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Everything posted by jpa2825

  1. Of course, Michael Jordan got cut from the varsity team when he was a Sophomore in HS, so there are exceptions.
  2. Will Mueller/Weinrich run the no D-line, 7 linebackers dancing around at the line of scrimmage defense or was that just to give CCH something to look at on video this week? [i imagine it is difficult for the OL to determine who to block.] How much D will Cecil play? If lots, will Tony G QB a series or 2? Have the benches in the CCH section been reinforced with aviation grade titanium to avoid last year's circumstance? Anyone know what officiating crew has been assigned? I'm sure it will be a veteran crew. Matt Young was supposed to be back in action for the playoffs. I know his crew had the regular season game last year. Can't remember if they also did the playoffs. Should be a good one. I'll be there before the gates open (helping to set up concession stands.)
  3. Am I correct that if HHS keeps winning, all games are at David Cecil Memorial Stadium until the Pizza Box?
  4. Garnis Martin Field in beautiful Bardstown, KY!!! Before/after the game everyone could mosey by My Old Kentucky Home, the Bourbon Heritage Center and St. Joseph's Cathedral (1 of the 1st 4 Catholic dioceses in the US along with Boston, New York and Philadelphia) -- sure to be a draw for the 6A game!
  5. Would the KHSAA consider both schools (old boundaries & new boundaries) OK for student athlete seniors? Would make common sense but you know how that goes. Would hate to see a Conner Senior ruled ineligible to play because he stayed at Conner instead of going to Cooper and had no change of address. It's a shame we even have to consider the possibility that the KHSAA could be that stupid -- but we do.
  6. Anyone know if either team is going to be shorthanded on any key players for any reason (injuries, suspensions, eligibility, etc.)? Obviously, no need for details, just want to know if all the key players are going to be there for the Championship Game.
  7. ~125 kids on 5 teams in 3rd/4th Grade Division ~150 kids on 6 teams in 5th/6th Grade Division ~100 kids on 4 teams in 7th/8th Grade Division Rules and other information can be found at http://www.FortThomasJrFootball.com, if you're interested
  8. Statman - for clarification, on Alternative #2 the QB runs the ball PAST the 1st down mark, then fumbles and the ball is recovered SHORT of the 1st down mark. I assume since you are spotting at point of recovery regardless, you'd say ball is turned over on downs since recovered SHORT of the 1st down mark, right?
  9. Don't know anything about the situation, but if the injunction issues and you're Whitley County, do you: A - play the kid to comply with the Judge's Order and risk forfeiting all games he played in if it eventually goes the other way? B - not play the kid to avoid potential forfeits and risk having the parent sue you or a contempt hearing before the Judge? Past KHSAA actions put the schools in an untenable position. KHSAA should change their rules/policy to state that there is no penalty to member schools for complying with a valid court order. To do otherwise is a tacit accusation by the KHSAA that the Kentucky courts are not to be trusted.
  10. For all the refs & wannabe refs out there, what's the correct ruling? KHSAA Rules Apply Offense has the ball 4th and EXACTLY 1 yd. to go at the Defense's 45 yd. line. QB fumbles the initial exchange from center, the ball bounces around and is eventually recovered by an offensive player 2 yds. beyond the original line of scrimmage. Where is the ball placed and who has possession? Alternative #1, same as above, but QB possesses the ball, runs forward on the QB sneak 2 feet beyond the LOS and then fumbles the ball which is recovered by an offensive player 2 yds. beyond the original LOS. Where is the ball placed and who has possession? Alternative #2, same as above, but QB possesses the ball, runs forward on the QB sneak 2 yds. beyond the LOS and then fumbles the ball which is recovered by an offensive player 2 feet beyond the original LOS. Where is the ball placed and who has possession?
  11. Fortunately, FTJFL did not schedule any games for SAT the 22nd to allow people to attend the game. Limited schedule next SAT due to the 3:00 PM Hopkinsville game at home. Details at http://www.FortThomasJrFootball.com
  12. It was a "Heat Index" issue. Varsity couldn't practice after school because too hot. Had to wait until later. As such, FTJFL got bumped. Unfortunate, but understandable. Games should be rescheduled.
  13. There was a recent article in the Recorder (I think). If they get turf, it will be privately financed.
  14. Correct. 1 of the lifts was left in/near the field of play. It was moved prior to the 7/8 game.
  15. I didn't think the Goal Line Stand was that pivotal. It felt really good when it happened and was a huge emotional boost, but when HHS went 3 & out, punted it back to TM and TM immediately scored, it was pretty much the same as if they scored the 1st time but with a little clock running. It wasn't like TM's kickoffs were going to pin HHS down at the 1 yd. line like the goal line stand did. 3 fumbles in 1st half gave TM a life preserver (which they grabbed onto and pulled themselves back into the game) 1 completed pass was obviously huge; however, 0 yds. passing through 3.5 quarters is something HHS has to work on (see CCH playoff game in 2006); you at least need enough passing to keep the other D guessing and I think they'll get there with either Cecil or Guidugli; TE threat helps 1st down to get it down to 52 seconds was huge QB not getting out of bounds on the scramble at the end of the game cost valuable seconds they could not afford and led to a rushed pass that was picked TM Offense & QB had very good timing on screens and swing passes. When HHS would bring 4 or 5 on rush, QB would wait just long enough for rushers to commit and downfield routes to get established before swinging it into the flat. That and the deep crossing route to #12 were TM's bread & butter.
  16. Best Garnis Martin line I ever heard was that one of the slower lineman "Couldn't catch a bear in a telephone booth."
  17. If you'll recall, mobile QBs have done some damage to HHS in the past. I specifically recall some Elder games where the only offense they needed was a QB draw because it was never really stopped. Given the run/pass option, look for HHS to rush only 2 or 3, keep the 5 LB umbrella for containment on the QB and 3 or 4 in the secondary guarding deep coverage. Occasionally they'll send a LB or 2 after the QB, but just to get some pressure and change things up.
  18. FTJFL is monitoring closely. Several practices either cancelled or "no pads" already this year. Weather is supposed to be less oppressive tomorrow.
  19. Remember also that the rules apply to warmups (no activity at all, no pads, etc. depending on the heat index), so even if the heat index drops to acceptable levels at 6:59 PM, they would not be able to get underway at 7:00 PM. I agree that announcing a delay in advance (even if just posting to a school website OR BGP on FRI afternoon) of 30 - 60 minutes might be a good idea.
  20. The Russian judge scores that round 10-9 in favor of colonel-fan (much as it pains me to say that). P.S. Not to open up a VERY tired topic, but I think saying "I'm not sure the JC or Highlands passing games were effective enoug to open up running lanes on BG" is being EXTREMELY GENEROUS to the HHS passing game.
  21. This may sound crazy, but are there places that still have Rax Roast Beef Restaurants? Is that where the Bowl gets its name? I miss Rax. Arby's is just not the same.
  22. That would seem to, thankfully, relegate the KERA discussion to another board outside of BGP. FWIW - the funding system prior to KERA was unfair. The current funding system after KERA is unfair (to different people). Hopefully the legislators can swing the pendulum back to the middle where it at least approaches fairness. Unfortunately, those w/ the $ under the current system are unwilling to let go of it (as were those w/ the $ under the old system -- the difference is that the KY Supreme Court made THEM give up the $ -- there are apparently a couple of cases working their way through the system which will presumably give the KY Supreme Court the opportunity to do it again).
  23. That only lists 9 games, leaving out the TM game on 9.2.07. I assume that Guru assumes that Ram Attack knows when that game is and I agree with Guru's assumption.
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