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Larry Warner

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Everything posted by Larry Warner

  1. No. They were beaten by a team who had 16 division I players on their roster.
  2. I don't understand how it is anything but beneficial to those who play it. Therefore, I don't feel like you should even think of taking it away if there are that many kids involved in the program. Upperclassmen numbers in the twenties are enough to make it well worth while. As far as being 2A, that is where your school numbers lie.
  3. That d1 quarterback averaged over 110 yards rushing per game. He was responsible for 2400 yards of offense his senior year when he also had Elliot and Mullins on the same team. How can you claim he wasn't used?
  4. Are you talking about Hemple, because he averaged 18 attempts a game his senior year. He had 1200 yards in the air, and their offense had 4000 on the ground. Also, their freshman team is running the ball well. Against boone the other night they threw the ball three times in scoring 54 points. Of course, two of the throws were for touchdowns.
  5. I read it, and it was about as classless as it gets.
  6. Like I said, enjoy the taste. Its going to be a long time before it happens again.
  7. Congrats to Cooper. Their kids are working hard and playing good football.
  8. Facts are straight. That game was 7-0. JV have played once this year and the freshman have played twice. The total score, excuse me I was wrong, was 101-12 for those three games. Like I said, savor the flavor.
  9. Keep dreaming. Cooper has one varsity win against the raiders and have gotten their brains beaten out in every other level. We will see about Conner soon enough. Ryle is 10-4 against Conner and Cooper for the last nine years, and I am sure Boone is similar, if not better. The lower level matchups were a total of 104-12 in favor of Ryle. Savor the flavor for now fellas.
  10. Once again different versions from different people. I have heard during this incident that the player was calling the coach some very inappropriate names and the coach was actually trying to retreat from the situation. I personally don't believe that a coach should ever allow any disrespect to occur from a player or a parent. I also don't believe that a player should expect to not have a coach raise their voice to them. Part of playing organized sports is learning accountability to a superior and toughness. During this grabbing incident, what do you think would have happened if the coach would have immidiately had the player removed from the field and the team? Would the team have been better off? These versions that I am hearing are from another parent who wants no one else to coach his daughter. I don't know the Ryle coaches, but this parent thinks they do things the right way. I struggle with this term bullying. I feel like today every time something is said to a kid that is harsh to elicite a change or response gets this label. I really think we need to reexamine how thin our skins have gotten in this society. Did any of these coaches ever put a player in danger, or are we talking about hurting feelings and adjusting attitudes? As far as doing things in anger, I would disagree. Many effective things have been done in anger, both on the field and off.
  11. Once again, every one of those schools had a date open that cooresponded and every one of them turned down a game. I was refering to every school contacted that is not currently on the schedule. This is not a lie period. Btw, the Boone County board expects all of its schools to play one another. Reguardless, I agree that Cooper would play Ryle. They have started a rivalry that will not stop. You are obviously not a Ryle supporter, so go ahead and enjoy watching those games.
  12. What led to the grabbing of the arm in anger. Obviously it is not right, but what was said or done to the coach to get that response?
  13. I would agree with most of what you said on here. However, I am sure Trinity would play you. They beat the best this area had to offer soundly last year.
  14. If this happened, then it should be taken where it needs to go. There are people that are not those coaches being just as adament that it didn't happen. One thing seems fairly clear, there has been a lack of control and discipline from several individuals when it comes to this matter. What was the original issue that you and your daughter were displeased with?
  15. I would also add to the comment earlier about comparing the two players that the levels those teams have to play at are completely different. You are paying to go to a private school at NCC that plays a very low competition level once it comes to district and the playoffs. It is true that Hitchew won a state championship, and I understand that is a great accomplishment. However, it can not be compared with going deep in the 6A playoffs. The 99 Campbell County team is an excellent example towards my point. They were a very bad 2-8 football team, and one of those wins was against the state runner up Newcath team. The levels of competition are not comparable.
  16. It ain't good, but its better than one out of 10. I thought it was 6-0 in 97 camels, but maybe I have it the other way around.
  17. Fist of all, you are comparing apples to oranges here. As I do think that Durham is a very good athlete, there's no way you can compare him to Hightchew. After all is said and done when Durhams highschool career is over, it will not matchup to what Hightchew did. So stop trying to compare a kid who is having a great start this season to one of the best athletes in NKY in the past five years. Did Hightchew recieve an athletic scholarship, because I do believe Durham will go to school for free at the 1AA level, or whatever is is called now.
  18. They won in 97,98, and 99 as well. Of course, I guess that isn't the mid 90's.
  19. You have a football team that is under a struggle. It is your coaching staff's responsibility to fix the problem. It creates larger problems by getting on a public forum and discussing your team's issues. I do know what is going on. Let your staff deal with the issues. Otherwise, you are creating dissention that will hurt your team's performance.
  20. I have also heard that these supposed statements did not happen by the coach, but that the player who transfered publically cussed the coach up one side and down the other during a game. The parent of the player continued the cause after the game. Lets talk a little more about the actions of the kids and parents involved.
  21. Players need to shut their mouths and take coaching. Let the professionals that led the team to a state championship do their jobs.
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