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Everything posted by LongTimeReader

  1. Until his team plays in a state championship game, I'll have to pass on him as Mr. Football.
  2. I get the thought behind this thread, and this is hard to say but T run the last 3 years is beyond impressive. The players they had the last 3 years were remarkable. Give their props and move on T may win stat again this year but I think they'll look a little more haunt his year.
  3. I think when this first started the JCPS teams were trying to take a "stand" against T and then I think T said that they can compete and beat top regional teams that are much better than JCPS teams. So I think that T 's thinking is that they don't need in state schools unless they are competitive, such as BG and HHS. I firmly believe that X would still play T even if they were not in the same district, but would T keep playing if they were not in same district?
  4. T is #1 until someone can knock them off followed by X at #2. I think Male will be better, but I believe they will be very young so they maybe a year or two away from being actual contenders.
  5. I believe that T has just recently started playing their regional schedule. Much like X 10 years ago they would play one maybe two out of state teams, but the majoritybof their schedulebwerenin state teams.
  6. Is he still teaching at Warren East? As mentioned in an earlier post, could he be the HC in waiting?
  7. It would be nice if Karl would have "redshirted" back in kindergarten, that way he would still be a Tiger!
  8. I had the opportunity to play with Vic. He was a sophomore when I was a senior. During that year he had his moments of being a sophomore. He wanted to be the man in '04 but he had a hard time handling tough situations on the field. But like most kids in high school he grew each yer and I would say became a great representative for St. X and UofL. But back to the thread topic, I don't know if Vic cracks the top 3 all time because there were some very good RBs before Vic and there have been some good ones after him. This is what makes lit like this so much fun, as long as someone can back it up the top 3 can be different time. Roll Tigers!
  9. AV, I know it's tempting to respond to the above post, but stay strong and don't say anything negative. By responding to these we are only enabling continued post. Roll Tigers! :wave:
  10. I believe UK used laser time at their "Under the Lights" camp.
  11. That may be true but I believe I also read he ran around a 4.52 at UofL. So either way, he's rollin'.
  12. Great for both players. For Charles that will help him get recruited for other positions as well.
  13. While I wish I could be there for when the Tigers knock of the Rocks, the game I really want to see is the BG game. BG will be a true bench mark test for this group of players and coaches. BG might be one of the most talented teams in the state this year and it will be interesting to see how the kids and coaches can adjust to the speed that the Purples will posses. Good luck to the Tigers, can't wait until August!
  14. Numbers can be misleading.... In the 2 games between the teams this year X had 14 total runs and PRP had 3. PRP was the better team yesterday. PRP is always tough and at the end of the day they made fewer mistakes.
  15. It all took place in the bottom of the 8th, in that order.
  16. Never had the opportunity to see Ryan Beard play in HS, but I saw him play for the Hilltoppers and he was a very good player. His brother Jay was a top notch player as well, but the reason why I left Jay off was because of his injury late in his junior year that carried over to his senior year. ...I don't know how could forget about Baily's brother, LaVance Anderson. He was player now, just a natural at every position. I remember LaVance playing 3 defensive plays against Owensboro in the playoffs and making 3 straight sacks.
  17. Watching on iHigh as well as following on Twitter, the pitchers for both teams pitched great games. Tough for Logan County, that last out in games of this magnitude is always the hardest. Congrats Tigers! Beat PRP.
  18. I watched some games on iHigh last year and it was pretty good. Glad they're providing the service!
  19. For the X's, T's, BG's, Highlands', Male's, of the world it is almost "easier" to break it down into all decade teams, but tryng to pick the Top 3 is a great debatable topic. Top Player that I heard about - Dicky Lyons Top Offensive Player that I saw play - Tendi Charisika Top Defensive Player that I saw play - Bernard Jackson
  20. I'm going to go with guys that I have seen play or played with....so basically I remember going to my 1st X game in '94. In no particular order.... Tendi Chariskia (sp?) - I had the opportunity to play with Vic Anderson, but I would take Tendi Chariskia (sp?) over just about any RB in the modern era. A short running back in stature but could run over a defender or just flat out, out run a defender. He i believe was also a state champion in wrestling. Bernard Jackson - what a beast he was for X. A 3 year starter he could run a for being 6'4. Him and Chip Mattingly were a great pair of LBers. Dan Bick - I had the opportunity to play with Dan and I can not think of a player who was more explosive than Dan. He may have been a bit undersized for MLB, but he played like he was 220lbs. Others for consideration.... Gus Jacobs Brandon Terrell Ryan Pain Justin Haydock Will Rabatin Matt Huff Eric Sailing Victor Anderson Joe Tronzo I like this thread....there are a number more that could be considered.
  21. I'm going to base my Top 3 off of a short time frame, while BG is rich in history and traditions I can not speak on some of the players personally..... 1. Michael Bailey - He was maybe pound for pound the best player I saw wear the Gold Bowling Green helmet. 2. Nacarius Fant - This young man his a special player, and when it's all said and done will leave BG with some records that may not be broken for a very long time. 3. Trent Steelman - May not have been the best athlete on his teams, but was a leader who knew how to win.
  22. Pulling for St. X, hopefully they can finish their season with a victory. PRP is always a dangerous team during tournament time.
  23. Congratulations to the Tigers! Good luck against Male! Year of the Tiger.
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