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Everything posted by kinglion

  1. I disagree that it hasn't worked, we put alot of points on the board with that offense. But we did not have a very good defense and all we could hope to do was to outscore the opponent.
  2. They generally do for some reason. All I know is the BC selections:Tyler Gatrell (MVP), Justin Moore, Brad Blanton, and Gatlin Barker.
  3. I would think that they pretty much would have to in order to have a chance at winning
  4. I've heard Bowling will take the hill for Boyd Co.
  5. I've gotta agree with RB on this one. I know how these coaches are and I really don't believe a kid in that situation would be cut for that reason. If that were the case, then the school board would be coming down on them, and that has not happened.
  6. Ashland was totally overmatched for Tyler Gatrell tonight. He pitched a great game tonight and was backed up well by his defense. Congrats to BC All Tournament: Tyler Gatrell(MVP), Justin Moore, Brad Blanton, and Gatlin Barker. Way to go Lions.
  7. Happened last year, but I still don't think Ashland will hit our pitching and I believe that we will hit Williams this time around
  8. With Raceland in a a runner-up means that a district champ will have to face Grizzle in the 1st round. Makes for an interesting scenario.
  9. Still gotta think that Boyd is still the favorite, but EC,Raceland, and Russell could give them a run for their money
  10. BC totally dominated Fairview tonight behind the strong pitching of Justin Moore. Also it was nice to see our bats come to life tonight as our hitters seemed to bang out hit after hit in plating 11 runs tonight.:dancingpa
  11. I've seen alot of attitudes adjusted by either poles or SR leadership or a combo of both
  12. How is it discipline whenever the trip was preapproved, but since the team lost the night before, they dont get to go??:confused: The kids had already paid their money because they were allowed to go, but instead they, or actually the parents, were out the money and the kid out of the trip that he earned for good grades.
  13. It is also a big difference in a Soph going to his JR season and a JR going into his SR season. I think that a Soph kid is most definitely too young to give up on. Most of these kids are in the year that they will really mature as young men. Heck, most Sophs aren't even driving yet.
  14. So what if someone hasn't made varsity as a junior? It makes no difference. Running off a junior (assuming no problems) at this point benefits the baseball program how?? Not at all in my view. The upside is that one of these times a junior may turn out to help your program as a senior - no one can deny that. The downside is what??? You have one more player working out through the offseason? You have one more player in line during tryouts? Those would be very pathetic excuses to run off kids for a public school program. This is High School. Too many of these high school coaches think much more of themselves and their own ability than they have reason to. Why do so many people play along? Woody Jr Yes, a JR can help out as a SR, but if he is on JV as a JR then he would have to really bust his butt in the off season to contribute as a SR. But you are correct, every kid should at least get a chance to try out and make the coach either cut him or keep him at the beginning of a year, not at the end before the next season even starts. But cutting kids happens everywhere all the time in public schools and there is no way you can keep every kid that comes out. I totally agree with your opinion on the coaches 100%. The reason so many people play along is for fear of repercussions against their kids. Just the other day, some kids had earned a trip to Kings Island for succeeding in academics throughout the year, but the team lost a ballgame the night before and the kids were told they were not allowed to go to Kings Island because they had lost the game the night before. This is the kind of actions that should not be tolerated, but they have to be for fear of the kid suffering the consequences.
  15. :thumb: and quality players as well. I would dare say that since Jody took over in 1987, that no other school in this area has sent as many kids as BC has to the next level. That is just a tribute to the kids, the parents, and the coaching staffs at BC
  16. Using CJ in this example doesn't really fit into this arguement though. CJ was already very good and playing on the Varsity level. He only improved his game even more in order to be the best player he could be. He didn't want to end his SR season in a slump the way it happened his JR season. He dedicated himself to being better because he was trying to take the blame for the 2004 team not advancing. My arguement is that the JV is no place for a JR to be at all. The only exception would be that if a team was so loaded and SR dominated, that the JR would get no playing time on Varsity, and would only improve himself by being on JV. Then and only then, would I say that a coach would really owe it to that player to get a legit shot at varsity the next season.
  17. :thumb: very well stated. Only problem is, those 6'1" 190lb players are going to start to be fewer and fewer than in the past, along with the talent level not quite being what BC is used to. So hopefully, these coaches will be able to get that 110% out of those players.
  18. How do you figure that the 2004 team was better than the 2005 team?? BC improved at almost every position for 2005. The 2005 SR's (Seasor,Hughes,Hensley, and Sturgill) were replaced at their positions by Wamsley,Gatrell, Sargent, and Branham. Plus the underclassmen got another year under their belts, so I truely believe that 2005 was a better team than 2004, and their record showed it.
  19. Why all the focus on Seasor and CJ??? CJ wasn't half the player his JR season as he was his SR season. Of any player that ever worked his butt off to get better, it was CJ. He realized after his JR year making the last out against Ashland, that he wasn't the player that he knew he could be and made himself into the player that he became during his SR season.
  20. I'm not so sure that team was better, but the competition was better that year than last year. Of that fact there can be no argument. As for your view on how easy coaching can be, I can't believe that we would actually share the same feelings on this issue. Coaching HS kids has to be one of the toughest jobs around. I don't know if it is a BC thing or not, but there has definitely been a seperation between coaches and parents. And I'm not just saying that about this years coaches, because it happened during the Hamilton and the Spade years too. But this is definitely a problem that needs fixed on both sides. Parents are to blame for this problem just as much as coaches and the players. Too many people rely on what little Johnny did in Little League instead of what is going on right now. The coaches have set themselves apart from most also, and many parents feel the only way for their kid to get ahead is to suck up to the coaches and not say anything for fear of it being taken out on their kid. That is the same feeling that was around during the Jody years, and for that matter, it spilled over into the Spade years as well. Somewhere along the line, this has got to be fixed.
  21. I still stand beind my statement that JRs playing JV don't stand much of a chance on making varsity. I don't consider them as younger players, by the JR year you should be experienced enough to be on varsity. As far as wanting the new coaching staff and this team to fail, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Sure I'm not a fan of some of the coaches, I have plenty of good reasons not to be, but HS baseball is not about the coaches, it is, or should, be about the kids. Do you not think that it killed me last season when we lost at state? I absolutely hated it for those kids. I hope every team at BC wins state, but that probably won't happen, it would be too improbable. But this team does have the talent to do it if they will come together and play like they are capable. If not, then they could be watching the post season instead of being a part of it all again like they should be.
  22. Every story seems like it always has 3 sides, the side of both parties, then the actual truth. There is probably some truth in what both sides are saying. Some of the younger kids may not be as good as what BC is accustomed to in the past, but it is the coaches responsibility, along with the player, to be the best that he can be. That takes hard work and dedication from both sides, and a kid that young should not be given up on. Some of these kids are playing JV ball before they are even ready to perform at that level. As for parents being afraid of saying anything for fear of it being held against their kid, that is getting back to the same feeling parents had during the Jody years. And no matter what anyone says, it goes on. For some reason, it doesn't feel like a big family at BC anymore. There is too much jealousy and bickering among coaches, players, and parents. I just wish I knew a solution to it all, because if it doesn't stop, BC baseball is going to be diminished to a lower class than what they are accustomed to.
  23. I agree with Redblood, if a kid hasn't made varsity by is JR season, then odds are he doesn't deserve t be on varsity. That way you can clear a spot for a younger kid and hopefully deveop him better.
  24. This game just goes to show even more of how Boyd Co has struggled this season against quality pitchers. We have the pitchers to beat anyone in the state, but if our hitting doesn't start producing, then it won't matter.
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