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Everything posted by ChickenWyngz

  1. I understand the no hitter reasoning for sure. He has been as bad as people think though, and his attitude made it that much worse, IMO. Yes, errors and things happen, but they don't explain his 6+ ERA.
  2. No, basketball is a too long of a season with too many back to back nights, etc. Eventually a hot shooting team and an off night catch up with the best teams.
  3. This is where I'm at. If you refuse to pay him to not play (and it's not my money to say whether to or not), put him in the bullpen where he hates life and let him rot.
  4. If I'm going disciplinarian my first call is to try to get Bill Cowher out of the studio. 12 years younger than Coughlin and I believe would relate better to the players while establishing the discipline than Coughlin. Yes you want more discipline, but no you don't want to lose the ship while doing so. He also has plenty of experience winning in the AFC North, which has changed since he's been there, but in Nov-Dec it's still about ground and pound be the tougher man football. He'd be a hard one to pull from the studio, but it's possible. Guys like Gruden prove that it's always a burning desire of coaches to coach and lead. I'd at least send the feeler out.
  5. I agree on being solid additions, especially Sanchez. I'm very hung up on all the talk about Keuchel, etc. Makes it hard to settle on these guys.
  6. I could care less if Florida was offering them back to back years in the Swamp, if you do all the griping about how no one will play you and go as far as to hang fake banners, you take this game. I was getting sick of hearing all the UCF needs to be in the playoff chatter, but turning down a legitimate P5 school's attempt to play you just burned the UCF bridge for me. Can't wait for them to slowly dissolve back into being an after thought in the college football world. Go beat Austin Peay and others on that level so you can hang another fake banner.
  7. Before I begin this novel, I'm well aware this is a long shot but I love this what if.... What if Nick Foles leads the Eagles to another SB coming in late in the season as a backup? In many sports we make our arguments about who is the best ever based on how many rings they lead their teams to. I've seen the argument for Eli Manning (even in bad years) being that he led his team to two championships. Which leads me to the above question. In Foles we have a guy who has proven, in other chances, to be a less than successful starting QB, but when it came to crunch time last year he had an incredible run. This year he comes in for Wentz and wins in LA in what was the biggest upset victory for Philly since '95. So if all is said and done, and Nick Foles is hoisting the trophy in February, what is his legacy?
  8. Kinda where I'm at. It's exciting as a fan to hear Castellini say he's going to open the pocket book and #getthepicthing , but in reality we all knew how it would go, unfortunately. It doesn't help get pitchers here that GABP gives up more Dingers than the Softball City Sports Complex. Pitchers know they better get the money now when they sign here because a good chance they leave with a 4.00+ ERA over their tenure in Cincy thus less bargaining power on the next contract.
  9. I see no way Mikey can bring back his buddy, Marv. I know we've said this before, but pictures of the stadium speak volumes. Unfortunately, Mikey boy had already made his bottom dollar this year, as a lot of that comes in season ticket sales, but he HAS to know after the 4-1 start to no playoff contention will result in lost sales next year if something isn't done. With this said, it can't be Hue although I could see it being him. Another big time Mikey move would be bringing in Vance Joseph once he's fired. I'd like them to stay away from things like Lincoln Riley, etc, the big splash college name, but also get out of the comfort zone with the Mavin cronies. If they are staying in the Marvin tree, I wish their first call would be to Zimmer, admit you made a mistake years ago by letting him go and see what his can't say no number is. I have no idea if he has any connections in the Cincy area still that would make this enticing or not, but as a Bengals fan it would pump me up. What are your thoughts?
  10. I was looking back in old threads and saw a thread about the Bengals next coach from 2016. Obviously at this point last year we all thought Marvin was done due to some shotty reporting from Adam Schefter. So I bring it back up again, if for no other reason than to enjoy reading responses. Who is coaching the Bengals next year? Marvin? Hue? Someone else?
  11. Redleg Nation ‏ @Redlegnation 17h17 hours ago More The Cincinnati #Reds are showing interest in free agent starting pitchers Anibal Sanchez and Mike Fiers as they keep trying to #getthepitching
  12. Great test for Beechwood. I had them tabbed in my mind to pull this off after they handled Dixie on Tuesday, but now Campbell (who is very good) absolutely throttled Dixie. It makes me question how much I should read into that Tuesday score. Beechwood is very talented and can light it up from 3-point land, that'll keep them in any game, but I'll see how they come out of tonight before I go handing out any further accolades. My guess is Cooper by single digits, but would not be shocked to see the Tigers pull out a close one.
  13. I don't agree with Bonds, Clemens, etc not being in the HOF, but at least can see some merit in the other sides argument. The fact that Larry Walker isn't either makes me, LOL.
  14. Which place was evacuated? Did they evacuate your building as well? Seems like that's awfully close for comfort to me!
  15. I will say that the Bengals issues seem much more serious than those at GABP, yet they rank a little more favorably. IMO, I'd rather eat off something prepared by a dishwasher that didn't get to temp than off a place covered in mouth turds and mold.
  16. That's basically where I sit. Not blown away by the information, but it doesn't make me any happier lol.
  17. Jared Hughes ‏ Verified account @locatejared 22h22 hours ago More Replying to @Reds “Just go after hitters and just attack, attack, attack.” ...I read this 20 mins ago and now I’m in full uniform lifting weights. Let’s do this! #2019 It's exciting to see players on this team excited about an acquisition.
  18. Link Cincinnati stadium concessions fail cleanliness tests. What are your thoughts on this? I'm not totally shocked, but being someone who goes to an absolute ton Greater Cincinnati sporting events throughout the year, I do find it concerning.
  19. I have seen him play twice in his career, so you have seen him more than me I'm sure. I agree on him being a great teammate and involving others. I mentioned that in a thread about him during the preseason. He is a tremendous athlete. I'd love to see him play 4 years at UK and end up being that experienced calming presence on the floor for Cal, a lot like Darius Miller was.
  20. I was referencing the post above stating 3 1/2 minutes left was when he was pulled. I stand corrected, it was the 5:12 mark. It was a 90-54 game at the end of the 4th quarter though. Like I referenced, let him have all he can eat points wise for 3 quarters, but don't leave him in in that situation. At that point I question if you're simply chasing the century mark. The game was well in hand after 3 quarters. Looks like he left with a little over 5 mins left against Augusta earlier this week. It was a 32 point game then. Just not a good look in my opinion, and it's gonna make things not very fun for what's left at PC after he is gone. Those things have a funny way of coming back around on you.
  21. I'm all for a kid chasing a record, but you do it differently. Run more sets through him while the game isn't totally out of hand. Get all you can eat for 3 quarters of a blowout, etc, but don't let it become a classless move in blowouts and result in people questioning your integrity. To each their own though. I'd handle it one way, you would another and Joe at the gas station down the street would handle it even another way. That's what makes the world go round!
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