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Everything posted by FBCoachDYF

  1. Which - given the dramatically low numbers for myriad reasons - is a necessity that keeps the league and some of its organizations afloat. Believe me, every director in the NKYFL gets it...it's not ideal, but it's also nice to be able to afford to equip your kid, pay league fees, and many many other things that require $$$.
  2. I think you can make a case that ANY hire at this point is a good thing. To get a guy with this kind of experience this late in the game for this kind of job is somewhat shocking. Really rooting for Newport this year!!! Good luck Coach Viox!
  3. Never, EVER, a good thing when the law enforcement evidence truck comes along with the police force for a visit. I wanted to believe that this was just "leaving no stone unturned", but the report/pics of the evidence van is a tell tale sign this ain't good for our boy. I'll never get why - if that's your thing - these guys KEEP GOING DOWN THAT ROAD.
  4. Good call, guru, hope - no matter what is going on - that he eventually finds a way to take a good, long hard look in the mirror, do some evaluation and fix himself. Clearly the man has a lot to offer both on and off the field..
  5. Unbelievable. Continues to amaze me the lengths people in positions with visibility will go to destroy themselves/their lives. Feel bad for the city, the school, the team, and most of all, his family. Have to wonder how much the effect of his father's passing last year has had him reeling since. It took me 9 years to get over the deep searing grief of my father's tragic passing. In those 9 years, I have a laundry list of ways I acted like a fool beacuse I was seeking to escape. Depression is a massive, all encompassing horrible coat of armor that blinds you. Is this the case here? Regardless, it's a shame for everyone involved, especially the good people of Newport.
  6. Game of Thrones Mad Men Sons of Anarchy Orange is the New Black Homeland Downton Abbey Getting On
  7. Are you a parent? Do you have a child? Your ridiculous argument can be turned around on you my friend. You're right..these are kids/children. How do you think this young man/child/kid felt as urine was doused/poured/squired on him? Do you think the scarring of that will go away soon? Do you think he enjoyed playing baseball? How do you think he feels about being - essentially - urinated on, not being on the team anymore, and having to deal with this NONSENSE that he didn't create for himself? Please, immediately, everyone, stop with the foolish and embarrasing "boys will be boys" logic. This young man is going to be carrying this for a LONG time. My heart breaks for him and his family. Do these boys deserve to be outted? jailed? stoned? have all of us who are fixated by youth sports talk about them like we are? Hell no. Do they deserve to be severely punished and stripped of priveledges immediately. Hell yes. We are all better than this...as men and fathers. We owe it to our boys to teach them this is NEVER ok.
  8. So, the reality, regardless of school alignments, fanboy connections, friendships, family alignments, if that young man reported ANY issues with this sort of behavior previous to this incident and nothing was done by head coach, assistant coaches, administration...they best get a spot next to the cannon for a guillotine. This is just...very, very sad :no:
  9. IF this is the case, there are a lot of men at Highlands I've found to be good, compassionate men who care about the young men they teach and coach, who should not only be disgusted with themselves for failing miserably, but they should also be relieved of duty. This can't be true right? They have to be better than that...right?
  10. Not in any way saying that this is the case, BUT, when something as disgusting, deplorable and NOT OK occurs, someone better be taking a really close look at exactly what in the hell is going on in that program to where something like that can go down. Sometimes these weird outlier events do occur (as a coach, I've dealt with one of these incidents sadly), but sometimes, you have programs where the inmates run the asylum, where chaos ensues, and the chief sometimes turns a blind eye to the lunatics. Hope this isn't the case, but...wow...that's horrible. I can't imagine being that young man's father and how upset/angered I would be. Will be VERY interesting to see how this falls out.
  11. As someone who coached against that young man last year, I can say he was in the top 5 in the NKYFL American Division (small school) in terms of overall players. Taylor Mill - outside of Tucker - had another young man who played inside linebacker - not sure what his name is - who was just a notch below in terms of overall effectiveness. Have mass respect for that entire coaching staff for the job they did with team, which, to be fair, wasn't the most stacked with athletes, but ended up being one of the chippiest, toughest groups around. Congrats to the Eagles Junior Staff on that. Looking forward to seeing those young men move forward in the Eagle system!
  12. I have some connections to the establishment and, according to them, it was shocking the amount of drug use by most of the staff. So, the place shutting down isn't a shocker to me at all. I keep hearing the rumor going around that the bartender - nice guy who is ALWAYS there bartending - is in the process of buying the building and will be re-opening once the transition occurs. Really odd to me that such a nice area of town seems to have no luck in putting the right businesses along such a short stretch of road that should be perfect for the right industries. To me, it's shocking a gym hasn't been put anywhere along that stretch. Not sure how long that new health equipment facility will last there...seems an odd fit. I hope things get better in the next decade along that stretch.
  13. Two things...as much as I love Scott Kerr, why wasn't the question asked, "Son, really need to make sure you haven't played in any games this year...here are the reprecussions of us putting you in a game if you've already played this season. So, did you see ANY game time during the season?" I mean, I'm really lost how the kid, the kid's parents, or the coaches from the school he played at couldn't have all been asked this question and ONE of the three spew the correct information. How is this not discovered/vetted properly in this day and age. THAT SAID, I agree with Mustang, I think these should be reviewed on a case by case basis. Sucks for those kids and coaches who - more than likely - had zero idea the kid saw floor time previously. Seems like a better system should and could be in place. Again, what's the best interest here...maintainin the hardline policy (i.e. rules are rules) or ensuring that penalties are meted out that reflect the depth of the infraction. Sucks all the way around :(
  14. Whoooaaaaa nellllly...looks like the Crusaders had another plan for tonight's festivities. Goodness gracious... CovCath better wake up and start attacking...for the love Larry Lloyd, wake up Colonels!
  15. 71-49 CovCath win... Perfect Senior Night...great games for Bo, CVH & Theobald. I have NEVER seen so many fouls called in one game. Never. And I've seen a lot ... Wow.
  16. 307 to go in game - CovCath up 62-45. I think now 27-30 from the line. Cavs went on mini run doing what they should have been doing all game long - run and gun. Ruthsatz>Kerr
  17. CovCath 51-32 and putting the nails firmly in the coffin with .24 to go in third. Colonels putting on a FT shooting clinic. Purcell coaches and players getting frustrated. Colonels owning the paint. Bo on bench with 3rd foul. 3rd quarter numbers - 8 points, 3 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 steal. Freshman Maher scores and looks like a future star!
  18. 503 to go in 3rd...CovCath up 36-30. so far this quarter, Bo six points and two rebounds...on fire! Also with his last basket, he surpassed 1000 points! Congrats to Bo! Somewhere upstairs Coach T just tipped his hat to Mr Schuh
  19. 28-26 CCH at half Purcell shooter hits two threes to pull Cavs within 5. Heck of a player that kid is... Nice breakaway dunk by Bo w 1:30 to go. I'd say senior night has him a bit fired up. Big half coming from him I think.
  20. 4:07 to go in 1st half, CovCath up 22-15. Killing them with free throws. Theobald & Bo playing well together. These are the Colonels I know...
  21. Theobald came to play tonight! On other fronts, this #5 kid for Purcell is a nice player and bears a striking resemblance to Lamar Latrell. Shocking really.
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