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Everything posted by MountainThunder

  1. I don't think that most of those who have bashed Porter have posted on this thread yet.
  2. If you haven't coached, then your winning percentage is .000. If you have, then you have done an okay job!
  3. I would love for it to be Jodie. But at the time being, I would have to say Downey. The argument could be made for any of these guys and their infinite value to their squad, but SC is way better than I thought they would be, so he would probably get my vote (begrudgingly).
  4. Actually, I do! I lived there for 5 years, so I can relate!
  5. I agree, they both have springs in their legs. Watkins may be a little shorter, but they can both throw it down with one or two hands.
  6. I have noticed lower attendance at regular season games. I wish more schools would either let the kids in free or charge them $1. It would create a MUCH better environment for ball games. When I was in school, I remember nearly the entire football team would be there at most basketball games to support our friends and teammates. I don't remember having to pay to get in, but I could just be getting old and losing my mind. But I do remember having a great time at those games.
  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29508066/?GT1=43001 I guess she had too many teeth to be realistic for WV. :sssh:
  8. Happy B-day!!! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  9. I know of one potential applicant who is from the area and may be applying, but he is not currently in the area but is a head coach at another school. I should know in a few weeks if my sources are accurate.
  10. Don't know enough about Bartow's situation Rupp was forced to retire by state law Hall's wife was very ill at the time and he wanted to spend more time with her I think Tubby was just burned out at UK. That job has so much pressure that after a while, most people would believe it is time for a change. I would venture to say that it is unlikely we will see a coach stay at UK 10 years again.
  11. It is a very nice area to live in as well.
  12. They have already played them once at Clay, so they have seen them. I know that there is no way that Wright and Denney will overlook Spurlock and Clay. Clay gave them a great game last time and they should expect nothing but the Tigers' best shot.
  13. And we all wish we had your coaching record! A coach with a better winning percentage and background than Issel should have his opinion respected and honored on here!! :thumb:
  14. My answer to the question is that Durant is VERY good!
  15. You and 3wishes are both correct! Good luck to Jason at Campbellsville!
  16. Mitch has shown loyalty and patience with his coaches and that is to be commended. I have openly criticised BCG, but I don't want to see him leave right now. That could be VERY damaging to the program. 1-2 more years is his window to show that he can win at a very high level with his players.
  17. :ohbrother: So you have coached at the D1 and/or the NBA level? That is the only way that yours could be better is if you actually have been there. Where did you coach at? If you have more knowledge than he, maybe you should be coaching. :thumb:
  18. I agree that this should be a barnburner! I give South the edge in that they have owned the 13th since they have been in it and that experience can relate into no panic.
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