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Everything posted by Himmelfarb

  1. Congratulations, Jonathan. It was nice to see it happen on a 3 rather than at the foul line. Glad we were there.:thumb:
  2. I thought it was a cramp or calf strain. Is there a possibility that it is a more severe injury?
  3. I wondered if I was ever going to hear from you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really got tickled when it happened.
  4. Sent it again...check your Inbox...and what did you mean by the Miss Basketball comment? Your fans await you!!
  5. No, no...here it is..."How come every time you come 'round, my London, London Bridge wanna go down like, London, London, London...we goin' down..."...whatever the heck that means. Hey, moderators...I'm on topic. Go Lady Royals...and Lady Rams.
  6. As D'Niro would say..."Hey, I'm practicing magnanimity here!!" Oh no, that's what the winners do. My bad...well, then I'm just trying to give a kid a compliment. As for the D...you're right.
  7. Check out the picture of Vanderhoof being double-teamed by Queen and Terry on the online version of the Daily Independent. I remember the play. She did score and the picture demonstrates just how hard she worked and why she had such a tremendous game. http://www.dailyindependent.com/localsports/images_sizedimage_019011236/resources_photoview Good job, young lady.:thumb: Oh, and take a look at the kid in the upper left hand corner. Good looking kid. And while we're at it, check out the glare off the large forehead in the picture of Queen and Keeton on the front page of this morning's ADI.
  8. Did you intend to add a word or two there to complete the thought? Walrus...you are really on a roll this afternoon. Also...empty your mailbox so you can receive my last PM (yes, fellow BGPers, Walrus and I have exchanged pleasantries via several PMs today).
  9. Bif, Bam, Zowie....Oh, Oooh, Ouch...you got me, Walrus. I obviously forgot to list Kaylyn's free throws (sorry, young lady)...but, trust me, they're on the stat sheet. You know, the stat sheet...that awful thing that I created that allowed my wife to take charge of stats and such at Rose Hill. Keep it up, Kaylyn...and remember (you'll love this, Walrus)...you look just like a little Emmy out there on the floor!!:thumb: :banana: :laugh: :dancingpa
  10. Please, please...we were just about to enter the lovefest portion of this thread. (...just kidding, Lady Rams...I meant every word I said earlier!!:thumb: )
  11. I have said that both privately and...I think...publicly on these pages. However, allow me to repeat it. The Lady Rams are doing what the Rose Hill kids did last year...experiencing a dream, accomplishing a long sought after goal and creating memories that will last them a lifetime...and I commend them for their wonderful execution of a smart game plan, for the way they conducted themselves both during and after the game and for being such worthy opponents. The small school tournament is a first class event and you will love the time you spend there. Enjoy...and best wishes. Now...let's hope that Coaches Cantrell and Romer don't spoil it for you guys...and make us all look silly in the process. No disrespect to them and the very fine job they have done at Elliott County, but Lady Rams...I think the All A Regional is yours to lose. I hope you get it done!!
  12. Relief at last...much appreciated. Be strong, Bogeyman...it gets rough on these pages.
  13. Hey, I went to public schools...I can figure it out!! :thumb: Just kidding people...I was a Tomcat...still have my jacket...loved it there...love and respect Herb Conley more and more with every passing year (still afraid of him though)...loved my English teacher...had a great time...I'M JUST KIDDING!!! Please...just laugh with me...I crumbling under the abuse!!
  14. Absolutely no offense taken and I certainly read no "slam" into your words. When I used the work "overstate," that's all I meant...just trying for clarity nothing more. I would hope that nothing that has been said here would escalate into hard feelings or trouble...here or beyond. It's because all of this is in fact so interesting that such discussions develop. It is why I read BGP.:thumb:
  15. Thank you, IntentionalFoul. I defer all further questions and concerns to you.:thumb:
  16. You may well be correct...I just have different view of what would have been more effective. And let me say that to articulate that view is not to disparage a coach or a coaching staff. I am fully aware of who misses shots, fails to play defense and so forth. As for rebounding...you'll get no argument from me. What I regret is the lack of real straighforwardness here...and I realize it gets more difficult when one's identity becomes known. I have tried to be direct and speak to particulars without being overly critical and personally demeaning. I think one should give credit to where credit is due and not simply lump players together in their criticisms...lack of effort, rebounding, etc. Seals was held to 8 points...not a bad defensive effort there. Dare we say who guarded her?!! Emily had 13 rebounds and I thought she worked hard...from the first whistle. Did she make mistakes? You bet...and they've been recorded and discussed. Vanderhoof...a really solid young player...had a tremendous game. Laura, having taken only two shots the first half, never really got involved in the offense and it affected her play on both ends of the floor. She did not have her best defensive effort against Vanderhoof. Now, we love her in this household...and I assure you I could speak to her in those exact words (and I've done so...having coached her). Brit, in my view, should have been taken out immediately upon picking up her second foul and allowed to settle down emotionally...and that she was not took its toll. As for primetimers stepping up...let me continue to speak bluntly here. Readers will have already seen that according to some, the Lady Royals suffer from "Queen ball." Now...she hit 8 of 12 shots from the floor, had 13 boards (hard-earned in that game as those present I trust would attest), 6 steals (unless TheWalrus is to be believed and those numbers were padded), and 4 assists, and yet was told she played selfishly. What do you think would have been the reaction had she "taken over" as some have suggested? I dont' think she or anyone else should go against the direction of their coaches and try to "take over." That may be the case when players are paid to perform, but this is the level at which kids are still learning to respect the authority of a coach and hopefully will be required to do whatever they are told...regardless of however much they or I disagree with it. Obviously, when I make the kind of remarks I have made with respect to those directions, it is at odds with some of the coaching decisions. I'm just talking here...and aren't we all...not trying to trash a coach. My remarks should not be construed as a personal attack or an undue criticism of any coach. I'm just an armchair (and bleacher) coach...the same as the rest of you.
  17. Thank you, Frances. I'm getting beat up on the Girl's Forum...it's nice to be appreciated here.
  18. Indeed...thank you. With all due respect, may I say that I think you overstate matters when you suggest dissention among our players or that RH fans are arguing. I give a bit more credit to the young players about whom I have spoken here. To ask them to play a particular role is to do nothing more than to say, "Girls, we have to play to our strengths...and your strengths are...." Is it really that absurd a notion to suggest that a sixth grader not be asked to run the point when you have a senior on the floor who has handled that responsibility off and on for the past 4 years? I assure you that the sixth grader in question...a great kid, who loves and adores her senior teammates...would completely understand. I'm talking about carburetor adjustments here...not a complete overhaul...just some tweaking that I think better serves the team's interests. I agree with GottaRebound's earlier critique...in principle...but I think they apply more to a team where there is a greater degree of parity among the players. It reads good to say kids have to "step up"(not sure he said exactly that, but others have), but The Lady Royals have a bit more drop off when forced to sub and it has to be managed. That's not mean-spirited or haughty, just an honest observation. I coached girls for five years and my experience is that one can speak to them about such particulars and trust that they are mature enough to understand. If one expects kids to demonstrate the maturity necessary to perform the physical skills we discuss here, one must also assume enough maturity on their part to understand that there are roles to play. My 7th grader certainly understands this simple truth.
  19. I hope they kick...ugh hum...backside...on Saturday and beyond.:ylsuper: :thumb:
  20. My apologies to the wonderful Rose Hill fans who read and post here. I share some guilt in this matter; I tend to push things, albeit in an attempt to have fun with the subject matter and those who participate in the "give and take." I regret that this discussion devolved into such bickering. I love the younger players and have enjoyed watching them this season...and I try to single them out in person and tell them so. They are a delightful group of girls and will themselves have a fine team in just a year or two. My concern in last night's game had to do, not with the fact that the younger players were involved...obviously they have performed quite well of late and are gaining in experience and confidence (those are good things;) )...but that during a critical time in the game (RHCS had a 9-10 point lead and Faulkner had just gone to the bench), the more experienced players were not shown the confidence to control the ball and the game that I think they have earned. They were not allowed that chance and the lead was lost...in just a matter of 3 or 4 trips up and down the floor. In my view (and this is what we do here), Emily goes to the point and Laura...whether she was getting Shaq'd or not...plants herself in the post and Emily, who is tall enough to pass over-the-top, feeds the posts...and you pound the ball inside to a player who has proven that she can finish inside with contact. Do the younger kids take shots? Of course, but not at the expense of Laura, a senior who is a 50plus% career shooter. If for no other reason, pound the ball inside in an attempt to draw fouls. Finally, with respect to stats...my wife has kept stats since Emily was in the 4th grade (I know, I know...we are constantly accused of caring only about points). I have spent hours in the library searching through microfilm records of newspapers and on the phone with ADs, coaches and statisticians from other schools in an attempt to construct what was missing at Rose Hill...a record of past performance of all the other RHCS players. We've always kept Emily's...pts, rebs, assts, stls, blks, etc, but wanted to create as complete a record as possible for all the kids. If a number could not be confirmed, it has not been counted. For the past 4 seasons, we have kept a detailed record of every game...for each player on the team...and as best as we have been able in a fashion consistent with the NCAA Statisticians Manual...and have made those figures available to the KHSAA, newspaper reporters, tournament officials, college coaches, parents and others on the behalf of the team and those RHCS players hoping to play at the next level. This was not to "take over" anyone's duties, but to do what was not being done. It's just that simple. Good luck, Lady Rams...and we hope to see you again in Morehead.:thumb:
  21. You've still not answered my request that you explain yourself. You have every right to prefer some players over others, but to suggest that Emily's 12 shots from the floor against Raceland was somehow selfish or took away from the team really seems a stretch.
  22. Yeah, I'm gettin' beat on somethin' fierce here.
  23. All of the chatter above has taken away from a great performance by the Lady Rams. Let me take this time to again say...well done, Ladies. Now, get it done on Saturday. You deserve a trip to Richmond.
  24. Please translate the "they will really show when when they get into college ball" portion of your last remarks. I'm not sure what you mean. As for Queen having more steals than Faulkner... We had them 6 & 5. Do you have something different? If so, just say so. You act as if any mistakes are made with malicious intent (Say, you're not one of those crazy cheerleader mothers from Texas, are you? Your really seem to be angered over all of this). And finally...I don't suspect the RHCS statistician will be taking over in Murfreesboro, although she would probably do a real good job. Come to think of it...new laptop, up-to-date software (no more making our own spreadsheets), more money...say, you've given me food for thought.
  25. I agree...and used to film, but I find myself watching the game and not moving the camera. Also, I would rather not have my occasional "outbursts" recorded. No offense taken...I just wanted to make clear that I was not blaming particular players earlier. I agree that losses can be blamed on all...from the bench to those on the floor. I enjoy your remarks. Even if I do not always agree with them, I find you to be objective and insightful.
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