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Everything posted by WKYfootballguy

  1. Guru, going with the Beechies going undefeated...NICE... I say Mayfield goes 12-2 with losses to Graves County & Beechwood
  2. I would think if you were promoting Mayfield Schools/Football that Coach Joe would be more than happy to provide u information, like a weekly interview. You can also most likely get stats every week from the staff or radio station...
  3. With Mayfield's dwindling enrollment I believe they need to stay where they are...However, I will say I miss Hopkinsville, Murray High, and Danville...plus it stinks that Beechwood is in our bracket, just doesn't seem right!
  4. I would assume they got new red jersey's as every other year they alternate getting new for home/away. Those are last years game jersey's!
  5. I can't wait to see Rump this year...he is going to be something special!
  6. Hearsay trying to get a rise out of us Card fans...they may be the better team but they will have a 4 hour plus trip over two days to end the Cards season I believe... The Cards must first let Logan grow into the QB position before I talk smack to the Beechies!
  7. Walter fits the QB mold is a fairly good athlete, I always thought he or speedy Trevarthen would be a very good fit at QB although I would bet that Armstrong has the better arm. I can just see someone trying to tackle Armstrong at QB and he laying the load to them like Culpepper use too...
  8. Congrats Gametime, lots going on for you...
  9. Newschannel 6 website is usually a few hours behind...Anyway, I was relieved to find out my unit only had a cracked nodule and all the freon had leaked out. Only a service call instead of a new $3000 unit! Shewww!!!
  10. The heat index is suppose to be 108 today, Wednesday, and 111 on Thursday!!! I think the humidity is worse than the heat... PS:My A/C decided to go out last night also...it was 82 in the house all night! That sucked!
  11. You think that forecast looks bad check this one out:fire: If you lived where Rocket and I do it's too hot for a "rant"! It was 100 today!!!
  12. Very nice...Mercer did things right when they merged! And I thought Mayfield's Practice facility was fancy!
  13. Robinson is a GREAT high school QB...The Flash should have a good season!
  14. GoBigRed, I'm betting he (Parrott) will be a good athlete in a few years...
  15. I would have to say with Logan Armstrong & Brent Simpkins leading the Cardinal "D". Mayfield will have a VERY hard hitting team. Logan who is also playing QB is one of the hardest hitters Mayfield has had in a long time!
  16. Tommy McNutt is a HUGE asset for the Cards...Heard he has attended several camps and may even line up some at WR for the Cards. The Fulton boys are staying put...never a real possibility for what I know and prolly the best move to stay at Fulton. Just some parents talking, I don't believe any serious conversations were had among parents of kids and coaches. The freshman class has 3 solid players I would say that may see some action this year. Luke Guhy is going be a good QB, along with the RB (Noonan) and Richardson kid they will be a good trio. Should be a great year for the Cards assuming they stay healthy and Armstrong adjusts to QB position well!
  17. Coach, Yeah if I read the playoff order and seeding hold up with the preseason ranking for the most part then it puts Mayfield, Frankfort, Bethlehem, and Beechwood as four of the final 8 on ONLY ONE SIDE of the bracket!!! :eek: Mayfield would be playing Frankfort in Mayfield, and Beechwood playing Bethlehem...That would mean whoever wins would meet in Substate, I actually think Mayfield will have alot harder road late in the playoffs! Should be interesting! :ylsuper:
  18. Personally, I like Mayfield being the underdog...I much rather Beechwood be the favorite when they come to Mayfield assuming this is how things unfold. I tend to think Mayfield plays much harder and different when they are not picked to win. Often times, leading to a big "W". It just seems they get complacent sometimes when favored and try NOT TO LOSE, more than TRYING TO WIN! Should be a great season for the Cards and Beechies...Too bad they won't both make it to Papa Johns!
  19. I would be very happy with this outcome as long as you missed the last game...Hope to Cards win, but nice work will be interesting to see if Statman name holds up come December!
  20. Oregon Trail on the floppy disk...fun times...I always use to get like cholera or something...lol
  21. 2 Years, 2 months, 11 days, 3 hours, 38 minutes, & 7 seconds....Whew I'm good...:creepy:
  22. It rained in Mayfield for 90 seconds this morning...they say it will be 6 days before another chance here in far West KY!
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