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Everything posted by how-u-doin

  1. You are right if you can do it then do it .But where are they? I have been to the work days and the meetings and have yet to see any of them. I'm sorry but having to endure crap is just an excuse for not wanting to do anything more than talk it up.WE NEED ACTION,people who will back up their ideas. For an example of what I'm talking about our sign board was blown over by a very strong wind and needed to be rebuilt so the boys would have a place to run through,the senior parents were tired and did not want to take on such a big project(I don't blame them with all the work they have done)but needless to say the school did not build it and will not so that leaves the touchdown parents. Now I can take a piece of paper with a plan on it but until I put on a toolbelt and start building what good is it going to do?All I'm saying is lets work together and be there for everything not just ideas.
  2. With regards to what has been said about the presentation hats off and great job but lets go a little bit further and not only talk about what could or should be done but let's do it. In fact where are these people when it comes to work days on the field like painting, mowing grass, feeding the boys or where are they when the touch down club has a meeting?:confused: It works both ways step up and be there for the boys in all things not just a BOE meeting.It is so easy to sit back and judge but a whole lot harder to actually put words to action.
  3. Honestly you are right it should have been done along time ago.With the renovations that have been done recently to the school I dont think we have had the funds.Now the baseball field is getting a makeover and hopefully the school will agree to the football field makeover as well.Anything that is done has to be an improvement and hopefully it will draw attention from a GREAT coach.Someone who can do the football program some good. The school since my kids have been playing has never really supported foootball they would only pay for some of the charter bus to take the boys to Letcher Co. for the game.If it was not for the touchdown club Nothing would have been done for these kids. Maybe with a new principal and super things will change.
  4. The part about Mr. Rister having a son playing at Greenup for two years is correct. And before Coach Sammons left his son was probably going to be quaterback next year.I'm sure who ever the new coach is will choose his quaterback with this said I don't think that wanting to fix up the stadium or the equipment for the boys is a bad thing,they are in much need of all these things.Unless brownie points are trying to be scored I think it is a wonderful idea.
  5. I agree we could really use a guy like him on our side of the Gridiron.
  6. Like I said just a rumor but it came from a reliable source so I'm not sure.
  7. Way to go Fairview You boys have played a great season and now it is time to focuse on Raceland.
  8. Russell will have to show up ready to play to pull this one off. It can be done if the boys stay focused and play to win. Good luck to both teams and have safe games with injury free players.
  9. Rockcastle has a great group of boys and I'm sure they will come to play Bell is outstanding this year I wish a safe game for both.Enjoy the ride boys especially if you are Seniors it might be your last game to play.
  10. Rams have had a great season but a rival game such as this should not be as easy as some are predicting. I wish both teams a great game and injury free. You know how the saying goes it is hard to beat the same team twice.It will definetly be worth coming out to watch.
  11. Actually they are saying that Baker may be stepping down next year again just a rumor I was told at basketball practice last night.
  12. Thanks for the backup Coupon it is what I've been saying all along,People have to move on past the TJ Maynard argument and get back to what this is all about GREENUP COUNTY FOOTBALL.:ylsuper: Now I was wondering if any one else had heard this name for coach Chad Tackett? I was told tonight that Chris Mullins had applied and also Slater had applied but still do not know any thing else. I have heard Chads name mentioned a few times also the assistant coach from Ashland that is also the Asst. Principal not sure his name.Any one else have any info? Also found out that KB Johnson quit today.
  13. Well first of all how can we expect a coach to even consider coming to Greenup with all the negative talk that is posted on here mostly from people who do not even have kids at Greenup and are saying things that they have just heard. Second- all of the talk about the good ole boy system it is in every school to some point. I am part of the Touch down club and it is full of good hard working people who are trying to make the best happen for their boys.Yes there is a few bad apples but like I said they are at every school. As far as coaching, Sammons was a nice person but he was not the coach that the school needed,he never did have the boys respect not from any thing the parents done just lack on his part. As far as a new coach I have heard several peoples names mentioned, but personally I hope they are not from this area at all. I don't know the situation that happened with TJ maynard but I know that the boys that are there at the school now, do not in any way need to puinished for it. And for that matter neither do the parents that had nothing to do with it.It is time to move on and support the school and the hard working boys who are on that field every day just the same as RUSSELL,RACELAND,ASHLAND etc....:madman:
  14. I so hope you are right,and that he will be exactly what Greenup needs to get on the right track.:dancingpa
  15. As far as I know the parents and fans of Greenup did not run him off if the administration did it was because of his record with the school since he has been there. He has had 4 years at Greenup and not a very good record.So now on to a new coach and hopefully better things for GREENUP.
  16. He is giving notice Monday morning is what he told the players in the locker room after the game not sure if he was fired or just quit don't know where he is going or who will be taking his place yet.
  17. Well we might not have won but I believe the blow out that everyone predicted did not happen either I think that the GREENUP boys played a very good game. Some impressive tackles by Joebob Greenslate :ylsuper:and Terry Waugh.:banana: I hope that Corey Lyle is doing okay he was took to the hospital for a concussion. Seniors I know it was your last game and I think everyone was proud of your efforts last night:thumb:. Now on to the next season with a NEW COACH,and I predict a lot more WINS on our side. Proud of all you boys and see you next season..... WE LOVE THE MUSKETEERS!!!!
  18. To all the other Fans from Raceland that have posted on here wishing our boys luck,Thanks, I think it takes a GREAT fan of the game to wish other teams Good Luck. And may your team Win and be injury free as well.Good Luck RAMS.....
  19. No matter how bad things have been at practice this week,and no matter if the coaches told you all you were no leaders and took up the practice Jersey yesterday,PROVE HIM WRONGYou seniors can lead this team tomorrow night and you can beat this team if you really want to so from all your Fans,make it count and WIN......:dancingpa most of all be safe.
  20. I know that lots are saying we don't deserve to be here,and even more are saying we don't have a chance.But I believe anything is possible and maybe just maybe this could be the day for GC. Boys if you are reading this thread stay focused and BELIEVE who knows what might happen. I will be there watching and cheering you on no matter the out come. GO MUSKIES!!!!!:thumb:
  21. I believe GC will shock everyone with this one. If we run the ball as well as we have the last few games and the defense plays hard it will be a better game then most think.Let's Rock N Roll boys and get another win.:ylsuper:
  22. I like your way of thinking :thumb: You just named some very talented players so lets make it happen boys. If what you are saying would have been done earlier this year I believe our record would be different none the less lets do it again bring home another win .:dancingpa
  23. You are right and when we get to the endzone after running the ball the whole way down the field we do not need to pass. I believe if it is working then stick with it.It seems every time we do good at running the ball the coach will call a pass play and it will either get intercepted or fumbled or something to that effect. Larwence Co was a perfect example of what I'm talking about we ran the ball all the way and then got with in a few yards of the goal line and here we go again lets pass! The score should have been alot higher on this game if we would have kept the ball on the ground. I believe there was something like 2 or 3 interceptions and Im not sure how many fumbles,yes I know it was raining but this has been this way all year with the sun shinning.
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