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Everything posted by Watusi

  1. I made a type above. I meant to type 1A and 6A in that post, instead of 1A and 5A.
  2. Because of cross bracketing, 5A District 5 is actually in the west half of the bracket this season, and paired with District 3 (Bullitt, Nelson, Oldham district). My guess is the #1 seed from District 3 will get a bye in the first week of the playoffs. Here is the alignment for 2017 and 2018. Adjusted Football Alignment, 2
  3. That is a two edged sword though. It may be easier for some, but for a lot of teams it isn't. Ask Johnson Central or Belfry how tough it is to find games. Part of their problem is geographical, but it is really tough to find games with good teams willing to do a home/home. Less district games magnifies the problem.
  4. You can watch the entire game here... FULL GAME: Belfry at Cabell Midland | WCHS
  5. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, fellas. :stop:
  6. Great game by the Pirates. Gritty performance by Wellman on both sides of the ball. Really nice job by the offensive line. The defense has improved throughout the season, but tonight was the night they had a breakthrough. They really grew a lot tonight and they will be so much better for it.
  7. Midland's heads are not in it now. The injury took a lot of air out of their sails, and rightfully so.
  8. D playing lights out in the 2nd half, and with some confidence. That was a huge stop on 3rd and 4th. Great to see, and much needed.
  9. It took some balls for Sammons to go for it on the 4th and 1 only down 1 TD.
  10. Belfry going to try and run out this clock. I'm surprised MIdland didn't call a TO there.
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