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Everything posted by burreaux

  1. I think that's just the nature of a good coaching search, find the top young assistants and hope one of them is interested and could be persuaded. Travis Burns' name also seems to get mentioned for every job in the area.
  2. I'd probably parlay the Steelers (-1) and Eagles (-3.5) together. Spindoc, same. I'm just hoping my youngest will be willing to stay the whole game this time. We left after Burrow's second INT against the Texans and I couldn't get him to go back 🙃
  3. I wish there was a button to love a post instead of just like it. These are such good and easy ideas that could improve the system so much. I would want to keep home field advantage because it gives schools a chance to show off their community to other people who may otherwise never visit there.
  4. They even won a district title or two within the last 7 years or so, just never really sustained that success. Another benefit to this job is that they tend to get put in favorable districts. Their numbers should keep them in 5A for a few more cycles and there really aren't too many strong 5A contenders in Central KY.
  5. It goes back to when the schools split in the 90's and goes beyond just football. West Jessamine has always been the 'good' school and East was considered second tier. East has had periods of success in some sports but the community never got behind them like they have for West (and even then the support Jessamine County has for HS athletics in general is extremely low compared to other communities). This could be an attractive job for a coach/teacher because Jessamine is among the leaders in teacher pay for the area. The youth system has improved significantly in the last 10 years and there are talented, athletic kids in their district.
  6. I would worry about attendance for some of these games, especially if this round would be the Friday after Thanksgiving.
  7. Oh I know, I'm just looking for the same outrage that we saw with Burrow'd wrist.
  8. I didn't see him listed on the injury report...
  9. Yeah but if he wasn't on the team they wouldn't be here. I'm just joking people, please don't start this again. 😂
  10. Pick play by the Chiefs. Those are basically impossible to stop when teams get to the end zone.
  11. If Corbin or Frederick Douglass couldn't, I don't see Franklin having any chance of stopping him. I think there is a pretty large gap in athleticism between these two teams.
  12. Hopefully the next coach will be able to get the community to buy in more, I don't know of a school around that has been neglected by their community more than they have. East Jess has a lot more athletic talent than their record would indicate these last few years.
  13. Hurdling seems so instinctive and reactive that it may be hard to coach that out of a player. And if I remember correctly, they were 'successful' on all three attempts.
  14. Best thing about finishing last in the division is that it would give us an easier schedule next year with a fully healthy Burrow.
  15. I find it troubling that we have invested so much in this line and have very little to show for it. Williams is likely gone after this year, and Volson/Cappa have taken a decent step back this year. In the last 15 years we have basically only drafted 2 starting caliber linemen, Williams in '19 and Zeitler in '12. We HAVE to start drafting better on the o-line.
  16. 2-5 sounds right. There a lot of free agents coming up so this team may look very different in 2024.
  17. Definitely on the same team, I'm not sure if it was the same player but others are saying so. The last one came when Corbin was driving deep into Boyle County territory and could have potentially tied the game. It turned a 3rd and very short into a 3rd and long and pretty much sealed the game up.
  18. Thank you for clarifying that. I guess it seems like in this example the rulebook is talking out of both sides of its mouth. I would think that jumping headfirst in any situation whether to catch the ball, make a tackle, or advance the ball could result in a more serious injury than a hurdle would. I'd also say that Corbin didn't lose the game because of the hurdle penalty, Boyle beat them because of their ability to get their athletes the ball in open space and take advantage of a short field after a blocked punt.
  19. That 2020 title game was such a great game to watch. For whatever reason it doesn't seem like too many HS games go into OT. This game ends with the same result, but bigger margin. Boyle 40 Franklin 14
  20. A Boyle county player seemed to dive into the end zone over a pile of Corbin players, is that not considered a hurdle? I just don't understand how we could say that hurdling is too dangerous but diving head first isn't.
  21. They are probably playing that game at Corbin or even Cov Cath if he isn't on the team.
  22. Those kids do a great job, very professional appearance and sound.
  23. I don't think that's crazy. I've been trying to tell people that Corbin was great and they gave Boyle all they wanted. I'd also add that I thought Tavey fumbled that ball at the end.
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