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Everything posted by FBCoachDYF

  1. As a freight broker, I can honestly say that is both knee slapping hilarious and makes me want to vomit at the thought that could be one of my loads. :laugh::cry:
  2. Stupid question, but just wanna make sure I'm seeing this right....so I'm guessing the game Tuesday vs SK (per schedule on website) was cancelled and this is the replacement for that? Don't wanna disappoint my 10-year old (a future Colonel) by showing up tonight to a dark house. Thanks!
  3. I think Dave Wilson definitely would be on that all "underrated" CovCath unit. He was as clutch as it gets, especially in his senior year playoff run. Took a good jamjob by some officials on the take at Bell County to end what looked like a state title run on his shoulders. I think a lot of people tend to forget what a player Dave was because he was right in the middle of the 87-88 titles and the 93 state title.
  4. Design the offensive/defensive schemes around the strengths of your top 22 players. No fitting square pegs into round holes. And, for the love of god, use the KISS method in all areas.
  5. Agree that Barry Jones definitely should be in any top 10 list. He was a massive, athletic, powerful blocker who dominated from day one as a sophomore. He was the best lineman for three years on some of the best teams in CovCath history...and those teams had some other great linemen. I remember being in the weightroom after school one day when John Cooper came to talk to Barry. Never saw Coach Ray move so quickly
  6. In my opinion, as a CovCath grad and football player in the early 90s, any of these lists/top 3's that don't include Mike Woolf at the top should be tossed. Not only was he the finest player on perhaps the best CovCath team ever, but he was the true "face" of CovCath football for that generation. He was in body, spirit and mind, the prototype of what Lynn Ray and his staff wanted and demanded from all of their rostered players and, perhaps most importantly, he was the single most idolized player by young potential students/players in the feeder schools. Mike not only was the leader and MVP during his junior and senior seasons, BUT he substantially impacted a whole generation of young men who wanted to be Mike Woolf, who wanted to be Colonels, and wanted to win a state title in Park Hills. Some other names of that era that should be included in any discussion of best/most impactful players -- Chad Cogswell, Jude Hoffman, John Kirschner, Rick Woolf, that entire OL (Collins, Hampton, Hanser, McDavid, Belbot, Halloran, Epplen), Jon Schroder, Nate Roedig, and many many more. To my intial point, I would imagine most - if not all - of those listed above idolized Mike Woolf and focused on football/CovCath as a direct result.
  7. I just want to be clear on something in terms of popcorn quality, please - I'm beggining you - DO NOT eat the popcorn at the Bellevue Vets. Ever. Two words -- Mouse. Turds.
  8. The obvious choice here would be Coach Beard at the helm, with Joe Hartke as his defensive coordinator and Bob Noll back to run the offense. Anything else is unacceptable. :thumb:
  9. The problem isn't the rap/thug culture, it isn't the corporations or Florence that allow these dens of prostitution, drugs and depravity to keep running, it isn't the drug dealers that force these people to use their drugs or the drugs that cause people to become addicted....the fact is, we have an entire generation of kids that - very simply - have little to zero parental involvment or guidance in their lives. They're not loved enough by the clowns that created them who are unable to teach them you a) respect yourself; b) respect authority; c) stay away from things that can kill you; and d) do your best to be a good person. Heartbreaking....really, really, really heartbreaking. I wonder at what point this young man went from an innocent, child-like, sweet kid to who he turned into. And then I wonder what would have happened if his father - and then his mother - hugged him after his first mistake, told him he loved him, and then explained to him why he screwed up and how to make sure it doesn't happen again...and then, hugged him AGAIN and told him how much he loved him AGAIN and explained to him just how amazing he could be and his life could be if he chose to do the right things.
  10. For those of you guys that have a southern tilt to your xmas music tastes (see above - Dolly Parton/Alabama), I highly recommend "Tennessee Christmas" which came out in the mid 1980s, My Mom picked this up at Zayre's - yes Zayre's I said - in Ft. Mitchell and we still listen to it regularly during this time of year. 1. Away in a Manger - Reba McEntire 2. Tennessee Christmas - Steve Wariner 3. Please Come Home for Christmas - John Schneider 4. One Bright Star (This Christmas Night) - Nicolette Larson 5. The First Noel - Loretta Lynn 6. Greatest Little Christmas Ever Wuz - Ray Stevens 7. The Christmas Song - Brenda Lee 8. Christmas in the Caribbean - Jimmy Buffett 9. Christmas Is Paintin' the Town - Oak Ridge Boys 10. Winter Wonderland - Barbara Mandrell
  11. As I think about it, after watching that Bing/Bowie youtube for like the 100th time this week, it's amazing how much he plays a part in my loving this time of year and Xmas music in general. That is all.
  12. Wow. Goosebumps. Beautiful. I think I may have to insert this into my top....10!
  13. If you're a football fan in Northern Ky and haven't yet been to see a game at the NKYFL Tiger Bowl at the Bellevue Vets, I HIGHLY recommend making time to come see this next year. It's one of the hidden football gems in NKY run by a tremendous group of guys from the Bellevue Tigers/Vets. Youth football at its finest.
  14. As an ex Colonel, as someone that still wear that with pride, as someone who has watched the bloodbaths of the last decade, and as someone that will be sending my 9 year old son to CovCath in a few years, I will say, call it a moral victory or not, I was VERY proud of those boys last night who left it all on the field and almost pulled it off. A job VERY well done by the coaching staff, players and supporters. We can overanalyze, pick apart the coaching staff, crucity Wirth by internetting, and all that stuff we're all guilty of....the fact remains, what they showed last night was better than we've seen and should give all of those boys - and coaches - returning next year alot of hope, even more pride and motivate them to work in the weight room and practice field over the next year.
  15. There are no words for this....I'm. still. speechless. Wow.
  16. One has to wonder after watching Wagner's outstanding game THROWING the ball last night if the entire approach/spread/playing calliing was in line with what the entire offense should have been doing all season. I get the wave of the game is the shotgun/spread offense...but man, watching that game last night, I kept thinking....hmmm, two big tight ends, a dominant tackle and a solid rest of your line...why weren't they running more power offense, under center and more intermediate down the field passing? I'm still trying to figure out why Wirth didn't utilize #49 any more after his - I think - two catches in the first half where he mauled the linebacker/safety covering him. Seems like a team more suited for the "Lynn Ray" type of offense than the spread hybrid attack. To me, you have to build your offense around what you have, not your team around an offense. And, good god, the no huddle/wristbands/entire team staring at the sideline...please move away from that.
  17. Great game. As I suspected, Hoge was just too much for CovCath. Incredible player who just took control of the game from the the beginning. Congrats to Highlands! Their backs - all of them - are fierce runners who refused to go down. They were - overall - the better team tonight. Hope they go whip some tail downstate. Heartbreaking to see CovCath's comeback come short. What a second half effort by the Colonels! Gutsy game by Adam Wagner...kid fought like a lion in that second half. The boys could have easily laid down down 20-0 in first quarter and 34-13 on third.
  18. What's changed is x amount of weeks to think about what an embarrassing performance the first game was for players, coaches, and the entire community. No way - NO WAY - they come out as frazzed, undisciplined, and sheepish this time around. Also, the stakes have changed and there are a ton of kids that will NEVER play football again if they lose this game. Factors like this generally close wide gaps like we saw a few weeks back. That said...it won't be enough. Sigh.
  19. As much as I badly want the Colonels to pull off the upset, I just don't see it happening tonight. Highlands is just ... better. Better coached, better disciplined, better gameplanning and, more than anything, they were just owned by Beau Hoge in the first matchup. I don't see that changing. My heart is hoping for the upset of upsets...my head is telling me...sigh...same ole, same ole. Highlands 27, CovCath 14.
  20. This is what happens when you have a general manager and organization not afraid to deal from a position of depth. This is a STEAL for St. Louis and dramatically strengthens their control of the NL Central. This is the kind of deal Jocketty NEEDS to make and, again, got beat on.
  21. Good guy, smart guy...but incredibly stupid/classless move on his part. He's better than that. Methinks someone may have been imbibing whilst Tweeting. Happens to the best of us. :woot:
  22. As a Christmas music expert and addict, I have to say...I'm shocked I've NEVER heard this. Headed to YouTube now. Will post my thoughts after
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