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Everything posted by SportsGuy41017

  1. That is why I am waiting for more to come out. Such questions as: where was he shot? From the front? As to your last post. That's why one should wait until they see what they are shooting at.
  2. (EDIT) Just read the last link. So it didn't go down at all as the father reported? Not even sure where to begin.
  3. People just have different beliefs, such as RTS, MNT Ref, and myself. But we all are pro gun and all see the right for people to carry.
  4. He makes false claims against someone and is shown how wrong he is. Anti gun? Lol! He was proven wrong. Game, Set, Match. Many of the most pro gun people on this site know differently, they know the truth. Also as has been stated by many, not all who own guns and/or carry do not walk in line with the NRA, as has been stated on here many times by RTS, he isn't even a member, (not saying what he believes) but being a member of the NRA or supporting them does not equal pro gun rights. There are gun owners who want what they see as reasonable regulations. He has no clue about what I do either, as he is still wrong on what he assumes. And MANY share my beliefs in areas where he says they don't.
  5. The black and blue burger was good, and they let me sample the jambalaya which was good. I'll be getting that next time. They said that they cleared another hurdle for the liquor license and hope to have it in two weeks. The crowd did pick up a lot before I left.
  6. I live nearby, so now I'm wondering if I ever seen you around here, Darn OCD, lol
  7. I'm here now. Very nice set up, ill try to get some photos as well as a review. This would be a good spot for a meet n greet once they are open a little later.
  8. Didn't he change his ideas as soon as he threw his hat in the ring?
  9. ^ Thanks. I may try it soon. Every time I go to my back I remember it, but it's always too late as they close early.
  10. Has anyone been to the new Public House? I see that they have lunch hours now. Any reviews? Who owns it? Beechwood fan? Hear anything? Thanks!
  11. I agree. that is one clip where slo-mo doesn't show the true story. I'll admit, this year I haven't watched much football, and ever since about the Bengals 9th week I can't watch home games live. So I don't know if this is sentence is good, bad, or in between
  12. But, when I first saw this thread, I was thinking like, State of the State, State of the Union. I was expecting Mother Nature to be speaking, lol. Of course I'm heavily medicated today, lol.
  13. We ALL are guilty of many things. If it wasn't for us having a very loving Father, and a VERY forgiving Father we all would be toast.
  14. That's close to my white. sad, I could never get a tan, burnt? Yes, Tan? Not a chance.
  15. I am hearing that is where he will end up, and that they will bring him here.
  16. I don't know if I should laugh, or cry that someone.... well, nevermind.
  17. I'm not disagreeing with the entire theory. I am sure when some "scouts" over there see that someone is from the U.S., they look at their characteristics to see if they can recruit them.
  18. Maybe not the correct thread but since it was brought up. I think anyone who is competent and desires to carry weapons should. I'm all for background check and in a little more detail. I should have to go to a licensed dealer to sell or sign over any forearm, there should be no private sales. Also, just because one owns guns or has a CCDW does not mean that they are capable. I'll throw anyone that hunts into the acceptable category, as well as any LEO, and many others will be competent as well. But, just because one can pass an easy test and background check does not mean that they are capable of using split second decisions on when to fire, and who to fire at. If you hunt, an LEO, and some others, I don't see them necessarily needing additional training. Now, I'm not saying additional training should be mandatory, but one would be wise to take it. Below is an example, the one some called a "hero", almost shot at the hero who wrestled a shooters gun away. It has one of his quotes on the article, and I remember this being on the news a few days after the Gifford shooting, he said that he almost shot and killed the wrong person. BUT, Armed people can, and have, helped a great deal, as well as saved many lives. Tucson shooting fires up gun debate - latimes
  19. You are either one of the most unobservant people on this site or just stubborn and out to cause havoc, as you fail to comprehend that fact that I mentioned MANY times on here about owning multiple firearms, and almost never leaving home with them when working or not. To show others how unobservant you are and the fact that you have me all wrong. I'm sure you know what you can do with my CCDW and my over 16k rounds of ammo!
  20. No, it's common sense that this owner of multiple guns has! A gun owner that thinks that universal background checks need to be law, something that a director of the NRA actually agreed with a decade ago.
  21. Horrible when LEO can't even be safe. But, on your Mecca comment, all able bodied Muslims are required to make the pilgrimage at least once in their life. Where there things that could have been a part of this? SURE! Could he have met people over there? SURE! But the pilgrimage itself isn't too worrisome.
  22. Most of those lilly white terrorists are out on some government land in Oregon
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