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Everything posted by CAT DIESEL POWER

  1. No the High School issued state information and it says that all tickets must be purchased online or onsite at Kroger field.
  2. The following is from the Khsaa handbook pertaining to tournament for football (I assume playoffs are tournaments) From the wording if our school didn't agree to the press box side being reserved then Etown didn't handle this correctly. With that said great game between two great teams but the way this was handled took away from the game a bit for me personally. The principals of the competing schools, or their representatives shall agree on all matters pertaining to the game, including but not limited to, date and starting time, admission charges, expenses, and allocation of reserved seat tickets for the game. Disagreement on any of these items shall be referred to the Commissioner, whose decision in the matter shall be final.
  3. I would rank them Lca Catholic Somerset The rest are all irrelevant Christian beat catholic by 20 and somerset by about the same My point with Lafayette is Catholic is the same caliber of team as Fredrick Douglas and Tate’s creek Either way hope both teams make it to lex and bring home the hardware
  4. Not being argument either but the two 6a teams have to be Fredrick Douglas and Tate’s creek who both played and beat Lafayette. One 29-14 and the other 21-7 the same Lafayette team that that catholic beat 25-0. I am a literal person so I base everything off stats I can’t help it so based off that those three teams are all about even. I again don’t think Boyle schedule has been hard but I also don’t think Danville’s has been either other than lca some rest got beat by bourbon county one of those terrible 4a schools that has already turned in there equipment. I just don’t think you are comparing apples to apples based on the stats Danville schedule and Boyle schedule are very even period. With that said I think there is chance for Boyle struggle Friday but they eventually roll before the end of the 4th .
  5. Just out of curiosity what are you using as you measurement of Boyle Schedule being weak? I am not arguing that it has been hard I am just trying to see the numbers are you comparing it to Danvilles? The numbers that I figurered up and they could be wrong as I did it in my head. In the round 8 there are a total of 48 teams left in the state playing football of those 48 boyle played 5 and danville played 3. The opponents records for boyle are 77 wins to 52 loses and danville is 76 wins to 52 loses. If you are baseing it on the numbers than I would say that our schedules are pretty even as far as the stats go. I am not saying you are wrong just saying it pretty even the both teams.
  6. I understand where you are coming from and as I said not an argument. I was not saying that anything that was said in the locker room was wrong I was saying that it should stay in a locker room it is a place for the coach to communicate with his players not bluegrasspreps. I understand that you were simply conveying the message that Coach smith may have been asking himself but you could have conveyed it with out using specific players thats all I was asking. I understand that there were some BC fans that brought Danville into the conversation and most likely that was due to my comment on how I felt boyle played against west carter and mercer. ( the comment from another BC fan was that the only bad game boyle played was danville) and then the danville side bar started from there. I said this earlier this year and I stand by it danville won that game and deserved to they were the best team on that field that night hands down. With that said I dont think it is much of a stretch for boyle fans to think that was the worse game we played given that it is their only loss. I was not attacking you perosonally at all just a simple request from one person to another you can honor it or not either is fine I apologize if it was unclear at to what I meant in the first post. To your question it is my understanding with some of the boyle fans that they get involved in preps when there children start playing so when the child is young they get involved with the football program and it wont take long for them to find out about preps. It some what can snowball from there not being negative (so BC fans dont get upset) just going based off what I have seen. I think the people on here rotate every so often once there kids rotate out I could be wrong but I think this is why you see such passion towards specific classes and specific players.
  7. Danville will look better than they have all year tonight they are primed and from the hear say finally fully healthy. If that is true somerset will give a valiant effort but I dont think they have enough in the tank to stay with a fully healthy Danville. Danville 42 Somerset 14
  8. I understand your frustration on here as a fan its hard not to take what people may or may not say about your team personally. I think the better team on that night won the game hands down and deserved it. With that said I am asking as a Coach of many young men and as a father of a son of my own that you please stop bringing up players and what coaches may or may not have said to them. 1 it is rude and disrespectful to personally call out a player. (pump up hill all day but do it with out calling out Bramel specifically). 2 what is said in a locker room if between the coaches and players unless it is something illegal then it should stay that way. I am asking nicely and not trying to start an argument I hope you enjoy your time on preps and I hope Danville wins the next 4 games. (you brought Bramel up twice that is honestly 2 times to many in a negative light) (The guys that spoke of Danville may have been negative but they didn't bring up specific players as you did.) As I said before I do think Boyle will win this in just a few short quarters but with the time running out to shore up little mistakes tonight needs to be very smooth for something to build upon. I know that you may not always reach perfection but if perfection isn't where you are aiming them you will always reach something lesser. Disclaimer: If anyone who is a BC fan brought up or brings up an opposing player in this or any other post in a negative light then shame on you as well I may have missed it but I didn't see any.
  9. Brents will be unlike anything most teams will have seen this year I was able to watch him play and I have never seen a guy that fast in football pads. The thing that I thought was so amazing was his first step was just as fast as his last I mean was at full speed in a snap. With that said Belfry is a different animal than anyone will have seen and I for one will always take a team concept over an individual performance. Belfry 36-14 wags 14 comes late in the second half.
  10. I agree he catches way to much junk the man does a great job. I am not sure of many more OC that have won 5 straight state championships played in six straight. I would venture to say not many have even played in that many let alone won them he deserves more respect than he is given at times. I also agree Danville wasn't given enough credit for the Boyle win the better team that night won that game period. Do I wish we could play it again absolutely do I think it would be a different outcome who knows. The best thing about this time of year is that they are in two different classes and other than local bragging rights that game dont mean squat for now.
  11. No argument here either didn’t mean for it to sound argumentative just the score doesn’t always equate to great performance was all I meant.
  12. Boyle had three offensive penalties on their first drive alone due to sloppy play the defense score the first 10 points most major subs were not brought in until after halftime. A score of a game doesn't always justify playing well it takes a lot of little things executed to perfection for me to say a team performed well. I am not sure what point you are trying to make with the score total there is a lot more to performance than the score. The mentality of well we had a running clock will get good teams beat when they make little mistakes and three holding penalties on a first drive against a very poor team is little mistakes.
  13. I agree it is really hard playing a team twice and probably more difficult knowing that you drummed them the first time. I think the last two weeks are evident that this young Boyle team doesn't get excited for teams they think they will handle (didn't play great against Mercer or West Carter IMO). Lets hope that this mentality was just a glitch that the coaching staff has corrected as I think it will be. If they dont come into to this game with the we can cruise and win mentality then it will be no different than the first meeting subs after half time is my prediction.
  14. I should have looked it up prior to but you are right it was 2000 and the score was 62-6 Boyle I was there but for some reason I am drawing a blank on that one.
  15. With this game not mattering in the playoff scheme of things and Boyle looking to be the superior team. Does the fact that Coach Smith being close friends with Coach Buchanan play into the final score? I mean there has been discussion in the past of Coach Smith playing against former players that were coaching (Travis Leffew) so just wanted everyone thoughts as I think this is the first time these two have coached against one another. I know that Coach Smith was a coach under Buchanan's father and they battled with Coach B. running the scout team against Coach S. Defense. However they have not played in a real game (if that is incorrect please let me know) so this should be interesting to see if the friendship plays any part in the final.
  16. While I agree with you on the what goes around comes around the fact of the matter is Danville starters never left the game either. I have video of their starters taking the last offensive snap that they had and same with the defense. I would assume that this is because they have no b team due to numbers being down. I would also assume that Boyle wouldn't play there b team against an a team with the not wanting to risk injury to the b team that still had games left to be played. I can assure you that Boyle scored 5 times in the first half twice in the second if running up the score was the goal it would have been much worse but that is simply not the case here. In my opinion the team losing should be the first team to sub that show you acknowledge that the game is over and you concede victory to your opponent. Either way there was nothing malicious about this score of this game for that matter.
  17. yeah I am sold on Danville they are good. Can them or Boyle not make it absolutely. However both teams are good. I hope they win by 80 as well but Catholic has what is most likely the best offense Boyle has seen this year. This game has turned into the Danville Boyle games of the past as most of the Danville Boyle players are friends the catholic players are foe. I stand by my previous statement this game will take perfect execution to win this game which I think they can do. The big MO will go a long way in this ball game it should be a good one.
  18. I am just curious at to what 85_rebel said that was offensive to Danville fans and has cause two of them to get defensive. He simply stated that the Danville game was the worse game Boyle has played this year. They only have one loss and that is Danville so I don't think it is much of a stretch to say thats their worse game. He didn't dis credit Danville simply said it wasn't Boyles best showing. Not real sure why anyone would get on a Lex cath vs Boyle thread and tear someones statement about that game apart for using a teams schedule to help make their point. With all that said I think that given the past Boyle needs to play a flawless game to win this one. Robinson had 568 total yards and scored most if not all of western hills points and they still came away with a loss. There was not a lot of defense in that game but catholic has one of the better offenses Boyle will see this year so they need to be perfect this Friday on both sides of the ball.
  19. Yeah I know you were not there if you had been there we would have seen each other lol. I just wanted to speak on the situation as a whole and you helped give me a platform. In a rivalry you should never give other team any "bulletin board material" especially when one team is destroying the teams it is playing.
  20. I can tell you what I know as I was there BC starters stayed in the game from start to finish. However, they scored 5 td in the first half 4 in the first quarter meaning that only scored twice after halftime. I wouldn't call that inappropriate especially given some of the things that were said to the Boyle players prior to the game. I am not saying that the BC didn't do talking of their own they may have and I dont know about it. I do know that BC is averaging over 50 points a game and several players were told no way they would get to 50 on bates defense. IMO from middle school and beyond there is no such thing as mercy so to speak there is a clock rule that should be sufficient to warrant starters staying in the game. With that said dont poke a team that is putting up over 50 points and only allowing 8 a game prior to playing them that is just good logic.
  21. Well 3-0 and nice win vs Catholic. Who else have they played? Does BC have another power class coming up? I heard they had a new coach he must be running a tight ship!!!!
  22. No offense taken and I agree 100% was disputing anything you said in the first post other than the mistakes I felt like we made had nothing to do with Madison or how good they may or may not be.
  23. Now this is a great assessment well put got a lot to work on but better to find that out now!!!!
  24. While I do agree with you on them being a good team from 6A class are you basing this meaningless on the score or were you at the game? My concern with alarm is the amount of times they had this 6A school stuffed in the hole and they would bounce for a big play or the amount of times we missed block (not got beat just flat out missed). I am not saying that you are not correct in your assessment as I agree with most of it. I just have to say that I based mine on how we played (not the outcome) and the mistakes we made that had nothing to do with the opponent but with BC.
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