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Everything posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. And yet another one, and some want to believe that there are only one or two. Let's face it, all religions have people who abuse, twist, and use their holy book the wrong way to spread hate. "I heard on the news today that there are still several dozen of these q****s in ICU and I will pray that God will finish the job that that man started" Fort Worth pastor praises Orlando nightclub deaths - Story | KDFW
  2. Getslow, about how many people do each of those left field seats hold? I hear that FCC has 4 and a half of them sold.
  3. Ok, the match is a week away, but it's never too early to start a thread FCC has at least 4 sections filled at Slugger field, and depending on the weather I see a fee more being filled up as well. Getslow, where would be a good spot for the FCC fans to tailgate? Do you have any connections that you can help me out with? Depending on the weather I'll head down to this match, plus it will give me a reason to go on a road trip in my new vehicle. I'm really looking forward to this match, both teams are not doing to bad, and I'd love to see a lot of FCC fans at this game
  4. Scary, they didn't find him yet called off the search? What exactly do we know about him? Critically missing? What else do they know? The authorities didn't respond to questions about his mental health? Yet he is considered suicidal and dangerious?
  5. I'll predict that the IOC will end up allowing the track and field team members who were not doping. If this does happen, there would have been large bribes that would lead all the was to the office of Putin. But the latter would most likely never be looked into.
  6. If they leave the EU it won't end well economically not only in the UK but across the EU and the globe. If the vote is to stay, it won't end well and I too see the possible violence coming.
  7. I just started a thread about a British politician who was murdered yesterday by a radical, looking at the thread title many may assume that it was an Islamic radical when in fact it was a Britain First person. There are radicals all over the, right, left, and everywhere else, Islam doesn't own the word radical, on all sides the radicals are in the vast minority.
  8. I'll make sure to slap my prayer rug (yes I have one, as well as a cushiony prayer thingy) upside his head for you
  9. A British official who was against next weeks brexit was killed this past week by a person who was very active in the pro brexit and Britain First. Jo Cox killing: British lawmaker victim of targeted attack, police say - CNN.com
  10. Well it seems like boneheaded athletes are in soccer as well. How many US players unable to play Vs (most likely) Argentina? 2? 3? Do they not realize this up to and during the time that they are being written up to miss the next match?
  11. Question, have they refused to lower the flag in the past?
  12. PP1, on a side note, even though I don't recall posting in any of your threads in the religious forum about your sermons, I do read most of those threads and your sermons.
  13. I feel ya! A couple days ago coming back only having been gone an hour and there being 2-3 new pages.
  14. BINGO! I'd be surprised if anyone on here really thought that I felt that way unless they are fairly new to BGP. This is what happens whenever a Muslim or at least a brownish skinned person commits an act of terror, the broad stroke of painting all Muslims happens, including on BGP at times. Some people in the world want to bash Islam left and right at every opportunity, yet when someone points at Christians the exact same way, it digs down deeply and strikes their last nerve? As far as this event in Orlando, the guy left us with a very murky situation. Even with gay friends I tell them to use caution in considering this a hate crime against gay people, as we now know that this guy was gay. Since the guy was killed it's going to be difficult to say what his main reason was for committing this crime. Some will want to only look at it as "Yet another Muslim, Islam is evil" act of violence. And some, especially in the gay community. Will only look at it as "another act of violence against the gblt community. Both sides are very wrong. BUT, we ALL can agree that this was a horrific and tragic act of violence and innocent lives were lost, no need to label this shooting any other way.
  15. Just because some have asked for a list of Christian leaders who have said that the Orlando massacre was a good thing or from God. Here are 7 of them, it doesn't matter who they are, they do have a following and do claim to be Christian, Christian shouldn't be expected to defend themselves and come out against what they have said. BUT, many people expect Muslims to loudly speak out against anyone who twists the Quran to kill. It's simply not fare. 1) the pastor from Sacramento 2) Pat Robertson 3) Steven Anderson 4) Perry Noble 5) David Daubenmire 6) Bryan Fischer 7) Matt Barber Mega church pastor Joel Hunter is now going back to review everything that he said, to make sure that he didn't say anything that could have been taken as hating gays and of killing them to be acceptable. Not saying that he did say anything, maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but some people will hear what they want to hear unless it is spelled out to them very very clearly.
  16. PP1, please forgive me for quoiting you and asking that question. I'm sure that you are a fine preacher, and if I'm not mistaken you are in NKY, and since I enjoy going to churches of other denominations I'm sure I'll run into you one day and not even know it. But, I didn't mean those things that I said in my last couple of posts. But, it shows how ridiculous many people have become, even good people who follow the pack. No Christian should be demanded to call out those preachers, churches, and other Christian who either say such hateful things or commit such hateful acts. BUT, many people expect all Muslims to come out the very second after an event to call out those who hide being Islam to carry out such horrific events. Many people want to claim that Islam is not a peaceful religion, when we, we as in Christians, have our own brethren's who twist and turn our Holy book to fit their agenda. I consider this preacher from Cali and the others like him being in the same boat as almost all street corner preachers that I have ever seen, again, I say "most", as I have run into at least two that I can remember who were only preaching the love and mercy of God, and who were not condemning anyone, THIS, THIS is the way to people's hearts and more importantly to their souls. I know several Muslims, all are very nice, kind, gentle, and loving people, most are among the most pleasant and loving people that I have ever met. Some are like family to me, one is an actual family, were I escorted their young teen on a flight to and from their relatives in Paris. That family who lives in Cincy, are at times very concerned, not for their own lives, but for their kids. Both parents are working a lot, as they are like many other parents who want to work hard to make life easier for their kids than it was for them. But, when I ask around most of my Muslim friends, at times I can see the concern and fear. Imagine, anytime you turn on the TV news, reports of people talking trash about not only you, but your religion, then having to come face to face with these hateful people in public. An example, I was working outside of a Bengals game last season, people leaving the game, and some drunk white guy for no reason just started shouting out "all Muslims (you can figure this word out, and telling of where Islam can go). Why? Why such hate? Every time there is a radical who commits such horrible acts people expect that all over the world, all over TV and social media, that every single Muslim MUST call out those who bide behind their religion. And many people who are not Muslim want to self proclaim themselves as experts on Islam and the Quran and talk about how evil the religion is? These Christian preachers who are the topic of discussion in this thread, and those self proclaimed so called experts on the Bible who go in public to trash another religion, are actually a welcomed sight so to speak, as they clearly point out that there are people from Christianity who warp their Holy book and fit it into their agenda to hate. THIS, THIS is what satan wants, satan is the responsible, as satan wants people to fight over religion, he knows that religion is one key area that does divide people. All who are Christian, I'm not asking for a response, but to yourself think, what did you first think of when you read about what these so called Christian preachers said? Or when you saw the videos? Christians should not be expected to have to disassociate themselves and speak out against these people spreading hate, and Muslims should not have to be expected to do it either. It doesn't matter if this guy was a radical Islamist or not, he and his actions do not define an entire religion, as was pointed out above this post about how Christians are not defined over people warping the Bible to spread hate. It doesn't matter if Obama used the word Islamic extremist, and it doesn't matter if someone calls a Christian who commits such acts, such as the guy at the Colorado abortion clinic, being labeled a radical Christian. These people who commit such acts of violence should be up into the same boat no matter what religion that they follow, if any. People only want to focus on those who can be labeled "Muslim extremists", but as I posted two days ago, and I don't think that anyone commented on what I said, since 2013 there has been about 188 school shootings, how many of those school shootings were committed by Muslims? The fact is, they were committed by non Muslims. A terrorist act is a terrorist act no matter who committed the act. The Orlando shooting, Dylann Roof at the church, the Colorado abortion shooting, school shooters, are ALL the same! They are terrorists, on US soil, religion doesn't define these horrific acts. This preacher, and others like him such as Pat Robertson, do in fact have a Christian following, some have a huge following, and they spread hate and twist the Holy Scriptures just as someone twisting the words of the Quran. They are all the same. And again, no Christian should be expected to distance themselves from these preachers, just as no Muslim should be expected to distance themselves from someone twisting the meaning of the Quran. I feel deeply for our Muslim brothers and sisters who have to endure non Muslims claiming that their religion is nothing but hate.
  17. I compare this in a similar way with the ACA. Both need to be fixed, not done away with, the lawmakers need to get together on both issues and work out the kinks. The ACA helps a lot of people, don't get rid of it, revamp it. Work on the kinks of the no-fly and terror lists, so where it's easy for some who is on there by mistake to be able to quickly get their name taken off, then there shouldn't be any issues to deny firearm sales those on the two lists.
  18. Do you condemn the shootings? So far I've seen about 8 or 9 preachers either condoning the shootings and/or happy that 50 gay people are dead.
  19. I only came in here to see if you needed bail money, but unless they allowed you to keep your phone I assume that this time it wasn't you.
  20. It's a shame how Christians are showing no heart and sympathy towards those who were shot and killed, and towards those lost loved ones.
  21. Ok, since I am on my iPhone it's a bit hard now to read on this thing without my reading glasses, getting old"ER" lol. So I didn't read all of the posts so please forgive me if this was already posted. But I see where the place where satan dwells may have froze over? As Bill O'Reilly is now calling for an assault weapons ban? Now, I agree that we must do something, many things to at least put a dent into these horrific events, while at the same time not preventing competent people from eventually purchasing within a reasonable time frame. As I mentioned a day or two ago, someone that is one of the top experts in the protection field several years ago was going through a divorce and his wife was a little concerned. They took his weapons away, interviewed him, and he got everything back the next day, he wasn't and still isn't upset over it, he said that his ex wasn't trying to make things up, that she did believe that she had a concern. Plus, the investigation was done quickly and he got everything back fast. I don't mind having to wait a little longer for a check, I don't mind paying a little more for swift checks, and I don't mind having all sales go through a license broker for a small fee. But with O'Reilly's comments? Just shows than some compromise can happen. What’s going on? Another Fox News host calls for assault weapon ban after Orlando massacre
  22. ATTENTION! Habib had been taken over by BballFan! lol. But seriously, thanks to the both of you for such detailed posts.
  23. As I said yesterday, this man needs to get an attorney and just shut up! He is only making things worse on himself and his grandson. The man is in denial, refuses to believe that his son might have been gay, and now refuses to believe that he may have been radicalized. He may be correct on the latter, but the investigators will figure that out. Just go away! He needs to realize that his son had a secret life, he was gay, and he needs to also realized that his son may have at least been inspired by a terror group. But, this is a common thing among parents, they see their own reputation coming into question, which it doesn't have to.
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