutout.
  7. No, no. Icognito. I played and went to HHS. That is what made it fun. Gets everyone fired up.
  8. Many years ago I used to drive in front of Highlands icognito and yell to the crowd, "Highlands Stinks," or something to that affect. Fun to getting everyone all worked up.
  9. Then check my comment to Boone vs Trinity (instead of Colerain). Memory is not so foggy on title games.
  10. This could be an old-school Boone County vs Elder from the Shaun Alexander days showing for Ryle. Elliot with 35 carries for 99 yards. If Ryle takes care of the football they will keep it closer than some think. I predict 21-7 Colerain. Would love to see Ryle play well.
  11. I heard a lot of stories about that Paris trip and heard there were ALL Sorts of "incidents" on those buses. The stories I am familiar with were more player related than driver related.
  12. Walton's line is very young (line wasn't the only problem). They will get better as the season goes. Everything can be fixed. Good job to Bellevue as they played very well up front. Bellevue had a slight hiccup last season. They have a very nice tradition of football there.
  13. Walton wins. Bellevue has a new offensive system that is very similar to Walton's offense. No surprises for Walton. Walton will disrupt the Bellevue offense big time up front. I think Walton will show some new wrinkles in their offense this season that will throw everyone they play off a bit. All this said, I guarantee Bellevue will be physical as always and will be ready to punch the Bearcats in the mouth (figuratively speaking).
  14. Add: Rob Reynolds- UK/Murray State Dave Berringer- UK Adam Crawford- Centre College
  15. I am a big fan of the 2 platoon system as well. I USED to be of the mind set give me my best 11 on the field all day long and go. That will make 11 hard-butts, but not a great team. The great, great tradition at Highlands has evolved into a monster under Coach Mueller. This has been a process to get to the level they are now. Highlands spent several years getting their heads pounded by some GCL teams and the like. Dale didn't whine, cry and not schedule them. He imitated them. He decided to beat them he had to become them. Basketball and Baseball can do the same things here. Basketball and Baseball have been good, but not as consistent. I believe they are on the right path in baseball as Coach Baioni has begun developing coaches and kids from the youth level. You do not lose all your great athletes to football. No need to bang on the football program, but look at what they did to get there, and imitate it. It will work, but not over night. No silver bullets, just work.
  16. The program will be and is fine. Tough season in terms of wins and losses, but a foundation is being laid. Look at the grade level of the big time contributers on this team. They are very young. The enthusiasm around the program is great with the kids, coaches and parents. It is easy to throw grenades anonymously on this site. Bluebird baseball is well coached. Stay steady.
  17. I agree that patience is needed for the Highlands Baseball team. I predict this young team will give several teams fits by the end of the year. Coach Baioni is planting seeds for baseball that have never been planted to benefit the program. No need to bash the football program. The sports can coexist with no problem. Coach Mueller was a baseball guy before a football guy. Dale played 4 years as a starting catcher at HHS, played college baseball at Cornell and played some minor league ball before coaching a down of football. I know Dale supports HHS Baseball. All sports take a commitment. The seeds for football have been here forever, but baseball has not. Its not coaches or the program preventing one from playing baseball, but the culture. Bluebird baseball can grow to a power if they continue on the path they are on.
  18. I hear Walton has good numbers for their offseason program even without a lot of baseball and track athletes. I know they lost a lot up front which is always a concern, but they should have another productive season if everyone puts the time in over the summer and stays healthy. They aren't in position to "reload" yet, but a successful "rebuilding" year will go a long way in establishing a top flight program.
  19. Coach B is a breath of fresh air for Highlands Baseball. He is committed to the program and is building a solid base all the way down to the Coach Pitch level. I believe the silliness of missing practice and games due to spring break will wane with each passing year. I know this has been a problem as long as I can remember, but I look at Coach B as being different from the way things were done in the past. I look for Highlands to have a very nice year this season. They will be fundamentally sound and not an easy win for anyone. Those of you from the outside looking in who don't get the spring break thing, I will tell you it is just as important for the parents to put on a show as it is for the kids.
  20. This kid should have a very good year. Is he only going to be a junior? He morphed into a very good player by the end of last year. If he continues to improve as I expect he will, then the Bearcats should look extremely good up front on the D-line next season.
  21. Holmes definitely has the athletes, with the right coach, they could build off their recent success.
  22. I agree Coach Barth is up and coming, but I know he is focussed solely on trying to make Walton-Verona into a State Championship level program. Still a ways to go, but heading in the right direction.
  23. Lickert petitioned the state to get into 4a prior to the recent realignment. I am pretty sure Holmes was the only school in the state to petition and win to move from a district in the middle of the 4 year cycle. Lickert was liked and appreciated at Holmes. I don't know what it's like at Campbell County now, but a few years ago the band took precedent over the football team. John Schlarman thought it easier to deal with inner city kids at Newport than the CC administration.
  24. I believe that Holmes would be more competitive in 6a than Campbell County will be. I also think Lickert might have stayed at Holmes if they weren't thrown in the new district they will play in. I haven't heard this from the Camels mouth, but I think the Holmes job became far less attractive after realigment.
  25. Maybe he'll go to Newport like Schlarman did? (jk) John didn't get a lot of support there. Steve Lickert might be Northern Kentucky Football's Larry Brown. He had a good thing going at Holmes until the new realignment came over the horizon. I think overall Holmes has more talent and would have better teams than Campbell County, but Holmes won't compete in their new district. Holmes will be playing for 3rd place every year. The Camels will at least be in the hunt.
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