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Everything posted by TAC

  1. Crazy story. Found alive, yet they can't bring them out just yet. Must be gut wrenching for the parents. They don't want them to scuba out since it is too dangerous and they might kill themselves or the divers in a state of panic.
  2. 17/2 was the betting line to win it all at the Atlantis last weekend. I didn't take any action on it.
  3. Agreed! I did see a ton of them one night in my yard this year. I'm thinking the season is much shorter than what we remember.
  4. If your soccer player is doing both sports, make sure they don't schedule any soccer games on Friday night. Watched a game once and the soccer kicker missed the first half due to match. All kick offs in the first half went to about the 25. Second half opened up and the soccer kicker showed up and kicked it over everyone's head.
  5. bummer of a day. Make the most of it.
  6. Working from my Southern office today. Going to suck to be on this laptop while the rest of the gang will be funning in the sun. Would be able to blow off early but a conference call is scheduled for later this afternoon.
  7. $2.46 in Campbell County, Tennessee.
  8. That commercial shoot my friend told me about must have went really well. LOL She seemed pretty confident so maybe she knew more than she led me to believe? I’ll check in with her later today to see if she had actually some inside scoop.
  9. Read the post again please. I’m OK with alcohol being legal. And I’m OK with .08 being the limit of being illegal though some may or may not be impaired at that level. At least we know the rules.
  10. Love it. It supports gurus quote that we are free to make any choices we want. Legalize all drugs.
  11. What are you using it for? Driveway? Have them put a block in the center of the tail gate so it only drops gravel on the wheels part if you need to stretch it out.
  12. Both are illegal. Busted for weed would be worse than a DUI in my circle of friends.
  13. Thanks for your service! Enjoy your weekend!
  14. Welcome to the neighborhood!
  15. How much pot is too much pot? The state has drawn the line at .08 for alcohol. Only issue is no standard that the government agrees upon for weed.
  16. That is really a tie breaker? I'll add it to the list.
  17. So what is that sliding scale for pot? I've yet to see a weedolizor that you blow into to indicate how high you are. While I agree alcohol is not fair, some can fully function at 1.2 while others struggle at .06.
  18. You should be allow to drink (alcohol be legal) but it should be illegal to drive if your BA is over .08. Does that make it clearer for you? The question was reversed.
  19. How much weed do you need to consume to be too 'high' to dirve?
  20. "Not to mention we are supposed to be Free in America" Who said this quote? I don't think either should be legal. If we found a way to test for Marijuana to determine DUI limits, I might be Ok with the idea.
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