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Everything posted by TopRowMidCourt

  1. As it should be this time of the year. Let the kids decide the games. Some are are "sore" no matter what side they come out on
  2. Saw both teams play for first time last night. Both well coached as there were very few penalties. No encroachment by either D-line, no false starts by either O-line (false starts were on skill positions), don't believe there were any holding calls either. My takeaway from the game, as I mentioned before are well coached, is that #34 for Trinity never carries the ball in his left hand. Hurt? Or just not something he does? Seems like he has potential to play in college, yet odd this hasn't been coached out of him yet.
  3. Majority said Ashland wouldn't have any issues either
  4. Triple H injury was to his quad. Muscle torn away from bone
  5. It seems the "specialization" was brought on by the AAU/select coaches more so than high school coaches, imo. Which seems crazy to me. Playing multiple sports gives athletes more opportunities to not only succeed but fail. If specialization is supposed to help athletes succeed and get to the next level, why is "what other sports do you play?" one of the first few questions out of a college coaches mouth?
  6. N CJ Seay at Scott: Soccer & Football as kicker, Basketball & Baseball
  7. That must be a strong district if Rowan County is the 4-seed. Great game by both teams. Scott is as advertised & majority on here are selling Rowan short. Rowan had very good size up front, 2 quick backs (QB #8 &RB #3) & 1 lineman-sized RB #45. Looked like most on Rowan went both ways. #7 for Scott had a huge game on offense. #46 seemed to make every tackle on defense for Scott. #45 carried the load & some Eagles on offense for Rowan. Team effort on defense for Rowan Ping-Pong game with Scott coming up with a huge 4 & 1 stop late to set up the go ahead TD & a INT to seal it.
  8. Wow! You helped with 1. I didn't attend this years, had another commitment. But have been attending for 5 decades. I try to get to Dixie, SK & Scott SR nights as much as possible because of friends & friends kids. And the bolded isn't surprising, every visiting team tries to talk the home team into charging home fans more. :banana:
  9. No matter what sport, teams are always given time to warmup. Scott had to warmup as well. Not sure how much time is given in football, as I've never gotten to a game to see the time put on the clock to start warmups. Using basketball as a guideline, I've noticed that both teams are given 20 minutes to warmup after SR night activities, no matter when they start.
  10. Looking forward to a deep run out of both teams in the playoffs.
  11. SK always does their SR night in the middle of the field. And every team always waits until their finished.
  12. Marksberry is clueless when it comes to respect for others. You only need to be around him for a few minutes to get that. He's even disrespectful to former SK players, unless they were one of his favorites. But boy, don't let anyone show a speck of disrespect for him or his team. He'll blow a gasket. I know many at SK don't like Steiner, but Marksberry sure could take some lessons in class from him.
  13. Should end up being better PPV than it appears on paper. Lots of storyline pushes to head into SS
  14. Isn't this what all coaches say right before the leave? Or stay? I'm not sure what else everyone expected him to say. There's no doubt he's talking/talked with everyone who has an open job. One of ESPNs NBA "experts" even said to not be surprised that this rumor was started by the Calipari camp
  15. Name should be given on principle alone
  16. Like many things, different camps. Thanks for backing me on the other stuff though.
  17. Not only that, but there is the potential for all 3 Of the high schools in the KCSD to make it to state being in the 8th, 9th & 10th. Which I personally think is stupid.
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