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Everything posted by Eaglenation

  1. Their football staff is excellent. They do a good job. As far a young coaches go, it can get a bit overwhelming at times. Dealing with parents being the most difficult. Keep your head up Coach Robinson. The second oldest profession in the world is second guessing the coach. :argue:
  2. C-Ville returns 9 starters on both sides of the ball next year. Played Hazard for the regional championship this past season.
  3. I have become a big fan of Williamsburg this past year. Good Luck to the athletes and coaches as they finish strong. I know their athletes and they will continue to fight. :fight:
  4. The Nation would like to set up counselling for your BGP addiction, but it won't help. Stay aboard, and continue your fix. This site is a great support group in it self. :thumb:
  5. Bardstown is too athletic and will run to a 10 to 15 point victory.
  6. The Nation pray's for you and yours.
  7. 1st Round : Bardstown Paintsville UHA LCA Somerset Rose Hill Metcalf Hazard 2nd Round : Bardstown UHA Rose Hill Hazard 3rd Round : Bardstown Hazard Champion : Bardstown TB = 153
  8. The Nation is praying for you and yours...........
  9. Here we go again....Let's be real frank here. The privates wanted the zero tolerence policy for publics because they(privates) don't have boundries from which to draw their population. This policy would further handicap the public schools when it comes to public vs private opperational procedures. And furthermore, this is exactly why the private schools would not agree to the sphere of influence proposel that was made during the compromise portion of the debate after the state kicked the idea of a split out.
  10. The news-papers editorial artist draws the pictures for the paper. That does not mean it is his idea. The paper can choose to use this topic( private vs public ) as its editorial for the day and asked him to render a comic to go with it. Based on his drawing, however, it seems he pays attention to the current events going on in the state.
  11. Was this case ( LCA ) worthy of a play-off ban ? :confused:
  12. Could it be Osama bin Ladin :ylsuper:
  13. " Eye of the Tiger " by Suvivor. That song is beat to death. Can't stand to even hear it. :mad:
  14. Green Co. is the biggest challanger, maybe, but C-Ville beat them last night so I guess the Eagles become the biggest challenge.
  15. Word on the street is that the big boy practiced with Taylor Co. yesterday. It appears the KHSAA has ruled him eligible. The 5th region is not happy about this and it could lead to open season around these parts. The KHSAA is a joke for even claiming to monitor this stuff.
  16. Just like the privates voted down the "Sphere of Influence" idea where there were boundries set for private schools.
  17. No, you are wrong. They are still responsible for giving them a free, appropriate, public education. They can not show them to the door and say "See Ya". Nor can public school coaches show up at middle school contests, pick out the best players, approach them and talk to them about attending their cross town school instead. Oh, and offer tuition assistance to those that say " We can't afford that ". Sorry I continued for so long but I wanted to make sure you didn't miss my point. Does this kind of stuff go on ? Just curious.
  18. Does St. X have an alternitive placement or do you send them out and wash their hands of them? Just curious................
  19. The kids a beast. He could be an outstanding LB in college. Big, strong and fast. I would for sure give him more touches. Wonder what his grades and test score are like? Don't matter how fast or how big without those grades and test score. :thumb:
  20. Recruiting is hand picking. You are establishing a target, for what ever reason, and you go after them. Would you agree with that?
  21. And that is not difficult when you can hand pick the best of the best.
  22. "We have kids that do that. We recruit all students that would desire a Catholic School education. No matter if they are rich, poor, black, white, protestant, catholic, or athiest". So what draws your attention to them if they don't do something special? The word recruit means to activily persue. So your telling me that a student with a middle school GPA of 2.3 and a PSAT score of 13 is welcome at your school? "Yes, students can be removed from private schools for a variety of things. Students are alerted and informed to this when they enroll. Does that mean a one strike and you're out..NO. We want everyone that walks in our doors as a student to walk out with a High School Diploma, and as a better person. It won't happen, but we would not be doing our job if we didn't try to make it so for everyone". Public schools can not throw kids out and say they have done all they can do for them. So, would you say to have a select envirnment is advantagous? Just curious.
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