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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. I do like Conan too, but my go to is Fallon
  2. I really like how Fallon interacts with his guests. They always seem like they love being there. And the games they do are awesome as well
  3. Made a nice little profit in draft kings cause of him
  4. If Rodney wins, I think Carolyn would give Mike a Jury vote. So he was playing it safe in my opinion. Kind of smart
  5. Mike is the man. It's all but his now. Can't wait to see Dans face again
  6. Dave quit being funny years ago. He is a legend though and I will be tuned in. I love Jimmy Fallon, I think he's awesome.
  7. When Billy was getting on early in the year Votto was getting really good pitches to hit. Now no one gets on in front of him and he gets absolute crap to hit. Fairly simple really
  8. I enjoyed the first one, so this definitely will be a date night must. Not a fan of going to movie theaters anymore, so I may wait for RedBox
  9. I will say, if the Cavs job comes open and they offer Cal, I'll be really really worried.
  10. Once the new TV deal goes though he will get payed more anywhere he goes. Yes his Max deal with the Pelicans will go up, but a max deal with another team in a few years will be more than a Pelicans max deal now. It will be interesting to see which route he chooses
  11. Which is a nice change from the defensive slugfests of the past few seasons. UK's flaw of not having the best guard on the court came to fruition in the past 2 final 4s. Now UK might have 3, with a seasoned Ulis, Briscoe, and potentially Murray. Impactful guard play wins championships.
  12. We go through this every year. It may eventually happen, but I seriously doubt it. There's a better chance of AD playing somewhere else in the future than Cal in Nola
  13. If UK lands Murray, you'll be hard pressed to find a more exciting offensive team in the country next year
  14. Murray is on a "super secret" UK visit right now. Maybe UK didn't actually miss with Vick. I wonder if they called off his visit
  15. If UK gets to the middle of the pack consistently I will be really happy. If they can stay there and a have a few seasons where they are above the middle, I will be ecstatic
  16. Officially no, but I think it is widely assumed it's Barbee. They did the same thing last year, they didn't officially announce Slice until the middle of the summer I believe. Even though there were rumors he accepted the job months earlier
  17. This is going to be UK's best OLine class in history
  18. Meso!!!! Nice to see he is not dead and can hit
  19. To be fair Meso has sucked this year. But they still haven't given him any chances to prove he can snap out of it.
  20. I was really peeved at that. The 9th I'm an idiot. But if you don't bat your "number one" guy off the bench in a high leverage situation, you are incompetent. Price has been incompetent in 95% of the games this year, and that might be giving him too much credit
  21. And there we go, I'm an idiot..... I had some out of body experience that thought Negron was PH. Got worked up over nothing. Whoops
  22. And don't get me started about earlier in the game. Price is killing me
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