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Everything posted by Watusi

  1. A school in Oklahoma has gone to court to try and force their high school athletic association to let them replay the last couple of minutes of their playoff game two weeks ago where they had a touchdown called back because of a sideline infraction. The situation sounds identical to this one we are discussing. I'm not sure how they could go back and replay the end of the game now. Wow. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/12/10/should-an-oklahoma-judge-order-a-high-school-football-game-replayed/
  2. Spill it, Crash. There is no way anything you say could possibly make us think you are a bigger idiot than we think now. :thumb:
  3. Congrats to my fellow Pirate, good job :thumb: Beyond that, all that matters is... [TABLE=width: 100] [TR] [TD]Watusi[/TD] [TD]66[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Randy Parker[/TD] [TD]66[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]PurplePride92[/TD] [TD]62[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Jumper_Dad[/TD] [TD]61[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] :banana:
  4. I found that catch. This angle is not the best but it was a great one handed grab. Go to the 49:20 point of the Williamsburg game video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAhqTjGQK0A&index=1&list=PL3dXRQUiJ-JiGL_LJg3Sx85TRSUBqD3zY
  5. There was another catch by a different Williamsburg WR earlier in this game that was also a circus catch. That was 2 of the better catches I have seen in a long time and they both came in the same game. That catch was on the opposite end of the field by Lowrie at about the 10 yd line. It was probably a little less than halfway into the 2nd qtr. Anybody have video of that one?
  6. Hard to look at scores and tell. Paris won in 1981 and 82 by scores of 19-7 and 35-6. It is possible those scores were defensive TDs.
  7. Towles was one of the ones that came to mind. I figured somebody from Beechwood may have done that in the early 90s or maybe somebody from Boyle during their run.
  8. Has anyone ever rushed for 100+ yards in 3 consecutive state championship games? Austin Hatfield, in 3 consecutive state championship games, has rushed 70 times for 454 yards. Is this a first, or has it been done before? 2012, 19 carries for 105 yards vs. Central 2013, 21 carries for 114 yards vs. Wayne County 2014, 30 carries for 235 yards vs. Central
  9. Right and a little further Belfry is one of 5 high schools in the Pike Co School System. Plus Belfry is not even an incorporated town, just a community. We have no tax base and definitely not our own school district.
  10. Just one in Belfry's 4 championship victories they have thrown for a total of 14 yards and rushed for 1453
  11. I met Owen Hauck today by happenstance. He was very cordial and engaging. We were standing in line prior to Belfry's game and he struck up a conversation with me. It wasn't until a few minutes in that I realized who I was talking to I was a little giddy. If if you ever have the chance to talk to Coach Hauck don't pass it up. He is an interesting man and I'm so glad I met him today.
  12. Hatfield was huge no question and he deserves it. Horton was every bit as valuable though. He was a man today and I hope his play on this stage gets him some statewide recognition.
  13. I'll take it. I I just wish we hadn't have thrown that one pass LOL
  14. Central is winning the field position battle but killing themselves with penalties. Belfry's defense is really looking good and the offense is more than holding their own. Central is so opportunistic though and they take advantage of the only Belfry miscue of the day so far.
  15. I'm going to miss "El Toro" next year, but I'll enjoy watching him tomorrow :thumb:
  16. Anticipation is starting to get the better of me as the week drags on. I feel like a kid a couple of weeks before Christmas. I am really looking forward to this game. Two old familiar foes going at it for the title. :thumb:
  17. Cards looking really good, and Blackshear is on fire. What a half
  18. Not a lot of difference in those two on deer, IMO. Very similar ballistics and either one will shoot flat out to 300 or so and still have plenty of energy. My favorite rifle was a .270 and I am partial to it.
  19. I didn't see a picture. You think it is safe to say he is probably 55+ then lawildcat?
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