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Science Friction

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Everything posted by Science Friction

  1. Yep, and I don't think any of us are surprised .
  2. I'm inclined to agree with you. Of course, I thought South would win the first time around too.
  3. Donald says he was under audit. That means he was NOT under audit.
  4. Narcissist to the extreme. We've seen this all too many times in authoritarian countries. I look for him to have one of those gigantic portraits of himself put on the sides of buildings in Washington.
  5. That's true. I just wonder why he is so adamant about not releasing them. I can kinda understand the politics of not releasing them during the primary but now that he's won and is safely in the Oval Office , one would think the gesture of transparency might win over those who are not quite yet on board the Trump train.
  6. I like Andy, but a 6-9-1 team's QB in the Pro-Bowl. I used to love to watch the Pro Bowl back in the seventies but its a joke now.
  7. Okay 13th Region fans , two of the top teams in the region and a couple of Top 25 teams in the state get together for the second time this season Tuesday night in Corbin. Corbin won at South a few weeks ago by 9 points. Corbin is coming off their first regional loss of the season @ Knox Central on Friday while South is riding a seven game winning streak, one of those wins coming over a highly-regarded Covington Catholic team. This one has the makings of a dandy. Who wins and by how much?
  8. I've been waiting an hour for this. It was well worth it the wait. I think you are spot on. Social media has fueled this and it's out of control. Look even on youtube at the comments people make towards one another following a music video. Just stupid. The degree that we communicate effectively(or rather, fail to communicate) has declined in proportion to the rise in popularity of social media. Good post, All Tell.
  9. He's right. Fraudulent...top to bottom. But that's for another thread.
  10. I agree. Minor children(and non-minor) children are WAY off limits... Hope he remembered his Tic Tacs.
  11. The Trumpster. From what I've heard, only the Donald suffers from halitosis.
  12. Absolutely. For goodness sakes, the man lies about the most trivial of things like crowd size. I don't doubt for an instant that he's had shady dealings with foreign governments.
  13. Same here. I think all Presidents should let us see them. I believe most all of them have released them( up until now, of course).
  14. That's me. I watch mostly sports, political news programs, and classic TV reruns. I also watch that homicide reality show FIRST 48 quite a bit too, in addition to the ones I mentioned above.
  15. I don't know anything about the young man. I haven't researched the family that much. He cannot help who his "pops" is. I will have to be totally honest and admit that while watching him on stage where his dad was speaking several months back, I did wonder if something was wrong with him. The first thing I thought of was autism. He had some very odd movements and mannerisms. I would never encourage anyone to make fun of him like his father did the disabled reporter.
  16. Vols have played okay, at times. I could see these Cats having trouble in K-Town. I think KY wins but it may be closer than some think.
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