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Everything posted by ukcatfan17

  1. Hit The Smoking Pig last night. Shared the pod out platter with pulled chicken, pulled pork, ribs, and brisket plus 3 sides. The chicken and ribs were good, but the brisket was a little over cooked and the pulled pork way over smoked. Been there before though and the pork was awesome! Will try it again someday.
  2. Pickles... whoever thought of that concoction and then felt it tasted good? Raw tomatoes.... just ugh Asparagus... doesn't matter what you do to it.... just nasty Onions. Except cooked, like really cooked. And don't slip them into my Skyline dip because the little crunchy things are nasty. Sauerkraut.. enough said Tea...just makes me gag. Coffee...love the smell and opposite the taste.
  3. Was just at Limestone Branch today and they didnt mention that. Even saw and spoke to Mr. Beam himself. Tour guide said they source their Yellowstone from existing barrels around the other distilleries and said the Lux Row was a very impressive facility. Ended up buying a bottle of a 95 proof bourbon containing 28 percent malted red wheat, 12 percent malted barley, the rest corn and it was tasty! Also hit Makers to buy my ambassador bottle...always great to visit and has changed so much in the last 6 years since I've been. The independent stave your was really sweet. Gotta salute those who produce bourbon barrels....not an easy job by far.
  4. Pretty much any student who comes to a public school has to be accepted as long as vaccination records, etc are up to date. Shoot, due to the (excuse my spelling on this one) McKinny - Vento law, if a student is considered homeless and the family moves out of your district, even if they move in with a relative such as a grandparent, the original school still has to allow them to attend...they do not have to go to the school they should attend in the new district. AND that district may be required to transport them all the way to the original school. Think of a school bus traveling across multiple districts to pick up 1 or a few kids.....
  5. How many seasons since they've done this? All the puzzles, balance challenges, etc get boring.
  6. We have a new idol for ghost island. Awesome if they'd work it back into this season that way.
  7. Chris=way overconfident=going home #blindside
  8. No girls...don't do that to Libby. Vote Chris out. He's too great in his own mind and is leading nearly everyone by a string.
  9. It's because since everyone went to school, they feel they know what it takes to teach. That makes as much sense as saying since a person flys on an airplane multiple times a week, they know how to fly the plane. Legislators feel they know how to do our job and have no trouble passing bills that tell us how to teach/what we need to do in the classroom. In reality, they have no clue.
  10. 185 days is classroom time and professional development requirements. We get no paid holidays, breaks, or summers. Those who get paychecks over the summer do it by choice to spread their pay out over the summer. Some choose to take all of their pay during the school months and get no checks in the summer. They get larger checks in the months while in school, but must budget to having no checks while out in the summer.
  11. Wow. It means I get my 25 minute lunch break where I usually eat in 15 minutes so I can get work done before I have students again. Plus we are required by contract to be at school 25 minutes before the first bell and 25 minutes after school is out. Most are at school well before and after those times, plus all of the days beyond the school requirements to disassemble their classrooms so they can be cleaned over the summer and then the days to reassemble and prepare for school to begin. We don't just leave the last day of school and when we come back on the first day in the fall our rooms, lessons, etc magically are ready. I work way more as a teacher than I did as a data analyst and project director in market research for 11 years. However, the work is much more satisfying!
  12. We get the Sunday paper mainly for the ads and coupons. Somehow we get stretches where we don't have it in the driveway on sundays but the neighbors do. We've canceled before, but restarted because the 0.99 price a week beats the in store price. Recently they didn't deliver 2 out of 3 sundays. The 1st Sunday I called and went through the automated customer service. One of the choices was "do you want the paper delivered today" and I chose yes. The paper never showed up. 2weeks later and no paper again so this time I called and spoke to a rep. Both the rep and a supervisor told me they could not guarantee that I'd have the paper every Sunday (isn't that their job to deliver to me every Sunday) and didn't seem to care too much about it. They both asked if I wanted the days paper and I said yes. The 1st said it would be there by 10:30. The next said it would be there sometime, but didn't know why the 1st rep said 10:30. Did it ever show up.....no. I called the next day and let them have it and asked for the delivery supervisor to call me and explain why it didn't show even after they asked if I wanted it. Did the supervisor call? Nope. Tuesday morning there was a Sunday paper in my driveway. Frustrating.
  13. I always back in if I can't pull through. I just can't wrench my neck around like I used to to see around me as I back up out of a spot. Easier to use my mirrors and backup camera to back into a spot. Also, I read that people overseas tend to back into spots while we great Americans tend to pull in spots because we are in a hurry to get to where we are going and don't want to spend the extra few seconds to back in.
  14. Loved this...the music arrangement is so awesome. The actors in the movie, esp Jesus and Judah's had a much greater range than j legend and "Judas". Esp at the temple scene...man the guy who played Jesus had pipes..... "get out....get out!" Wow what range in the original. But I really enjoyed tonight!
  15. Know this should be in a diff strand, but the live performance of JC Superstar was awesome.
  16. Haven't I been preaching this about a 3rd party. Please step up and be bold. Don't follow the $$$ of the 2 major parties and the lobbyists. Then people will speak when you show them what you stand for. The problem is that a 3rd party will not survive unless enough are elected to have a major impact at all levels.
  17. But it happened there..why shouldn't they lead?
  18. No one has called another a name yet or personally attacked someone....getting along well. Still though I've not seen any independent plans to get us a new 3rd party to lead us out. Our past has had several different parties...dems and reps haven't always been in control. Maybe we need something new to take us in a new direction or are we too divided. Seems like the last few presidential elections have been close to 50/50.
  19. What do all of these diplomats do (besides spy)? How many in total do we/they have in each other's country?
  20. YES! The question is how do WE THE PEOPLE as their boss get this done. They have built up so many rules/laws that inhibit us from touching them. The same goes for their pay...how are they allowed to vote on their own pay?
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