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Everything posted by PureFan

  1. Does anyone have a report from the Board meeting last night? Did they share the plans for the new Filed House?, umm excuse me, I meant "external physical education facility?"
  2. This was such a fun day. It was great to see everyone out supporting GC Football.
  3. The protein shakes, egg whites, and bread for 7 sandwiches a day is certainly adding to the grocery bill!!!! Of course, it will all pay off in the long run!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday. It looks as if we will have a great day for the golf scramble, 75 degrees and sunny!!!
  4. It was wonderful to see how committed the BOE is to improving things at Greenup County. The plans/schematics for most of the new improvements should be ready to be viewed at the next Board meeting.
  5. This is one of the major benefits in my mind!!
  6. 135 Days! When mandatory practice starts this summer we will finally see who among our boys in Greenup County really want to play football. Coach Copley intends on some pretty intense practices, which will include two mandatory camps. One a mini camp at the HS will start at 8am on a Wednesday and last until 11pm on Friday night. They will practice early mornings and late at night to avoid the heat. They will run drills and stairs in the gym during the hottest part of the day. They will, for nearly 72 hours, eat and sleep football. No cell phones, no tv, no xbox, girlfriends, etc to distract them from the cause!!!!
  7. We are still largely one nation that believes in God. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, all about GOD.
  8. Congratulations to this young man, his family and coaches!
  9. Now that Spring Practice is over the boys will be hitting the weights every day after school. They need to bulk up, Coach wants most of them eating every two hours. (Break out the tuna fish and peanut butter sandwiches!!!)
  10. Watched this last night. The start is very confusing but it gets alot better!
  11. Yes, this is true. They are going back to white helmets with black face masks. They are also getting new uniforms. Coach Copley is still looking at the different options for the uniforms and dealing with vendors to get the best price possible. We will hopefully have a description soon.
  12. I was living in Missouri at the time. Our town took a direct hit. I remember the sirens going off and the teachers putting all the students out in the hallway. We were told to put our heads down between our legs, and stay down. Everything got dark and quiet then we heard a tremendous roaring sound. I could hear the glass being blown out of all the classrooms. My little sister was across town in a brand new elementary school, (the roof was blown off of it!) Luckily, the only injuries were some cuts from broken glass and one of the teachers with a heart problem had to go to the hospital. After mom came and got us, we stayed in the basement of a friends house for several days. Our house was shifted off of its' foundation and the trailer park across the street was practically wiped out. The National Guard came out and helped protect the town from looters. Noone could enter the town without showing proof of residency. I have never been as terrified as I was that day, or even the next few days, as we lived in that basement.
  13. :banana: You guys are pretty funny!
  14. Seriously though: Extend spring practice by another week (or two.) I like the idea of starting in April for all schools and not based on the end of each schools' basketball season. Every school playing a full scrimage at the end of this time is good also. Bring back June passing leagues. I agree with RAM that it was a good way to get the boys acclimated to the weather and also improve conditioning. I would like all schools to start contact on the same date, regardless of their school start date. (Two weeks after the start of summer practice.) Let schools schedule when they want to play their district games, it should not be mandated. (It seems like their is a growing consensus on what needs to be changed for the benefit of KY Highschool football!!)
  15. Yea, you may be right but you better hope corn-hole doesn't get sanctioned as a KHSAA sport or the tide will definately turn away from B-ball! luv it!
  16. How was Boyd's spring practice?
  17. We attend services then have a family cookout. Several years ago the women of the family decided that they were tired of spending the entire afternoon in the kitchen cooking ham with all the fixings. Now the families get together and grill steaks. It has become a family tradition and one we all thoroughly enjoy.
  18. I think everyone at GC is excited about the transformation that is happening. The new equipment, new uniforms, bleachers, lights, fieldhouse, and repaired field are a testament to the BOE and administrations' commitment to move forward in supporting the Future of GC Football. We have a very large committed group of parent boosters. (more showing up for meetings than ever before.) Coach Copley spoke at our booster meeting Tuesday night of the great improvements the boys made over their ten days of spring practice. His commitment to excelllence and his work on the basics was something Greenup really needed. Thanks sidelinedoc for your support of GC (except for when we face the Rams, of course!!!!) It looks to be an exciting future, regardless of the win loss column this year, GC will be a much improved team.
  19. The boys were scrimmaging hard yesterday. The new camera is in use so Coach can review practices. Thanks to the Touchdown club for taking care of this request so quickly! There were 22 boys at practice yesterday. Kitchen has not attended for a week and a half. He was at school yesterday but did not come to practice. Congratulations to the boys who have stuck it out! These gentlemen are the "heart and soul" of our team. Today is the last day of spring practice and they have really worked hard. 143 days!
  20. First, let me say that I do not support a pure socialist society. BUT, one must recognize that the US has not been a pure capatalist society. Government control of money, regulation of the banking industry, the control of monopolies, unions (workers rights), free education, and even the end of slavery are traits of a socialist society. What I believe we must do is achieve some type of balance between the two. Most people do not understand true socialism. They point at the failed policies of Russia, or other countries. They were not true socialists but state capitalists. If there are wages and salaries, it is not socialism. State ownership is not socialism. Social programs are not socialism. Socialism means democracy at all levels of society, including the workplace. Socialism means a wageless, moneyless society. Socialism means voluntary labour. Socialism means free access to the goods produced by society.
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