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Everything posted by Himmelfarb

  1. And it's so much easier to sit safely in the stands and nitpick.
  2. Let me say this, Gottarebound,...you, my friend, are certainly getting your money's worth on BGP.
  3. One may not like the physical style of play or Pete's constant working of the officials...but he gets the most out of his players and he can coach a game.
  4. Hey...honestly...I said one thing (I think...at least I can remember only one elbow in my side from the statistician)...and it was for the benefit of those around me who, like me, were wondering if last night's game was when we would all learn just who is...TheWalrus!!:scared:
  5. You know, I still hesitate to denigrate the 16th Region officials en masse. I realize just how hard some of them work and how much they aspire to do the best job they can...and there are those. What is so irritating is when one witnesses just how critical two or three obviously missed or bad calls are to the outcome of a game...and then you see that there are a certain few officials that seem to always be the ones blowing the whistle in those instances. BGP is just a place to vent, forget it and go on...until you see them take the court for your next game. Even then...you groan, have a laugh with a friend in the stands...and enjoy it all.
  6. The Lady Royals have only 5 games remaining on their schedule and play again next Saturday at Sheldon Clark against Shelby Valley.
  7. Top row, good guys section. Once I even screamed at the ref that her name must be TheWalrus...but I got no reaction. I'll keep trying.
  8. What are you talking about? No one said anything about a cospiracy to target Queen and Terry. My only comment was that last night's game featured two officials that...and let me be as delicate as I can here...exhibit something less than the ideals one hopes for in a ref. They are what they are...and they are that way whenever they officiate a game.
  9. Not a favorite memory, but one I've told my kids through the years and they never tire of hearing it (and forgive me for injecting a football story)... I'm now old enough to say "back in the day"...and it was...32 years ago when coaches were of the mindset that kids should not drink during a practice. August two-a-days...in full pads...and the heat was stifling. We were so hot and thirsty that during the huddle, we would pass a towel around and each of us would wipe the sweat off of our face and neck. We would then pass the same towel around a second time...and take turns sucking the sweat out of the towel. Hey, when you're thirsty...
  10. Experiencing an involuntary mood swing there, Walrus? Thanks.
  11. Sounds like an interesting New Thread topic to me...
  12. Oops...that's twice tonight. I tried to correct my earlier "crebible" before you noticed, but OldRambler quoted me before I could get to it.
  13. She may have missed a quarter or just over, with 2 fouls early, then the injury...sat again when she picked up her 4th and then fouled out with just over 2 minutes remaining. Kaylyn saw quite a bit of action...I would guess almost a half...and she is just a very confident spot-up shooter to be so young. She didn't have to handle the ball and is very good at finding space.
  14. She had her back wrenched by being pulled backwards and was then slammed to the ground and landed on her back...and there is no other way to describe it but that she was slammed.
  15. I'm just glad I read it before you deleted it. You provided the perfect segway... :thumb:
  16. She's experiencing some pain and increasing stiffness. Hopefully alternating heat and ice through the night will help. Thanks for asking.
  17. The complaints about the officials have nothing whatsoever to do with the relationship among the fans. One of the three does a very credible job and though she is young and new to the ranks, she will be one of the very best officials in the 16th Region in due time. The other two simply continue to demonstrate their incompetence every time I see them call a game.
  18. Congratulations to the Lady Rams. Best wishes to you in Richmond.
  19. Queen: 12 pts, 5/8 shooting (1/1 3ptrs), 1/2 free throws, 4 rebs, 6 asts Terry: 23 pts, 8/15 shooting (3/6 3ptrs), 2/2 free throws, 11 rebs, 6 asts Faulkner: 18 pts, 7/13 shooting (3/3 3ptrs), 1/2 free throws, 4 rebs, 7 asts Adkins: 6 pts, 2/3 shooting, 2/3 free throws, 1 reb, 1 ast Dundon: 4 pts, 2/4 shooting, 2 rebs Gambill: 9 pts, 3/6 shooting (all 3ptrs) A few thoughts... Britt gets whistled for a foul, turns away from the official and obviously says something...and gets T'd up for it. If she deserved it, fine...but later in the game, Laura is called for a foul, turns and throws the ball up over her head and over the backboard and is given a warning...and rightly so. I am not debating the justification for the technical on Britt; I am questioning why she is not shown the same courtesy of a warning that others get. Good job, Abbey Dundon for calmly putting the ball on the floor, driving to the basket and making what proved to be the game winning shot. Kaylyn Gambill drains 3's like there is nothing to it. Nice job of finding space and spotting up. That's your role and you did it superbly this evening. As for the officials...I refer you to Scooterbob's earlier statement.
  20. I have every confidence in the Lady Rams...and will be looking forward to reading of their success in Richmond. How is Vanderhoof?
  21. As is their norm when reporting on girls basketball, the ADI had a small blurb on this game (am I the only one vexed by this continual practice...and it has become almost comical in its regularity). I was curious to see Webb's numbers and saw that she had 26 points and 13 rebounds. I've always been impressed with her as a player. She is a very aggressive defender and has surprising quickness and speed. Congratulations on a good game.
  22. Hey, ShooterX3...how did you manage to stay out of all those pictures in this morning's paper?!!
  23. This Lady Royal household would be there if we didn't have a game. Good luck...and good health.
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