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Everything posted by JDEaston

  1. Per an interview with Kyle Tucker at the CJ, Lee says he is fine with playing in the D League if he isn't drafted. He says there are a couple of teams that are considering him in the 2nd round, but if he has to play in the D League he is okay with that. Essentially what he is saying, is that he is not returning. Part of me hates that and thinks that its a bad decision, but the selfish side of me looks at it as open invitation for Bolden. On the other hand, I agree with what some other members have said in that I'm not sure his draft stock would change any even if he did spend another year in college. Basically he is what he is, a solid basketball player but not one that would ever have a great career in the NBA. I have a lot of respect for the kid for graduating early (I didn't know that until it was mentioned in this thread) and the volunteer work he has done with the community. I hope he makes it in the NBA but even if he doesn't he will have plenty of other options in life and seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Fare Thee Well Mr. Lee
  2. I love that Belfry steps up and plays a much larger traditional WV powerhouse. Most people that are not from this area may see the 3A next to Midland's name and figure it's a similar size school as Belfry, yet it would be one of the larger 6A schools if it were in KY. Question for the Belfry fans, is this the last year on contract for this series? If so, is there any indication that the contract will be renewed?
  3. I wouldn't call him a savior, but it would certainly big a giant step for mankind hah. Honestly, with the way the '17 class is shaping up a bowl game would be huge for help in holding it together as well as a good jump start for 2018 recruiting.
  4. Congrats to Mr. Pack and it's an excellent pick up for UK. I hope he gets a full ride asap.
  5. Generally it works both ways is all I was saying. I'm not a Trump guy, although I've never been against him or for anyone else in this absurd election. But it seems that I'm running out of options, so he may get my vote as well. I along with many others will refuse to vote for someone that is currently under federal investigation.
  6. On the other hand, I know several Bernie supporters personally that have said they will vote Republican if Hillary is the Democractic Rep.
  7. Great read and article. Being from the area I appreciate seeing articles like that. One thing that I was confused about though was the references to Flatwoods, then after thinking about it, Russell High School is in fact Flatwoods, Ky rather than Russell, Ky. There are so many small towns in this area its hard to keep up with the borders since they all run together. Anyway, excellent article.
  8. To my knowledge Lee isn't graduating early, so he would have to sit out a year if he left UK. I haven't heard anything like that so I was surprised to hear it. IMO, if Lee goes anywhere it will be to the draft, which will likely lead to the NBADL or a foreign league. I could be completely wrong though, maybe he is graduating early. But if he is, this is the first I've heard of it. As far as Bolden goes, I think he will end up at Duke, unless Lee hires an agent. If Lee does hire an agent, I think it's still 50/50 between Duke and UK. I hope I'm wrong though, because UK put has put a lot of effort into getting Bolden to commit.
  9. Where did you hear such a thing? I have heard that Bolden will not be at UK unless Lee leaves, due to scholarships available. But have heard nothing like what you just said. Why would Lee go to Duke?
  10. However she did force several businesses nearby to close and I'm sure used up plenty of the local police departments resources. Wonder if she will pay that money back through her campaign resources? I seriously doubt it.
  11. Funny you mention the bolded. There were walkups today in Ashland requesting shirts from a print shop/creamery/comic book shop (I know that's an odd combination) that said "women's card." The same shop made a new ice cream called the "Benghazi Blizzard" which I have yet to try. Basically, it seems that Hillary wasted her time by coming to Ashland, as I doubt she made many new friends/voters.
  12. Outside of the free food, I doubt there was much substance to Hillary's visit to Ashland. There is a reason why it was a private event and even most of the people in town didn't know where it would be held until the day prior.
  13. The crazy thing is Trump hasn't even started in on her yet.
  14. Turns out that it was a private lunch between her and the steelworkers Union, some city officials, and the media. It was closed off to the public and a few businesses were forced to close due to being in the "high security zone." There are several articles at http://www.daily independent.com that speak about what was talked about. Apparently the "Superhero Creamery" across the street stayed open and created a new ice cream called "The Benghazi Blizzard" lol, as well as printed custom t-shirts. I found that a bit funny.
  15. No doubt, the venue she chose is a small Italian restaurant downtown. They have excellent food, but it's an odd place to make a campaign stop in my opinion. The only thing I can think of is that she wanted to keep the numbers low in case non supporters outnumbered her supporters, which I imagine was the case anyway. Most of the people in attendance outside of Secret Service and some city officials were members of the United Steelworkers local.
  16. I did not know that until now. I see that she was linked to another murder case in Huntington, imagine that.
  17. I imagine this will turn out the same as the 4 teens that were killed in Huntington several years ago on prom night. After a year or so the police were able to link those murders to someone, but there wasn't enough to indict her. I don't see this turning out any different. I'm sure forensics has something to work on, but I doubt it will ever be enough to indict anyone. This was a well planned hit and the people that did it are likely not from anywhere near here, nor are they anywhere near here now. The media speculated whether it was one or more persons that did this, there is no doubt in my mind that this involved several people.
  18. Geez, that took long enough. I don't listen to KSR often, but I do spend most of my weekly daytime hours in a work truck. I'll give it a chance.
  19. The program was in terrible shape when he took the job. It's one thing to win the gimme games, but to actually show improvement given that most teams on the schedule are not gimmes, it takes time. Long story short, UK is still years away from being able to compete with most of the SEC, however that's not Stoops fault at all.
  20. I imagine somewhere around there. If things are not looking to be on the up and up after 6 years I imagine he will be on the hot seat. With the classes he is bringing in I imagine there will be some improvement the next few years though. It takes time, a lot of "fans" don't realize that. UK football was in a terrible situation before he arrived. What Stoops and his staff is able to accomplish is still up in the air, but he certainly needs to be given time to right the ship.
  21. Nevermind about the Stanton, I see that the straight arm design would be an issue for typical listening.
  22. I still haven't made a purchase yet, trying to do as much research as possible before making a decision. I've read up on everything mentioned in the thread and have also done some googling myself. So now I'm stuck on direct drive versus belt drive. Is there any real difference between the two? The reason I ask is because the Stanton t62 gets excellent reviews and is direct drive, while most in that price range are belt driven. It's more of a dj style turntable and I won't be using it for that at all, but it was rated the best turntable under $200 by several reviews. I also like the orbit that Admiral mentioned, but if I don't have to add a phono preamp to my system I'd rather not and most other models in that price range have a preamp built in.
  23. Found a couple of these still sealed on ebay for a decent price. They only made 7500 of them so I bought two, one to listen to and one to keep sealed. One of the best Dead show's I've ever heard.
  24. The bolded isn't a bad idea. She could learn the process.
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