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Everything posted by Tomcat9

  1. Ashland's team next year is going to be very inexperienced with only a handful of players who played more than a few plays in varsity this year. But I look for them to find a way to step it up and make next year another successful season.
  2. After watching the film I saw very, and i mean very few mistakes by them.. perfect was exagerating, i know.. but it wasn't just a good game either.. JC played an outstanding game! I will just leave it at that.. I thought it was kind of a compliment to the kids by saying that, I'm sure our kids would be happy to get that kind of recognition.. sorry if you took it the wrong way though :thumb:
  3. OK guys.. I know what you all are going to say about this.. but I think the Tomcats have a great chance to pull off the upset! Now here's my reasoning behind this: Last time these teams met JC played a near perfect game, and if I'm exagerating it's not a big one. Ashland on the other hand had over 300 missed assignments, and yes the coaches watched this film countless times and counted them. One big number that stood out to me was 32 missed tackles for Ashland.. no one can win a game playing like that. Coach Tony Love showed a short movie today to the players that I think really put things in perspective, not to mention how great a motivation it was. The beginning of the film was meant to absolutely embarass the players.. and I'll just say it did its job. The second part however showed what the Tomcats can accomplish when they read their keys and work together as a family. The team was pumped after seeing that part. During the team's practice, their were several motivational speeches from the coaches that really got the players going and you could see a difference in the way they practiced.. If this keeps up for the rest of the week I think all the Ashland fans will see that emotion and heart they have been waiting for since the Russell game. Be ready to see the Tomcats put together 4 qtrs. of hard hitting, not quitting, full of emotion, teamwork football. So get ready JC because the real Tomcats are coming to town this week. I assure you that what you saw last time was not the team the Tomcats can be when they put their minds and hearts to it. This doesn't mean its probable that the underdog Tomcats will win, but I believe that it is very possible! JC fans, you all have a great team with high expectations and if your team makes it past Ashland this week I will be rooting for you all 100%. I'm just not ready for football season to end for us though and i refuse to believe the Cats will go down without a fight. So Ashland fans, i have a question for you.. "DO YOU BELIEVE?"
  4. Wow! This is gonna be a GREAT game! Can't wait Go Tomcats!!!!
  5. My vote goes to Shawn Grimm as well. He was an absolute man last night against my Tomcats. As for his height and weight i believe its 5'10" 180? Someone from JC might wanna check that for me.
  6. I personally didnt mind the music, I thought it was rather clever. But I guess thats just my opinion on it. One thing that did stand out to me was the sound system, it was amazing.
  7. I would like to congratulate JC on a great game. I knew they were good, but WOW!! Hopefully there's a rematch in the near future . On another note, the JC players are a very classy bunch. I noticed several of their players helping up ours throughout the game, which is something you dont see very often. So congrats JC, and Ashland let's pick ourselves up and have a great game this week as for the weeks to follow.
  8. Congrats to Drew McDavid on his accomplishment and the Tomcats on their win.
  9. Ashland 38 - Lawrence Co. 6 with 5 min. to go. Yes, Ashland plays Johnson Central next week
  10. Ashland 31 - Lawrence Co. 6 with 10 minutes left in the game
  11. Tomcats 24 - Lawrence Co. 6 with 4 minutes to go in 3rd quarter.
  12. Blazer does have a really nice field, however it's not the field itself that makes it great. The atmosphere on Friday nights is amazing and IMO can't be beaten. The players are surrounded on 3 sides by the fans, and it is rare to go to an Ashland game that isn't packed. If you haven't been to a game at Putnam you need to because there is an alomst electric feeling in the air... and yes I know I'm biased . I will say however the visitors locker room does need work, that's the biggest problem.
  13. I've always wanted EA to make a game for high school football. They could take the top 100 or maybe even 200 schools in the country and make a game out of it. I guarantee it would sale a bundle!
  14. Good win for the Tomcats. Now the season really begins, just continue the hard work.
  15. They had the cannon for the raceland game, I'm not sure about the Belfry game though. I personally like the cannon as well
  16. I saw the news a while ago and SportsZone was on... and i heard something that I'm guessing was a mistake. They said the game was at Henry R. Evans Stadium? Did anyone else catch that or know anything about it? I hope its just a mistake because I'm really looking forward to the game being at Putnam tomorrow. I even used my DVR and went back to listen to it a couple of times to make sure my hearing wasn't going bad. Good luck to both teams tomorrow night, but of course I hope my Tomcats come out on top.
  17. The all-star tournament is taking place this week in Louisville. It was supposed to start today but the games got pushed back a day due to rain. What's your all's thoughts on the teams?
  18. I noticed Drew McDavid on the list as a WR. Only Ashland person I saw.
  19. What a way for Russell to get its 500th win in school history. WAY TO GO RUSSELL!!!!!
  20. I just joined today, and I love it! This is a great site. I'm sure I'll be leaving a lot of comments.
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