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Everything posted by jpa2825

  1. Finally got the stream -- w/ 1:35 left. JC calls final TO
  2. When you're getting 20 and 30 yds. a pop, why not?
  3. Black Eagle won't be happy. He left for work at 9:00 PM (about the time things started to go sideways for JCHS)
  4. And a cautionary tale to READERS not to believe everything you read and for POSTERS to be sure of what you are writing before you post it. :thumb: I think the post-game thread included a reference that the Ashland player was undergoing surgery at the hospital.
  5. Any of our Ashland or Johnsonville brethren care to comment on the quality (or lack thereof) of US 23 from Ashland to Paintsville? I know it used to be a nightmare if you got behind a coal truck, but I've heard that US 23 has been upgraded substantially in the past years. Given the construction, propensity for traffic tie-ups (see last night and the HHS girls soccer semifinals) and holiday traffic on 75, might be a more enjoyable ride.
  6. Anyone from HHS considered going AA to/toward Ashland and then down 23 to Paintsville? Obviously less Interstate/Parkway, but the AA is a good road and I think 23 from Ashland to Paintsville is good road. Definitely wouldn't come back that way in the dark, but might be a nice change of scenery for the drive down. Assuming 2.5 hrs. from NKY to Ashland and 1 hour from Ashland to Paintsville, seems pretty close on the driving time. Thoughts?
  7. Can we get a G5 in there? Seriously, given that busses must be rented for any away football game, I have heard a reasonable explanation that charters to all is actually cheaper than yellow busses for short trips and charters for long trips. Has something to do with the # of yellow busses that must be rented since there is no equipment storage in yellow busses like there is on charters. Care to trade SEEK formula funding amounts from the State?
  8. A - not sure anyone said that in the thread B - if they did say it, they would be supported by voluminous quantities of historical data (state championships, head-to-head records, preponderance of blowout games, etc.) That said, all of that historical data did not help HHS in the single snapshot of time that was the game against Rockcastle County a few years ago when the running clock was turned against HHS. There are always "outliers" in the data which is why they play the games. If "mountain football" (whatever definition you give to it) is truly closing the gap, over time those "outliers" will start to become the pattern. Until then, data suggests that NKY football is stronger than "mountain football."
  9. Any word on how the field, stands, concession stand, dressing rooms, weight room, etc. were funded? Is there a significant Booster group?
  10. Also not trying to be a smart-aleck, but in a 3-5-3 defense, how are you supposed to defend the bubble screen to #4? Does the OLB flex out to cover #4 in the slot (BS was in a 2x1 formation with single RB, #4 in the slot and the TE on that side)? Seemed like HHS stayed in the vanilla which put the OLB outside the TE but not all the way out to the slot. Simple pitch & catch to #4, WR blocks CB, TE blocks OLB and #4 is into the secondary without any difficulty. Thoughts?
  11. He missed an extra point and another FG. Looked good when he made them, but bad when he missed. Notice Marin kicked the XP before the FG.
  12. Let's also point out that #55 got the critical personal foul penalty after the Dempsey interception to take it from 2nd and Goal at the 1 yd. line to 2nd and goal at the 16 yd. line. A missed FG was the result of the drive. That was right after HHS' statement long drive to open the 2nd half. If they punch it in from the 1 yd. line to go up 28-12, that could have been a killer. He drove #32 to the ground right at the feet of the White Hat. Not knowing when the whistle blew, hard to say if it was late or not. Regardless, it was WAAAAAY AWAY from the play. If it was even close, #55 will not enjoy films.
  13. In the Semis Region 3 travels to Region 4. I assume Region 2 also hosts Region 1, correct?
  14. Everybody just get over yourselves. It's important. We get it. All this "My Coach is more classy than your potty-mouthed Coach" and "My Coach has as many state titles in fewer years than your 'in touch with his feelings Coach" is goofy. Living in Caketown, I'm the 1st to tell you there are many HHS "fans" who have yet to see a single flag thrown correctly against HHS even in an 81-0 shutout and that define themselves through the actions of teenagers from 7:30 - 9:30 on Friday nights. Putting things in perspective is important. Whoever wins Round 4 of the Playoffs, the sun will still come up the next day for the other team, their parents will still love the players just as much and there will still be joy and tears for both sides as they move through life -- hopefully better prepared for the journey from their experience on the gridiron. In the grand scheme of things, that's what's important. Support your team with all your energy. Save the energy used for cross words at others for a more noble purpose -- volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  15. Agreed on most comments above: 1 - Bwood players & fans had MUCH more enthusiasm in the 1st half. Not sure how long the Bwood players have sported the mohawks, but that is certainly a sign of team unity. 2 - Illegal substitution was key play #1. Bwood got the 2d half kick and was forced to punt. Birds had nice drive to McGurn's TD. 2 pt. conversion made it 22-15. Ensuing KO skips past dangerous #42 and Bwood takes over at their own 5. 4th & 6 with Bwood in punt formation, Birds get penalty. I've never heard of automatic 1st down for illegal substitution, but I am very confident that the 5 yds. wasn't enough for 1st down. For whatever reason, it was a 1st down. 3 - Key play #2 was the 71 yd. TD on 3rd & 18 after a Bwood penalty. Same drive (after changing ends for 4th quarter). If the Birds force a punt there, they have momentum and an opportunity to tie the game (or go ahead). Great pass, great catch & great run after catch. Bwood made more plays, better plays and capitalized when opportunities were given/created. They deserved to win and did so.
  16. Just clarifying -- you are saying above that JC ends the season at 15-0, correct?
  17. Bad info from the spouse. Paper says it was Ayers.
  18. Apparently a huge accident on 75 South delayed the HHS team. The 6:00 PM game is scheduled to start at 8:27 PM. The 8:00 PM game will follow. Let me know if you want me to post updates.
  19. In addition to Halloween, apparently an announcement was made at all schools (including the elementary schools) that kids would need to find a seat and would not be allowed to "run around" at the game. The point was emphasized as my 7th grader skipped the game because of it. Not sure if some shenanigans at prior games escalated into injuries or complaints or what the reason was.
  20. I would agree that IF the KHSAA is saying "Ashland/JC your request to be 4A is denied because (among other things) you are the same size as some others in 5A" and that comparison is to a 3A or 4A-sized school that has been granted permission to play up in 5A. I, however, didn't even consider that until your post. I read the KHSAA response as comparing them to others in 5A that were there naturally. I thought they were basically saying, "No, you can't go down to 4A, there are others your size toward the bottom of 5A and there always will be teams on the low and high fringes of each classification." Anyone know which is right? Are there others (even just 2 or 3) with similar enrollment #s from whatever year they are using? P.S. If you're saying they should look at the #s more often, I think LN's post speaks to that. Nothing will be perfect.
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