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Everything posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. On Chick-Fil-a, what a GREAT gesture! Chick-Fil-a had a messy reputation with many in the gblt (forgive me if I forgot anyone) community and others like myself. This act that they showed on Sunday, it shows what religious people not only should do, but are commanded to do, by helping out our brothers and sisters in need! Yes, you're going to have some people who will say that this was just a publicity stunt. I don't care! I don't care what one of the reasons may or may not be, the act itself is what God expects! I hope that this act of kindness goes a long way in smoothing things out and changing there reputation. Does this mean that you will start seeing Chick-Fil-a booths at gay pride events? No, and they don't have to do that to love all of our brothers and sisters, and to be there in their time of need.
  2. Old Grappler, sorry I'm on my mobile and didn't want to quote your whole post and attempt to delete all that didn't pertain to what I wanted to get back to you on. The part where you mentioned about a person who may just mention suicide without meaning it. There is a person that I know of where this is almost a weekly accordance, mainly to gain attention, they do have some issues with attention, a lot of issues actually. At first a person should be very worried and take the person seriously, she should have taken him seriously, as well as think of her kid! Does she want her son to grow up without knowing his father? THIS is a HUGE problem today in this country, too many kids (mainly boys) do not have a adult male/father in their life's. I can see if this guy constantly made threats and never followed through. I'd say almost all of us in her position would think of that TV show "what would you do?"..... A family member, friend, or someone we just know of, who is not known to make idle threats makes a threat, do you think that there is the slightest chance that the person may consider following through with the threat? If there is even the slightest chance, you owe it to your kid(s) to stop the parent from never being in your kids life ever again.
  3. I don't think we can find too many people anywhere that would say that the wife shouldn't be charged. So I am pretty confident that this is one thing that we all can agree on. I can understand the person loving their spouse, and being the other parent of your child, but if she couldn't convince him to not do this the person then had to realize that the spouse could very well kill them and their kids as well. They then have an obligation to stop the act by calling the authorities. We also need to make daggone sure that the people who do report these types of people get 24/7 protection and that they will never have to fear any retribution.
  4. Agreed! Many cases we shake our heads and ask why? How? Many times it is some type of mental issue, but others it's evil. If one believes in God, they must also believe in satan and evil. Even no religious people see that there are evil forces.
  5. I REALLY try to be against the death penalty in all cases, BUT, this guy would come close as anyone on me saying "go for it". I'm 100% against incarceration if at all possible, especially if there is a possibility of a successful rehash/therapy, ONLY if they did not commit a violent act and or having a chance of committing one in the future. So the latter would exclude this guy. Just like the guy who shot Reagan, some sort of mental illness? Ok, fine! Then a mental faculty that they can never escape from, and IF they ever are deemed competent? And act like this and with president Reagan the shooter will have to serve life either in the secured mental faculty or be transferred to prison. With such a horrendous act a person can never see the light of day. A few things that I have against the death penalty, what if they are innocent? (No dispute whatsoever here, this doesn't apply here). Should we be the ones who determines who lives and who dies? And the lastly, to me a death penalty is an easy way out, no suffering, or very little. He is 29 years old, if he lives close to a normal lifespan that is around 50 years locked up, knowing that he will never see freedom again. To me, this is a lot more punishment that a putting him to a death. But again, this case comes as close as I can get in saying pull the switch.
  6. This is one of those cases where the family needs to keep quiet and just go away.
  7. Not a thing that most people would expect. Heroin use growing problem among Indiana's Amish Heroin use growing problem among Indiana's Amish - Story
  8. Good question, do they want to be associated with a gay person even if they committed a terrorist act? The comments of the father of this guy sheds some light on the issue, which adds to the murkiness. The father is now in denial that his son was gay, "if he was gay, why would he do something like this?" The father seems more interested in clearing his sons name from being gay more than his so-called apology.
  9. It's very murky on this guy, so we now find out that not only did he have many gay friends but his ex wife and friends say that he was gay. It seems that his father was anti gay, that could have added to him having trouble accepting his sexuality. Being inspired by a terror group is not being ruled out, but now with this new information they have to look at why he mentions ISIS? Was it a convenience? To get to people? An attempt to hide his sexuality after the killed spree? This is a difficult case for them to figure out. Any event like this, even all school shootings, are terror attacks, their doesn't need to be a group behind horrific events such as these or even inspired by anyone. This is yet another example that no matter where you go, when you go into a new place ALWAYS look at where all the exits are, even where you may have to throw something (or yourself) through a window to get out.
  10. The reason the Obama administration, and some others, have opted to call the group “ISIL” is partly geographical, partly grammatical. Whereas ISIS stands for “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria,” ISIL stands for “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” meaning the whole eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It includes Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Jordan, and so is thought to more accurately describe the large region threatened by the group’s activities. Others do call them ISIL as well, it does make sense. But those in that area and from that area prefer to call them daesh, that name is considered an insult to them.
  11. They now say that he has visited the club at least a dozen times before the shooting. He was friends with a drag queen, and she said that at one point he had gay friends.
  12. I just saw that about his father elsewhere a few moments ago. Although his son was radicalized, his upbringing seems to have fueled his hate.
  13. A very well world wide respected person that I know of in the protection field was reported a few years back during a divorce, a good, quick and detailed investigation cleared him and no harm or rights taken away. We need thorough checks for everyone.
  14. I also would like to see it be mandatory for the brains of attackers who end up dead to be taken out and studied. Anything and everything helps, this can hell in evaluating people in the future. I'm not in that field, but I'm sure they can use some of the information to help.
  15. And they don't need to be 240lbs either. Back in the fall I posted a video of an attacker in Israel, immediately someone tried to subdue him, it was difficult. Some people can be 150lbs and some drive/goal and stabbing or shooting them even several times isn't going to stop them, this is where having as much firepower is needed to eliminate the threat. Especially if the attack is on drugs.
  16. Want if any training do you have? Thankfully you were able to prevent yourself and others from becoming a victim.
  17. In fact, I'd show my wife, or female children (age to be determined later) how to handle themselves in martial arts like Krav and combative JJ, as well as pay for professional firearms training for each of them.
  18. Wasn't it last year, and I believe that it was in North Carolina where a teenage boy about 15 years old shot an intruder while he was home alone watching his siblings? I don't recall what training if any that the kid had, BUT, he knew exactly what to do, someone trained him, family or they took him to some courses. BTW, you all are typing too fast, I can't keep up with the number of posts lol.
  19. As far as your last comment, I agree! This is where we all need to work on our focus of the the Rambo types. Stronger background checks, possibly mandatory training. If anyone want to be able to protect themselves and those around them they shops have the willingness to make sure that they are ready for most situations. There are a lot of very good courses out there that puts you into stressful situations and needing to use firearms. They start out at a couple hundred bucks. And if you are into firearms for protection and sport, they also should see the extra training as being a good time, as well as very valuable.
  20. Last month I finally got my Sig Swat 556, a couple thousand rounds to start out as well. To be honest, the first thing I'll grab at home if needed would be one of my 9mm pistols. Maybe they would be a situation where I'd prefer the 556, I don't know.
  21. Agreed! I don't care if I have to spend a little extra money for better classes for everyone , as well as more and deeper checks, as long as they are done properly and does not infringe on any innocent citizen wanting to protect themselves. I'm not sure if you carry or not, but some members on BGP if I wasn't one to carry would really appreciate some let say like Run To State being armed at any establishment or event that I am at, as I know that he is stable and has at least some training, as well as being the type of person who would go out of their way to protect others.
  22. Let me elaborate. Two separate males that are in or around their 20's for whatever reason made a decision to cause mass murder, one was thankfully caught before his violent act, the other wasn't. My focus is on the hate, on what went through their minds to think of committing such tragic events. Not trying to argue, but IMO there is no "just a hate filled". Anyone who commits or plans to commit such horrendous acts are the same in the fact that they want to kill. That's what I'm meaning by being the same. And for what it's worth. Even though I am against corporal punishment and all for given people chances when at all possible, if the Orlando shooter was able to come out alive, I am not against things such as water boarding, as in this case, there is no doubt that this guy committed this tragic crime. I hope that clears it up a bit of what I'm getting at?
  23. I understand what you are getting at, But how does one go after lone wolves? Obviously this guys co-worker and the Fed's investigations were justified, so they need to look very closely on what they missed and why they didn't see him as a serious threat.
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