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Everything posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. Muhammad Ali’s health worsens, sportspersons and stars send wishes | The Indian Express
  2. Muhammad Ali in '''Grave Condition''' in Phoenix Hospital - NBC News
  3. This isn't like Bernie making excuses for 100% of the blame for the fiasco in Vegas a few weeks ago, you just need to look and you will find that dems are condemning these acts. Clinton Campaign Condemns Protesters’ Violence at Trump Rally in California - NYTimes.com
  4. Agreed! Trump mah be causing the atmosphere, but not sure he is what one would say is responsible for the actins on this video. To say Trump is responsible is about the same as some saying that Obama was the reason for the rise of Trump. I say this again, from all of the videos and photos that I have seen recently, these people may be against the far right and Trump, but they are hardly democrats, as I said in the past, many seem like the anarchist type, they won't vote for anyone, at anytime.
  5. I will just say this. Who would ever think that it's a good idea to mock a judge who is handling a case involving you? Then they double down and escalates the mocking of the judge? Saying that because of the judge's heritage that it's a conflict of interests? I'm white, can I tell a court that I want all white males to be on a jury because anyone other than them are not like me so they are somehow not able to handle my case, to determine anything in my case? Some on here talked of what they thought was boneheaded behavior of Deters taking smack against judges, I can't see where mocking a judge handling your case would ever be a good idea.
  6. Well I got a text, don't know from who, said it was a final at 7-1
  7. ^ First OldGrappler I want to thank you for your prayers and kind words. I'll send you a private message as well later today, as I was responding with some of the personal stuff including health and it got to be lengthy, it was in BballFan territory, but I can't match the elegant way he writes. But, the last 4 weeks I feel like a brand new person, as the last 5 years, even doing things I loved, it was a drag, it wasn't a great 5 years health wise. Now it's is the exact opposite. But the health issues that I had the past 5 years was kept hidden from most people. When the surgeon was telling me all about the surgery, twice, including the possible complications and possible effects, then my ADHD (which I recently was told I have) came in handy, as I couldn't tell you what he said as I blocked out everything he told me. I didn't want to worry, plus I it was all in God's hands. But, the big reason of blocking what the surgeon was telling me about what had a slight chance of happening? Last week a cousin of mine, not even 50 years old passed away due to complications from surgery. As far as I felt about my surgery? I didn't want to know, there surgery needed to be done and it needed to be done now. I prayed that if something would have to happen that it would happen when I was under. So, I'll attempt to be brief. As I am including in my private message to you, even though I am very religious, non of us are saints, yet, we all have our issues and we all fall short of what God wants out of us, no matter who we are or what we do. But, as some may know on here one side of my family is very political, these family members are very kind and caring people, as I have seen for all of my life the good that they do. Through them I have met the Clinton's many times and have helped out with them. The Clinton's are good people feel down. As well as republicans! I had my own views about Newt before I had the privilege to help with his visit here in 2012, as I think I said, he was the most real person I met that day, the friend who arranged me to help even told him that I was a big democrat, he just laughed and made a few pleasant comments. I'd love to sit down with him and have a few beers. Not sure if I mentioned this in my last post, but a very close person to me lives next to where Boehner lives and he knows him quiet well, I would enjoy having a few beers with him, and this could actually happen one day. But my point right here is exactly what Bill Clinton says, we all love our country, we just have different views on what we need/should do. I'll be around Julian Castro in a few days, I really enjoy his enthusiasm, in a way his reminds me of Marco Rubio, and I am sure deep down both of these guys are good people. The only US politician or person who is running or had ever ran that I worry about is Trump. Would I ever want to meet him? NO! If I had the chance to help at one of his events? YES! Before I go any further (sorry I thought this would be short) only a couple of people on here know this, unless I mentioned it in my last post, all but a few relatives on the other side of my family are republicans, and they are the ones I'm around more than the other side. And this side is also politically active. One of the people on BGP who I have talked with many many many times off of the forums on here is Mnt Ref, really nice guy. The same as with Science Friction. Both are friends. And I bring this up for this reason. SF mentioned about two months ago how he had a friend who's mom got a phone call from Hillary, that was my mom. In 2008 my mom was dying of pancreatic cancer, and she loved Hillary, but for about two months she was at the Cleveland Clinic for a trial study and missed the KY primary. Hillary was in Louisville for a rally that night and I was in the VIP room behind the stage before Hillary came out for her KY primary victory speech. She heard about my mom from one of m relatives who was also in that VIP room, Hillary came over and told me to get my mom on the phone and in a few minutes after she had a couple of photos with a couple that she wanted to talk to my mom. Hillary came over, took my phone and talked to my mom for a good 5 minutes. The things that Hillary said to my mom, I was in tears, as well as a couple of people around us who in was talking to when Hillary came up to me about her. Later talking to my dad who was up in Cleveland with my mom, to hear him tell his story of what he saw, he didn't know what was going on, as he only knew that my mom was on the phone, not knowing yet with who, and that my mom was in tears while taking on the phone. I tell this as I know deep down Hillary has a great heart! As do many republicans, I have always admired the elder George Bush, with all that he did with Bill Clinton for the world after they both were out of office. W has done some good things as well, maybe not to the extent as his dad and Bill Clinton. I thought his ALS water bucket challenge video was hilarious. But my point again is, non of us are saints yet, and we won't be until we leave this earth, but most all people do have a good side, they may not use it all of the time, but it's there. I say this about all politicians except for Trump. But I will end on this, it is sad when out of two parties we only have two people to choose from, now as much as I respect Hillary I won't comment too much on her. BUT, as I said before I do attempt to look at people fairly and give everyone a break. As I said, if, and if there are charges that stick, I'll be very disappointed, and if I'd see her after, I'd tell her that myself. I'd even give a republican politician the "lets wait and see is the charges stick" approach, I may joke around a bit and make some comments, but in realty I want to wait and see what happens and in the what is truth and what is not. I also would hope and pray that allegations on republicans aren't true, as if they are found to be true it's bad not only for this country but for the entire world, as, as bad as the politics and politicians in the US can be? They don't hold a candle to the others in other counties, such as the former mayor of one of the sectors of Bucharest (has about 300,000 on that sector) which I knew. FWIW, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton the first time around, I went with Perot, don't ask me why, I was young lol, but I'm glad he lost as the 90's were good to me. BUT, it's sad that if one votes for a third party it's a wasted vote, as well as now it may get someone else into office that wouldn't be good.
  8. I don't have an issue with the playoffs as all teams are in one tourney just like basketball. The only thing I might change is every team having to be seeded for districts. I haven't paid attention to the All A lately, with being about what? Also half of the teams in the state? Other than possible seeding for everyone I don't see how or why anything should change.
  9. WHAT? Now I can see indirectly responsible, especially if a kid is older. But If, and I mean If the parents are responsible it's the parent that was there. I'll be understand if the prosecutor and agencies like CPS look into this and even decide not to pursue charges. Fox & Friends cites ‘rap sheet’ of black dad who wasn’t at zoo to blame him for gorilla’s death
  10. I'll make a deal with my right leaning brethrens here. IF she is found guilty I'll be more than willing to come back and have a civilized discussion on what she did, if she is found guilty. I'll admit if that does happen I'll be very disappointed. I'm not sure which republicans that you have followed for awhile, but I'm sure you'd be very disappointed in them as well. At first I was a bit concerned, but after awhile of alligations I moved on. I'll even say this, even if a longtime stalwart of the republicans is found guilty of something it's not only a blow to the party, it's a blow to American politics and democracy. If it was someone on the right the left may laugh and do the usual pointing if fingers at the whole party, but it's a sad time for all involved, not just the one party. In closing I'll add this. Yes I was at Hillary's event here in NKY, had my usual stuff going on during these events. BUT, this time it was different, as it was two weeks past my surgery, and two days after going back to see the surgeon, and after him telling me the details of the over three hours that I was under Anesthesia which was over an hour longer than he expected it to be. I simply have more to do than worry about things I have no control over. Are politics as important to me as before? Not as important, whatever happens happens. If anything sticks and found to be true, I am sure that everyone would feel misled, I don't care which party they were from, and many would feel hurt. There were two times I had the opportunity to assist with top republicans when they were in this area. One was Newt, it was stuffy at the events of that day, but he was the most real person than the supporters that I encountered, heck I'd sit down and has a few cold ones with him. Ok, getting sleepy. But anytime anyone from any party is found guilty at something, it's not good all the way around, as this country and the world needs more than one decent political party in the US.
  11. Trust me, I know quite a bit. About this? Not saying one way or the other. But so far nothing has become of anything so therefore everything has been rumors so far and will remain that way until there is any official statement about wrong doing. I'd say that the Feds should look into their so-called leaks, no matter who they involved, left, right or other. I tend not to trust public leaks, if there is something there it will come out when it's there, but since nothing has become if this so far doesn't mean that there is something there that is about to come out. So as far as your last sentence it could be directed right back at you, just because you keep repeating something has been found doesn't make it true. As I am pretty sure I attempted to leave the door open if anything concrete comes forth, but at this time there is still nothing. Same can be said about Trump and his taxes and the Trump U papers, people can only speculate what may or may not be not in there until they ever become public.
  12. Agreed, and that was part of my point, in politics you can use that old saying that says something about how you much watch those closest to you more than your enemy. It's a cut throat business. IMO there is nothing until there is something, no matter what side of the isle they may be on or what my opionion may be. Just my two cents.
  13. Agreed, even this article is just one mans opinion, and a person who will not decide any outcome. It's it odd that with all of these alleged allegations for a very long time, especially the past 1 1/2 years that they still haven't found anything? Then you also had someone, wasn't it the past RNC leader? And one other person basically say that it was just a political witch hunt? People hoping, waiting, saying its about time, on possible charges when there so far hasn't been any real facts to come out that would lead to anything happening to her. Just because someone may be a democratic doesn't mean anything, it's still politics and it doesn't matter if you're on the same side of the isle, there is still a lot of feelings, hatred and all that sadly comes into play, and many times some of your most dangerous enemies are in fact from within not only your own party but also within your own little circle.
  14. Do I want her to be charged? As I believe that stated, not yet but a good possibility after an investigation. Changed for them killing the gorilla? NO! As I don't see how that could ever happen but the death "might" be because of her action, or her neglect. Charge her with some type of neglect or child endangerment? This is possible and what they really need to look into. Yes, many people are angry now, I'm disappointed in the outcome, but child protective services and others need to take a long and hard look at this situation like they should all other incidences involving possible neglect or endangerment. I am sick of people who are bad parents or neglectful parents, or what have you, who do not do their job and a child suffers because of it. Such as people who leave their young kids in a hot car which results in the child suffering severe injuries, death, or even minor health issues as a result. But when it comes time to charge one of these parents even for a death of a child who was left in a hot car most people want to feel sorry for the parent and claim that it was a mistake and that the parent suffered enough and we shouldn't add punishment for them on top of it. To this I say it's garbage, yes the parent most likely is suffering, but their neglect or whatever caused the child an extremely painful death, as well as the death itself. To me, these are no accidents. But I say again, it needs to be investigated, I think that most people are looking at this as one may look at a situation of a child left in a car. BUT, they need to look long and hard at what happened, and seriously look at if there was some type of neglect or endangerment. They need to talk to all of the witnesses first. We all know that there are people out there who are aweful parents and we feel sorry for those kids, is this one of those situations? We don't know anything about her yet and we may never know, but the authorities better find out about her real quick. I have no doubt in my mind that you and your wife were very good parents, and I say that about all of the people on this site. However, there are people that I know, not close to the people but I know them, that they are aweful at parenting and have no business having any children. As far and the other thing your brought up, gorillas are endangered, not so for deer and other creatures. I do not hunt, but I have no issues with people who hunt and then eat the animal, I am against the sport hunts for trophys and or photos opps. Same with the other animals mentioned. We see outcries when people go on "big game hunts" for sport only, I'm included in being against it. Lastly, I at times agree with PETA, at times, but as in most cases I disagree with them here. If it were not for good zoos like Cincinnati's many animals would have been or will become extinct, zoos are needed to keep the species alive.
  15. Puzzling isn't it? A Native American reporter tells Trump to his face that the comment and context was offensive to Native Americans, he even said "I don't know if it's offensive, you tell me". She did tell him, and in fact immediately after she told him that it was offensive he responds to her by using the same name that he was just told was offensive. He didn't care if it was offensive, and he will never care if he says anything offensive. All one had to do it's listen at how he wants to call names like a 10 year old, always having to insult anyone and everyone, such as crazy, little, crooked, lyin, 1 in 32, goofy. He is so childish it's unbelievable!
  16. Exactly! She does in fact carry hot sauce around, and has been doing so for a very long time.
  17. I agree Hellcat! Trump could have, and should have directed comments directly to Warren, but he doesn't do that, as his main play every time is to be like a 10 year old spoiled brat bully and start insulting people not even caring who else he is offending. Then he wants to question the Native American reporter and others who has issues with his comments? The link below says of now native Americans are not happy with Trump over his comments, THESE are the people who's opinions matter, and they are upset at him. Also, according to the Cherokees, 1/32nd blood is considered being Cherokee, in fact the current leading chief of the Cherokees is 1/32nd Cherokee, if he can be a Cherokee chief with 1/32 blood, then why can't Warren be considered being Cherokee? Instead of Trump listening to those who just offended and take their feelings and thoughts on the matter into account, he refuses to see why they are upset, or worse yet, doesn't care, and then he doubles down on his comment, yet offending another group of people. Trump comments anger Native Americans | 12NEWS.com
  18. I'm sorry, in my opinion the people yelling and screaming made the gorilla think that THEY were a danger to the child, that this gorilla was simply protecting the boy as he would have protected a baby gorilla. Again, I hope the zoo says if they actually saw how the gorilla was handling the child or if they went by the untrained and hysterical visitors? Why did all these people stay around watching? I can see some taking videos as they can also be very helpful after the incident is over, but it sounds like there were a lot of people who stayed around adding needless commotion which may have frustrated the gorilla. And it also sounds like some other kids were around too, that would be the very first thing to do, is get all of the other kids out of sight of this, as well as the other needless people. Agreed that it's a sad situation. If it is concluded that the mother was neglectful in some way, that she is happy that her poor parenting skills lead to this and the killing of the gorilla that many many many people enjoyed. That's IF it is concluded that she endangered the child.
  19. Witnesses said that to seemed as if the gorilla was attempting to protect the child. Possibly from the humans screaming and yelling? Killed Gorilla Seemed to Protect Child Who Fell in Enclosure: Witness - NBC News
  20. Nkyknowitall; that's is what I am hearing, that for a baby gorilla, the way that he dragged this kid would not have been considered being violent. A gorilla is going to treat a youngster the same whether it be a young gorilla or human, from what I hear he did not violently drag the boy. We have seen this in the past where a kid would somehow end up in a gorilla pit, and the gorilla would protect the child, not harm them. Why did the onlookers think it would be a good idea to to scream and yell? Wouldn't your first thought be that the screaming and yelling would spook the gorilla? He is in a pit about 12 feet below you, he is about 500lbs or so, the gorilla is not going to be scared of some humans, you can see on the video where he stands the boy up and not harming him at all, the boy looks very calm! It does look like the gorilla was curious of the child, but with all of the screaming and yelling he was worried about the boy and took him away as if it was a baby gorilla, look at the size of the boy and a baby gorilla the same size, the gorilla didn't treat the boy any differently. I am also wondering if the zoos emergency response team actually saw the gorilla drag the boy? Or if they were only going by what the uneducated untrained on lookers were telling what they thought happened before the emergency response team got there? I would seriously like to ask Thane that, ask him what exactly did the emergency response team witness? I don't care who this lady is, if I knew her, yes the fact that the boy is safe is the first priority. But I don't care if I just knew of her somehow or if she was a family member, every time I saw her, talked to her, or had the opportunity, I would ask her some very strong questions, to the point that I am sure it will lead to her not wanting to talk to me for a long while. THIS is SOME parents are so lackadaisical in taking care of kids, if they mess up big time, and I'm not talking about a kid who sneaks away and does something, I'm talking about thing that are 100% the adults fault, such as leaving a child in a bit car and the child is very seriously injured or dies. YES, the parent, adult, whoever it is, would be devastated and feeling horrible about it, BUT, does that excuse their action(s), or inaction and neglect? NO! They should still face the consequences if the child is harmed, or in this case, if it decided that the mother could have or should have prevented this, some punished should happen. I don't know what the punishment it should be, I do not agree with incarceration unless it was murder, rape and violent crimes, BUT, if the mother is at fault, something needs to be done to her, as well as her being set as an example that all adults have to be responsible when they are looking after children. If a lady who was not with this mother heard the boy repeating that he wanted to jump into the pit and play with the gorilla, and the mother in this case did hear him say this multiple times, why didn't she take him seriously? IMO it seams like this boy is very curious and adventurist, that he may say he is leaving at a store or where ever, if so, then the mother should have taken him seriously! Why didn't the zoo have the opportunity to talk to the boy and the mother? Last night I saw an 8 minute intercut with the zoos Thane Mannard, and he said that they didn't get to talk to the mother yet? WHAT? And I also find it very odd that they do not have surveillance cameras around the big exhibits. But we all know what is most likely to happen, either the mother or someone that knows her, will talk her into suing the zoo, or some attorney will find her and convince her to sue. If she even thinks about this, I were the zoos attorney I would fight tooth and nail pushing the neglect side of this and be taking to CPS non-stop to go after the mother until she stops the lawsuit or CPS decides to intervene. Sorry for the long posts, these new meds have me going on with things, all things but politics lol. BUT, THIS right here, this should be something that we ALL can agree on for the most part and not have it end in an argument. Forget the election and what Trump says it does for a couple of days and demand that all adults who are responsible for kids are are actually held accountable. (Hey! BballFan hacked into my iPhone and made these long posts, lol)
  21. I'll hold judgment on the parent(s) until more comes out. BUT, witnesses say that the boy was repeatedly telling his mother that he was going to jump into the water. But the mother decided to tend to the other chirdren that was there with her. Wouldn't a child repreatadly telling you that he is going to jump into the water, which is 10 feet below and Ina gorilla pit get your full attention? They are saying at times that it looked like the gorilla was trying to protect the boy, but that onlookers kept screaming and yelling at the gorilla, and some onlookers think that all of the screaming and yelling spooked the gorilla and that he may have thought that they were a danger to the child, thus the gorilla dragged the boy away from the screaming and yelling onlookers. This is plausible, I wonder if this is what the gorilla was actually doing? I seriously hope that there is an investigation and possibly surveillance video of what happened, and that the police and CPS look into this really hard to see if any charges on the mother is warranted. If anything is worthy of neglect and putting a child in danger, this would be it, if the patent indeed should have been able to prevent this. How long has this exact exhibit been there? I think I heard this set up has been there 39+ years? And there has been no other issues? If this is the case then it would be very hard to blame the zoo for anything. I apsolutely hate when people say things like "well the parent has been through enough" with these incidences and when parents leave their child in hot vehicles in warm weather and the child dies or comes close! It's time that all parents are held accountable if their child gets injuries or killed and they should have been able to prevent it.
  22. 16,097 Has to be more, unless those others were all freebies
  23. There is about 20k here tonight, possibly close to 21k
  24. At the Pride's tailgate at Adriatico pizza getting ready to march in. You HAVE to join the march into Nippert and the Bailey, both groups meet up between the tennis courts by the main entrance to Nippert.
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