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Mr. Sixer

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Everything posted by Mr. Sixer

  1. Man U keep proving my point. I'm not that deeply involved with Cooper but it is the team I pull for. Your comment of no chance of playing on Sunday further proves u have no clue about Cooper. U comment that u beat Conner by 30 and we needed a miracle shot to beat them etc etc is true but isn't that what CCH just did last nite which of course a win is a win which u clearly can't say CCH did against Cooper now can u as that was a beat down, again on ur home floor. Cooper is not the favorite on that side of the bracket by any means nor shud they be but I will take their defense over ANY of the other 7 teams. I guess there is no need for CCH to play the first two games if its up to u. I caution u tho because Ryle will not be a cake walk for them. Coach Sully is not looking at anyone other than St. Henry but to say the Jags have no chance of playing on Sunday is ludacris.
  2. LOL. I'll give u that but do u happen to recall the BLOWOUT loss u took from my Jags on your home court as well as the loss to Holmes on ur home court? If those arent clunkers what are they? If u want to talk about losses we can. I've got nothing to say bad about CCH. I just said they were fortunate wih the win and the draw.
  3. LOL. I'll give u that but to u happen to recall the BLOWOUT loss u took from my Jags on your home court as well as the loss to Holmes on ur home court?If those arent clunkers what are they? If u want to talk about losses we can. I've got nothing to say bad about CCH. I just said they were fortunate with the win and the draw.
  4. Thanks for clarifying my point. TOG seem to be offended by throwing in the luck factor. Didnt really need the tutorial on how the process works as everyone gets that part. The only point is everyone needs a lil luck and the pills in the Jeanie bottle worked their way. There's no science to how they came out as the combinations are many. No one will dispute the 3 heavyweights are on one side of the bracket. No complaints just observation. Everybody has got to go play now. Should be fun.
  5. Well put by coach Sully. Play with a sense of urgency and guard people. Their not the flashiest team but they do guard and rebound well. Good luck Jags!
  6. 1. NewCath 2. Holmes 3. Cooper 4. CovCath 5. Ryle 6. Dixie 7. Newport 8. St. Henry People better wake up and realize this Ryle team is dangerous and IMO I don't think CovCath gets by this team as easy as most are thinking. They are playing pretty good and if their coach would get out of the way and let the "players" play they are going to cause some problems. They gave Cooper solid games 2 out of the 3 times they played. As for the tourney I am pulling for whoever comes out of the NewCath/Holmes - Cooper/St. Henry side of the bracket.
  7. That's exactly what I was referring to so don't get ur shorts in a bunch Wa Wa. Last nites shot was pure luck and the draw today was luck and that's nothing against CCH as a bball team. Great shot, great draw and both were pure luck.
  8. Schedule is right but Cooper/St. Henry play the second game.
  9. CCH gets lucky twice in less than 12 hours. I will say that they will have a tough game against a Ryle team that is playing really good right now. Putting arguably the 3 toughest teams on the same side doesn't shock me and I'm sure coach Sully will have his troops ready. All the conversation will be on NCC, Holmes and CC so Cooper can fly under the radar. If Big Lou plays like he has the last two games the Jags will be a tough out.
  10. Cooper has flat out laid an egg in two games this year, Clinton Co and Newport. Those games were were not typical of their normal play. You mention the Dixie game only winning by 6 when they were clearly up by double digits nearly the entire game and Hatton hit a 3 at the end of the game as the clock expired to "only" win by 6. They lost to NCC by 2 without 2 starters and was up on Holmes by 5 in the 4th qtr with injured and sick players (just like Holmes) only to lose by 6 so it's proven they can compete. The Jags sometimes (well mostly) win ugly and no doubt should have lost last nite but all you can ask of your players is to "find a way" to win which is what they did. When ur down by 11 with 3 mins to go and down by 5 with :45 ur supposed to lose but Sully kept coaching and the players kept playin'. One thing is true, while Cooper may be a distant 3rd in NKY behind two great teams in NCC and Holmes, nobody and I do mean nobody in this region will be looking forward to playing them. Probably the reason NCCs head coach was at the game last nite scouting.
  11. Cooper has flat out laid an egg in two games this year, Clinton Co and Newport. Those games were were not typical of their normal play. You mention the Dixie game only winning by 6 when they were clearly up by double digits nearly the entire game and Hatton hit a 3 at the end of the game as the clock expired to "only" win by 6. They lost to NCC by 2 without 2 starters and was up on Holmes by 5 in the 4th qtr with injured and sick players (just like Holmes) only to lose by 6 so it's proven they can compete. The Jags sometimes (well mostly) win ugly and no doubt should have lost last nite but all you can ask of your players is to "find a way" to win which is what they did. When ur down by 11 with 3 mins to go and down by 5 with :45 ur supposed to lose but Sully kept coaching and the players kept playin'. One thing is true, while Cooper may be a distant 3rd in NKY behind two great teams in NCC and Holmes, nobody and I do mean nobody in this region will be looking forward to playing them. Probably the reason NCCs head coach was at the game last nite scouting.
  12. It will be interesting to see who's is at the Helm at Boone but the skill positions at Cooper will be solid on both sides of the ball and their line will be better than expected as they have a Coach Burnett who can mold an inexeperienced line. The Jags will surprise some people who think they will be sub-par next season.
  13. Too funny. Whipped by 21+? Ok. Please send that blitz pkg cuz that will mean somebody will have to cover Morgan 1 on 1 and I'll take that proposition everytime cuz it will be a bad nite for somebody. The inexperience you speak of is not some freshman or sophomore. It's a Sr who not only played, but started and was a captain. Ludwig was the backup QB last yr and actually started two games as a sophomore at QB. He's no Tyler Morris by any means as a mobile QB but has a just strong, if not stronger, arm so he'll be able to manage the team just fine. Cooper has some holes to fill no doubt but if others think they won't be competitive they will be surprised. As for the respect factor I could care less. There were at least 10 teams that overlooked the Jags last year and winded up with an L. I prefer it that way. This team won't be as bad as many are predicting. Preseason rankings are just that and if u dont believe me ask Holy Cross.....
  14. The refs were consistent. Good or bad they were consistent. Scott went to the line just as much as Cooper but the difference if memory serves me is Scott missed a bunch of fts. It was physical but the refs had little to do with the outcome of the game game. Again, Scott could not keep McNeil out of the lane and when he wasnt scoring there he was getting fouled. Someone made a comment about coach Carr ripping his players etc etc (something to that effect) but personally I thought this was the calmest Ive ever seen him with his players. He n Sully are alike in that they demand execution on both ends. All u have to do is look how he handles Lou to understand what I'm talking about. Scott played hard and kept Collins out of double figures if I'm not mistaken and he's been on fire lately. The better team won tonite and adjusted to how the game was called which is what teams are supposed to do.
  15. Ugly officiated game but the Jags will take the win holding another team under 50. McNeil was very very agressive offensively which is how he will have to play in this region. Hopefully they can get by Conner next week as its tough to beat a team 3X in a season. Playtime is over with Jags. Win or go home next Weds.
  16. Scott will be a team to be reckoned with. They were young last year and gave SO a they could handle. I don't think they are top 5 but everyone shud keep an eye on them.
  17. Cooper will be solid if they can fill a huge void at QB, could be Ludwig (strong arm but not mobile) or Nathan Brown (younger brother of BC's Trevan Brown) who is very mobile and a strong arm but no varsity experience. Bricking will get a shot to carry the load after being the hole opener for Collins the last two seasons. Morgan will be very difficult to cover again but somebody has got to get him the ball. He should be the Lockdown corner in all of NKY to go along with a very good secondary. Their line should be solid on both sides of the ball but they will have to step up. A lil birdie also tells me that there is a strong possibility that a big time player from out of state may be moving to the area but more on this later.... Conner will be the front runner simply because of Drew but this district better watch out for South Oldham who has virtually everyone back with the exception of Sherry.
  18. If this is true this team will be pretty damn good if they have another couple of bigs to go with Davis. This will also reunite Brandon and McCormick back together. Both grew up playing AAU together 4th-8th grade together with the NKY Tar Heels. If they have bigs to go with B., Z, and Bolden this team could be nasty.
  19. If u are skilled enough nearly everyone plays up on the AAU circuit. Hatton's Ville Magic Team played up all of last year with few exceptions. It's commonplace.
  20. Is there any news, or maybe I missed it, on the Holmes coaching situation? Been a while now since I heard anything.
  21. LaSalle would be a good move if he's moving. I doubt that the issue is money as the BC school district is scheduled for cutting funds/teachers so I would be surprised there. With Boone, if that is the path, does look more attractive than CCH. At least there is a better opporunity to "at least get to State" then remaining at CCH for the immediate future. Again, anything can happen and maybe next year or the following CCH gets by HHS but I don't see it. I do see Boone having the potential get out of the region and get down WKU sooner than I see CCH beating HHS. Boone has a big pool of players to draw from and with the right coach/system they may be able to get some additional athletes to come out and play that traditionally have not been a fan of "3yrds and a cloud of dust" style they have had forever. JMO.
  22. Aside from the obvious in Drew Barker looks like there were be a good amount of talent in the Class of 2014 in NKY. Good luck to these and all Sr's in next years class. Let's hope more schools make the rounds in NKY to take a look. http://nky.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/AB/20130211/SPT0302/302110038/
  23. Very very very disappointing loss. No effort, emotion or focus. Clinton Co. part 2!! Hats off to the wildcats for a strong effort after it looked like the jags woke up after half. They are a scappy team that doesn't quit and have a spirited leader in coach Snap. The Jags problem is there is not one single leader on the team that is willing to put the team on his back and get the players to play the way they are capable of playing. They better "Figure It Out" and quick or I foresee an early exit from tourney play and that includes the districts. It's tough to beat a team 3X's in a season and Conner is licking their chops to get at the Jags again judging from a tweet from one of their staff insiders. Right now my opinion has changed in that its a two team race to Rupp and one of them is not the Jags. Just when u think they've turn the corner they pull the rug out from me. Wake up Jags!
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