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Everything posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. I'm more interested in how he was able to be employed by an important security firm? A co-worker who complained about this guy being unstable and his talk of killing people ended up quitting over the fact that the company didn't take the threat seriously. And, when was he in prison? And for what reason? Obviously the signs where there as a co-worker say them, and the Fed's investigated him a few times. I know it was brought up more than likely as a joke, but the Fed's spread themselves too thin, this has always been an issue. Concentrate on the biggest dangers, concentrate on the most important information, and that starts by not collecting anything and everyone for the sole reason that you are able to, too much clutter hides the real threats. I ask this as this event and the one that thankfully by some luck or miracle the police were able to prevent another tragedy at the L.A. gay pride event yesterday, I would look long and hard at both these events and both these men. I say it's a shame that the guy who murdered the people in Orlando is dead because we can get information such and why and how, and what went on and what is going on in their minds. One was a radical Islamist, the other seems to be a white guy that is not Muslim. If we find what is similar in these two peoples minds we may end up one day having valuable information to figure these people out before an tragedy. It's more than a person being a member of or being led by radicals of one religion, it's their thinking, what makes them tick? If the guy in Orlando couldn't buy firearms, would he then go make pipe bombs? As that is what is being said that the guy from Indiana on his way to the L.A. gay pride event had, pipe bombs. How and why did he get spotted and stopped? I'm all for reasonable safety checks, even if one could then look on the internet and build some rule of device, but we need to do it in a way that won't harm honest level-headed people. I don't mind waiting a few weeks, or a month to purchase a firearm, IF what they are doing is actually working to help prevent tragedies.
  2. With not knowing the full story, but now having read some of the articles. I step on this topic ever so lightly as its a very sensitive subject. But, was she drugged? Was she at a bar and started getting friendly with a guy and one thing led to another? BUT, it doesn't seem like she/they were caught and she came up with the being drugged/raped story, as all indications is she went to the police to report the rape. I guess if you visit one of these counties and you have trouble, wait until you leave the country before you make a complaint. I bring this up again as its going to be very interesting with them hosting the World Cup in 2022, alcohol is permitted in hotels that are like 3-5 stars and a few other places for non-residents, and I think they are going to lift the restrictions for the WC. That would be one of the last places that I would want to be as a rowdie soccer fan.
  3. I kind of agree with you, especially being a female, and I assume that she was alone? (I didn't read the whole article). But I hear from many people that a trip to a place like the UAE is highly recommended. BUT, one of those people is a former boss of mine and he said rag he went to the UAE about 4 years ago and was taking photos of all of the nice new buildings. One day he came back to his hotel room and it was ransacked, nothing was missing except his memory card out of his camera. But going to Qatar? Even I would have reservations about going there unless I had to. No human rights at all! Aren't that World Cup stadiums basically being built of off slave labor? Look at the UK/Russia soccer violence in France over the weekend, can you imagine soccer hooligans in Qatar?
  4. Someone did report him and quit because G4S did nothing. Daniel Gilroy, who worked with Mateen at the facility, told Florida Today that he was “unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people." Gilroy added that he complained to G4S about Mateen’s odd, often bigoted, behavior—to no avail. Eventually, Mateen began stalking Gilroy, leaving him 30 or more text and phone messages per day. Gilroy eventually quit. Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI - The Daily Beast
  5. That is exactly why I posted it, and this weekend at the FCC match having the same discussion after watching both some flops as well as some cheap shots. It just seems that 1 official on the field and 1 on each sideline watching 20 people in a large area seems a bit short of numbers.
  6. Just now reading up on this, but is this considered a real "gang"? Or are they wanna be's? What defines a gang? I'm sure that some people on this site may have at least crossed paths with these people due to location. Another fine yet sad example that we all need to be on the lookout and be aware anywhere, in the past this "gang" stuff is what you would expect in a city area and not the suburbs.
  7. Most of my fellow members know my feelings of openness and exceptance, but when I board any flight, I'll profile every single person who comes aboard the plane, crew included, I don't care about ethic groups or anything, you're going to be profiled, but equally.
  8. Is anyone on here familiar with the going rate in areas around the state to hire off duty officers? As I mentioned above Cincy officers get about $35-37 an hour for many if not more of their off duty work. It's very simple, when we go out we expect all establishments to have our safety as their number one priority! And not profits! Sadly most establishments do not see spending money to be proactive. As I said above, everyone needs to realize that we need to change how we go about our everyday lives. This doesn't have to be directed at one group of people, or a couple of groups of people, when you are vigilant you look at all people as a potential threat, not just one group. Look at Israel, one would think that El Al would have non-stop hijackings and bombings, until you either fly with them or witness their many layers of security. Israel views flying as it should be, it's a not a right, so you must "endure"'(and that's the correct word) all of their layers of security, if you even think of balking at them, you will not only not fly with them that fight, but you will never get to fly with them again. But in the U.S.? We have a lot of people upset over security checks. Yes, for many parts the TSA is a joke, and needs to be revamped, but a lot more needs to be done. Also everyone in this country needs to learn how to protect themselves, in Israel? It seems like everyone knows Krav Maga. Don't rely on others to protect you and you loved ones, you must be the first one to take this responsibly.
  9. Many are one in the same. Former director of two decent sized establishments in Cincy area here, amongst other things. Their is a different skill set and mind set to do protection work, most establishments don't understand this, what they need is a qualified team that the management doesn't micro manage, even though the employers sign the pay checks, they have no knowledge of how to do the job correctly. But, the facts that we all know is that some type of security presence should be the first priority of any establishment. I'll check into what type of security they actually had, but going on how most places go about it, there will be a lot of improvements that should have happened before hand. Most establishments see their security as the all-go-to employee, having them help the bartenders, barbacks, picking up empty bottles, cups and others things, which all takes their focus off of their job, which is to be on constant look out for any potential trouble. We don't know how set this shooter was on attacking this club, but if this club had a noticeable security team, the shooter very well may have went to a target that had less of an obstacle. This doesn't mean that they wouldn't take out the security first, but most likely they would have gone elsewhere. This country needs to make the decision if doing things to be more secure is a priority. Establishments need to understand that they need to hire some type of competent security, who's only job is protection. Not sure what type of security that the singer who was killed a few days ago had, but most people don't see a need for proper security until it's too late. There are signs that all attackers have leading up to the second that they start their attacks, and her tragic death "may" have been prevented. But, we all will learn all of the facts soon enough.
  10. It's also those big burly guys who end up causing their employers being hit with big lawsuits too. One doesn't need to be 6'6" and very heavy to do a job correctly.
  11. Am I the only one who thinks that soccer needs at least 2 more officials per match?
  12. This tragic event that was prevented, and the Orlando event, they are the same. One person who for whatever reason saw the need to kill and severely injure others.
  13. Agreed, and no you are not off base. An off duty officer is going to cost you $35-37 per hour, that is the rate for off duty Cincy PD officers. There are too many places that are soft targets that the police won't be able to be everywhere, so many places will need to realize that they need the proper security. BUT, most places don't see the need for armed security, it's the "there hasn't been an issue here, so why do I need to pay for security?" Also, many if not most night clubs only want to hire bouncer type people who have no idea how to do the job correctly, they want to hire 6'6" 400lbs guys to show muscle/strength, but look at such groups of people as the Secret Service, or military personnel, they are almost always what one may consider normal size.
  14. This guy didn't just work for some low level security firm, it's among the best around! They have contracts with state and federal buildings, courthouses, airports, and the border patrol. How can a man work for this company, known to the Feds, and him being able to something like this?
  15. Groups like ISIS will usually claim responsibility for anything at first, but many times it is proven that they had nothing to do with the event.
  16. Just happened this morning: West Hollywood Gay Pride was destination of man arrested with arsenal - Washington Times
  17. Kind of disturbing isn't it? On the FBI's radar? And he was somehow able to keep or obtain firearms? And be working in the security field? I really hope that this is looked into deeply, did the Fed's drop the ball on this? I'm sure people would want to know how someone on the radar can do such a thing.
  18. Very sad, if something bothers you then just ignore it, it's not hurting anyone. Now so many lives are lost, and his young son also is without a father.
  19. "Dictators love chaos & that's Trump. So Putin's propaganda channels show Trump only slightly less than Fox" "It’s getting difficult to tell the Putin "followers" from the Trump "followers", probably because so many are the same people." "Trump said he could "get along very very well" with Putin. I'm sure, just like Berlusconi. Selling out your nation to be pals w a dictator." "No decent person can listen to Trump for 2 min & say "He should be president of world's most powerful nation" "Voting for Hillary will mean holding your nose. Voting for Trump would mean closing your eyes and ears." ~ Garry Kasparov - noted strong critic of Hillary
  20. "I look forward to meeting with (Clinton) in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the 1%," ~ Bernie Sanders
  21. Correct A win or a draw. A draw, and if Costa Rica doesn't beat Columbia by 6 goals.
  22. What Trump has been saying about the judge is the textbook definition of racist.
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