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Science Friction

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Everything posted by Science Friction

  1. 1. dribble and DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE. Emphasis on the DRIVE! Poor job of finding the gaps in KU's zone. Should have been much better. 2. Hack a BAM --- may become an opponent strategy in future games if this continues. No reason he shouldn't hit 70% from FT line with his form. 3. Defensive breakdowns Galore! Yes, they continue. Makes one think that if they haven't figured it out by now, they may never figure it out. No way they win a title unless the defense improves by leaps and bounds. 4. Who says Kentucky guys cant play here. Good games by Hawk and Willis. Cats lose by 20 without them. 5. KU was just mentally and physically tougher. Showed more composure. Their experience and maturity paid huge dividends. 6. Josh Jackson is a beastly creature. Best player on the floor tonight. Fun to watch if you are a non-UK fan. 7. Self is a HOF'er. Period. Cal has struggled the last two. 8. When Monk isn't Superman, Cats are at risk of posting an "L" to top-tier teams. 9. What else can be said-Isaac Humphries is an eighth of a ton of nothing more than a barren wasteland. 10. Surprised a bit by this one. Figured the numerous distractions surrounding the Jaystalkers would be too much to overcome. Instead, the Cats seemed less poised and more distracted. 11. Cats staring 3 losses in 4 in the face. At Gators next Saturday. 12. Fox's shot from long distance looks worse than Kim Jong-il's haircut. Just drive it or dish it. No threes please.
  2. Too many of them showcasing for the next level instead of playing solid at this level.
  3. 1. KU has to be feeling pretty good, considering. 2. I like Fox on the run but I hate him popping from outside of 15 ft. 3. Too many lazy and careless passes... 4. With Bam's form, he should be hitting 70% from the line. 33% so far tonight. 5. Has Briscoe scored at all? Seems he's either all-world or no-show. 6. Isaac Humphries is a 255 lb. barren wasteland.
  4. I understand your feelings. Don't get me wrong. These are terrible people doing terrible things. I just wonder if we become better or worse as a nation and a people if we join them in these same kind of acts. I just know most of the high-ranking military people seem to be against it.
  5. Proves nothing, other than I think the guy is creepy. Sorry, that's the feeling I get from him.
  6. Proves what point? I was just stating why I feel Trump's ogling of his daughter has the feel of creepiness. “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . . . “ Trump said to Rolling Stone in 2015. On a 2013 episode of “Wendy,” Ivanka was asked, “What’s the biggest thing you have in common with your father?” Ivanka: Either real estate or golf. Trump: Well, I was going to say sex.
  7. I say Kentucky wins by about 8-14 pts over the Jaystalkers.
  8. True. I, do, however, think that it just makes us look worse in the eyes of the world and groups like ISIS can use it to support their views that America is bad. Probably helps them in their recruiting. I think ISIS wants us to torture.
  9. I wanted to ask the question because I knew you would provide the perfect response. Beautiful answer. The only thing that I would add is that this kind of action on the part of our country does harm to our country and , I think, may actually put us at even greater risk for attack. This is precisely what ISIS would love us to do. Just another recruiting tool for them.
  10. How could anyone's life already be so much better after just a few days? And, no, I'm not happy with him.
  11. I agree. I think there are a plethora of reasons supporting your stance. May I ask, what is your biggest reason for being against this practice. Thank you.
  12. I love to hear more. Tell me (honestly) what you would do or say. Seriously...I'm curious.
  13. Would anyone be for waterboarding Ms Clinton to finally get the lowdown on those damn emails? Do you think she would cave?
  14. I'm sure many of us have seen the movie inspired by this horrific crime. I've always thought he was guilty.
  15. RICHMOND, Va. — A former Army surgeon who has always insisted he was wrongly convicted of slaughtering his pregnant wife and their two young daughters nearly 50 years ago won't give up, even if his latest appeal fails to clear his name, his lawyer says. Jeffrey MacDonald is "going to keep fighting and will continue to maintain his innocence until the end of his days," Attorney Hart Miles said after a hearing at the 4th U.S. District Court of Appeals on Thursday. After decades of failed appeals, MacDonald now hopes the same court that briefly reversed his convictions in 1980 will side with him again. His attorneys say evidence uncovered since then proves he wasn't the killer. 'Fatal Vision' doctor claims innocence in family's slaying
  16. I know he's sounds all gruff and angry at Ashley on here, but I really think Ref would flirt with her big-time if he was seated beside her at the game. He would melt like butter.
  17. Sounds quite a bit like what Trump bragged about doing to women. That is sexual assault that you are wishing on her there, Ref.
  18. From what I've seen, I agree with you. They've got to get much better by March.
  19. Therein lies the problem. It won't. Most experts seem to agree that torture is not effective in getting to the truth.
  20. I guess, for me, it goes back once again to what is God? Depending on one's definition, I may actually be a believer. I may attempt that topic one more time soon.
  21. These kind of discussions attract some of the most intelligent thinkers. Witness the last four posters in this topic. Four of the most intelligent on this board. That's why I love philosophy and religion.
  22. That I do. There's wisdom in other texts as well. I think most Christians would agree that just putting that wisdom into practice won't get you into their Heaven unless you believe there was a Jesus that died for you. I believe in seeking out good wisdom and practicing it in your life.
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