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Science Friction

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Everything posted by Science Friction

  1. Limits, partial differentiation, multiple integration, regression analysis.
  2. How much do you all think social media has exacerbated the problem ?
  3. I think Charlie is a big Reds' fan. Sounds like he's not a big Donald fan. I think I like him.
  4. As Andrew goes, so goes Corbin. Andrew hasn't gone the last two games...
  5. On the order of 3-5 million who voted illegally. 3-5 ... maybe. 3-5million... absurd . He just can't accept that he lost the popular vote by a fairly YUGE margin. Anyone willing to say you agree with his assessment???
  6. If I'm not mistaken, a group who monitored lies during the primary had Trump lying FAR more than any other candidate, Democrat or Republican. I think he told a lie on average once every four or five minutes.
  7. While crowd size or "hand-size" are petty things, they are only important in the sense that, if he will lie about how big a crowd is , do you think he will really tell you the truth about things that do matter?
  8. The chances of you getting our resident white BGP scholars to awaken to the insidious and systemic injustice being carried out on minorities in this country is slim to zero. They look through a different lens. Unfortunate.
  9. I'll win or lose with guys like Goose Givens, James Lee, Charles Hurt, Melvin Turpin, Dirk Minnifield, ... guys for whom the name on the jersey means more than just a ticket to the next level.
  10. No offense at all intended. As I said above, maybe a better word could have been used. I was watching the event with my mother(who is a big Trump supporter) and she asked me, "Wonder what's wrong with his son?" I think it's just the first thought that a lot of people would have and say. I don't think they mean it to be negative. Folks have to watch their words more in today's Politically-charged. climate. Sorry mom.
  11. Maybe a poor word choice. He appeared to be having some unnatural jerking movements with his head. Just seemed a bit unusual. For all I know maybe, maybe he just couldn't believe some of the things his pops was saying.
  12. Yeah, rugby, I'm not sure about either. Not sure I want to know:
  13. I wish someone knew cricket well enough to give me a condensed version of what's going on and what's trying to be accomplished. It seems so bizarre that I'm curious to know more.
  14. You and I have way to much fun on here. Awhile back, I laughed so hard during one of our back and forths that my chest was hurting afterwards. You know how to enjoy a good laugh. Really good sense of humor.
  15. Let me re-word my buddy Jess' question for Trump supporters. What would he have to do or just how low would he have to go for you NOT to be on board with him anymore?
  16. Man, I hated Ernie and Bernie( and coaches Ray Mears and Stu Aberdeen)
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