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Everything posted by PureFan

  1. Congratulations to this young man, his coaches and family!
  2. Hopefully, we can schedule another work day at tomorrow nights meeting.
  3. The early 80's is when we stopped being able to eat snow icecream. Mom told us kids that she didn't want us poisened!
  4. It really is a new beginning for GCHS. A strong group of committed folks are working at all levels to improve the facilites and do what is best for the team and the future of GCHS. I am excited about the future!
  5. Thanks recpark, you have done a great job communicating the Team's needs to the BOE and lobbying for investing in Greenup County Football!!
  6. Mash, only because I still watch. This one was tough!
  7. This is awesome. On top of the 60 players we already have coming out for weightlifting!!! It looks like we will have to hit the fundraising pretty hard as we do not have enough uniforms for all these players. (Though I concede this is a good problem to have!) Last night we walked the field and marked the sprinkler heads to be removed today. The entire irrigation system will be replaced and the field re-topped and new grass planted. The insurance issue has been taken care of, Ailister told me papers were on file with Superintendent Hughes. I spoke with Coach Copley yesterday and he is working on a list of needs, prioritizing them by "have to haves" and wants. One of the first issues is equipment for the boys. Our shoulder pads are in terrible shape. Coach Mullins said most of them have been in use since before he played. This is a safety issue for GC and needs to be handled. We have had injuries in the past related to this poor equipment. The school is responsible for helmuts and shoulder pads, so we need to get them on board and get this taken care of as soon as possible. David Duncan showed up yesterday and does want to play. He was being fitted for shoulder pads while I was there. It looked as if the set he was trying on was from JFL!!!! Coach said he will have an intrasquad game, at the end of the second week of spring practice. It will probably take place right after school. Monday it will reallly kick into gear. Spring Practice is from 3:30 - 5:30. The boys are very excited!! Let's go Greenup!!!
  8. I am not sure about all the dire warnings of doom and gloom. I do think we need to be responsible with our environment. Use less energy, invest in renewable energy, recycle, plant three trees for every one we cut, etc. I am not a "tree hugger" but I do want to protect our woodlands and wetlands for the future. As for global warming I can see both sides of the story. I do think the issue (on both sides) is clouded with political self interests and that often decisions come down to the bottom line. Until scientists build concensus among themselves, this issue will always create conflict.
  9. According to some people that is exactly what they are doing!!:laugh:
  10. This is confusing because I received an email from the TD Club Secretary that said Friday night was canceled and we would need to be there on Saturday only. Joe Grubb told me it was to go through signs for the Golf outing. The whole issue of the TD Club providing the labor to reinstall sprinklers and retop the field is a very sore point with me. I do not think the boosters should be responsible for this. There are larger issues at play than saving money. Things like liability and insurance. We already mow and paint the field. We weed eat and pick up trash. This is plenty of work! I am not begrudging any work that is done to support our boys, but once again the administration needs to take some responsibility for the upkeep and regular maintenance of their sports facilities.
  11. From the article: Their stark message came at the end of a three-day conference aimed at updating the findings of a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change before U.N. talks in December on a new global climate treaty. "The worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realized," the scientists said in a statement. "There is a significant risk that many of the trends will accelerate, leading to an increasing risk of abrupt or irreversible climatic shifts." The climate change panel predicted a sea level rise of 7 to 23 inches by the end of the century, which could flood low-lying areas and force millions to flee. But more recent research presented at the conference suggested that melting glaciers and ice sheets could help push the sea level up at least 20 inches, and possibly as much as 39 inches, or about 1 meter.
  12. Does this number include next year's freshman? They are eligible to come out for weightlifting, but correct me if I am wrong, not participate in "Official" Spring Football. (Which starts on Monday.)
  13. Congratulations to Trimble County on their selection of a new Coach. Good luck to Coach Chism!
  14. COPENHAGEN (March 12) - Hundreds of leading scientists warned Thursday that global warming is accelerating beyond the worst predictions and threatening to trigger "irreversible" climate shifts on the planet. http://news.aol.com/article/climate-changes/376821 Thoughts and Comments?
  15. No, you "scooped" me on this one!!! :notworthy: Did you hear who they were, what grades?
  16. Wouldn't this show up on a criminal background check? Shouldn't one have been conducted before he was alowed to work with youth?
  17. LOL, Coupon you are so funny!
  18. The boys were issued their shoulder pads, helmets and cleats today. The boys who have been there all week will get their practice jerseys tomorrow. They will be ready to rock and roll come Monday!!!
  19. RTS, we do not agree on much but I do agree with you on this statement. I also respect your opinion, and our rights as Americans, to have different opinions than those who are elected to office!
  20. I liked this part of the article, describing what future changes in the earmark requests might look like: have a legitimate and worthy public purpose; be revealed in advance on lawmakers' Web sites; be open to scrutiny at public hearings; be subject to the same competitive bidding requirements as other federal contracts if the earmark is for a for-profit company; and never be traded for political favors.
  21. I believe we all have the opportunity to best we can be. That doesn't mean we will have the same success.
  22. I would also say that dollars make more of a difference in Football and Privates have more to put in their programs!
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