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Everything posted by ukcatfan17

  1. That's a huge part of our problem...no one will vote out their senator or house reps. We never drain the swamp in DC or Frankfort...maybe 1 here or there but never on a level to send a message to them to get it together or else they will be next. After the "sewer" bill last week down state I think there will be a lot of draining in November though.
  2. Let's name some names.... who can lead us?
  3. Let's throw this out there....who should be the next president?....... the rules, 1. not Trump...2. Not Hillary. Who then? Or who could be a viable 3rd party candidate?
  4. I also hated Rosanne when it was on years ago. Thought the subjects they covered broke down too many walls and lowered our morals. I did see the new show and it seems like she has switched from liberal to conservative?.....
  5. Our country will never be great again if both parties don't stop opposing EVERYTHING the other side believes in. We need a strong 3rd party, but the current 2 have rigged the rules to make it almost impossible for another party to gain strength.
  6. The Bill and Hillary show needed to be shut down and thankfully America did it. Maybe we didn't get a great replacement, but they had to be shown the door and hopefully it hit them on the way out.
  7. I haven't seen this floated out yet, but what about stationing national guard or federal troops at schools? If the uniforms make people wary and upset, have them wear a special uniform more like the police.
  8. That's what the government does best. Make us fix poor parents, unfed kids, protect the school, etc.......
  9. ukcatfan17


    Hey now....I think you had a post where you mentioned the possibility of snow in April. Any updates on that? What part of the state was this a possibility?
  10. We don't want their stadium in KY. Soccer will always be a minor league sport compared to the other pro sports. I don't know why people want to play it, yet alone watch it. I think it's more of a party thing in the stands and less that they care about watching a ball get kicked back and forth. Plus, based on all of KYs pension issues, there better not be a huge tax relief given like FCC was trying to do to CPS.
  11. I did go to bed with about 13 minutes left. Sleep seemed like the thing to do rather stay and be tortured by the flow of the game. Cut my losses.
  12. Stephanie had nice attributes, but it was something about her hair that didn't do it for me....seemed like she had enough for 2 or 3 people and it was so coal black.
  13. I love the cowboy's broadcasts. He really knows what he is talking about...esp. pitching (surprised he isn't a pitching coach for the team). I think his Texas drawl also makes him easier to listen to. I hope he replaces Marty (btw...time to retire fella even though it will sound strange not hearing that voice anymore). My guess is Marty jr. Will be offered the position.
  14. I see his attitude when he drives and misses the shot, then turns to the ref wondering why a foul wasn't called. While this is happening, the other players are already getting downcourt. Just way too overconfident in his ability. Maybe he should have gone pro after last season......
  15. Glad to see the SEC back in strength though. Make U.K. Earn it.
  16. I said it. Either they have quit or they are just that clueless on playing at this level.
  17. This is Cal's 2nd worst team IMO. Getting much closer to the Archie Goodwin (lol) team.
  18. These announcers are ripping U.K. Hope the coaches replay their comments for the players to hear. Maybe might wake somebody up.
  19. Cal has to get some players who will be here more than 1 year to have some leadership and experience...make that more than 2 years as Gabriel watches a drive down the lane.....
  20. Liked the Doritos fire and Mountain Dew ice commercial
  21. Budweiser ad canning water....maybe they should stick with that. Probably tastes a lot better!.......or do they put rice in the water too.
  22. Ditto...and I really don't care who they are wearing, what they are wearing, and how much jewelry and $$$ it's worth. Why is that so important to people?
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