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Everything posted by TTS_JF

  1. I thought the 2nd movie was better than the first; Good crowd last night when I saw it at 8 also a good crowd had gathered for the 11 showing.
  2. Wireman why does Hershel have 2 legs???:ohbrother:
  3. I know of several self employed people who smoke it on the regular. It's not for everybody and I agree that the circle of people your around has some affect on occasional user. While I'm not going to go home and toke up on the regular, but you put me at Riverbend during a concert and night falls you never know what might happen.
  4. Not for certain on the % race, etc. But I can tell you it's not that hard for a regular Joe to pass a drug screen if they have an idea it's coming; much less a high paid athelete
  5. Kanter had 19 & 9 against the Brow Horrible stat line Gordon Hayward 39minutes 1-17 0-8 from 3 with 6 points
  6. Always a guest, but I think that changes as you get a little older. In recent years the wife and I've started to have a small Christmas gathering and really enjoy having friends and a few family members over for that. One thing about Thanksgiving since the wifes Grandpa passed away it's not the same; every year we used to fix our plates and head out to his garage and watch football and drink Busch Light. His choice not mine but you adapt
  7. Peanut Butter & Dill pickle sandwich are killer; Wife eats baked beans and mac n' cheese mixed together. I like to put peanut butter in my chili as well. Baked Tater with A1 I thought I was the only one who ever did that.
  8. 7 Colts 5 Broncos 3 Steelers 2 Giants 1 Bears TB- Colts
  9. 5 LSU 3 Wisconsin 3 UCLA 1 Oklahoma 1 Houston 1 Pitt 1 Western Ky 1 Ole Miss 1 Boise St. 1 Baylor TB 63
  10. Solid episode; I think next weeks should be really good.
  11. Usually 5$ sometimes I end up knowing the delivery guy and that costs me a little more. I once had a delivery guy pull in and go dukes of hazard out the window. Turns out his door was busted and it was easier than going out the passenger side 7$ if you pull the dukes of hazard move in my driveway.
  12. Good game Perry Ellis & Wiggins; JabariParker best player on the floor.
  13. No matter how much NFL or NCAAFB is going on, I'm always glad to see college hoops season.
  14. After reading thru these posts I feel like several of us have expressed the same points just based over certain drugs or alochol for that matter. RTS I'm so sorry for the loss that you and your family have had to deal with. I think alot of mental illness is that's been discussed on here depends on the person that it effects and how they deal with it. Myself or RTS might be able to go out and have a few drinks or smoke a joint and enjoy ourself, unfortunatly addiction effects everyone in different ways and that's what makes it so hard to see it in others and what's going on in their life.
  15. Perry Ellis looks alot older than a Soph...
  16. and out of left field Stanley Johnson selects to play quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
  17. Agree. In the UK game Dakari gets called for having his hand on a post players back and the next possesion Payne gets mugged down low and no call. I somewhat understand why the players don't understand why some calls are made and others are completly ignored.
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