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Everything posted by how-u-doin

  1. Very well spoken I too think that the basics of conditioning and other forms of football have been forgotten I for one know that Greenup county in no way does the right conditioning they don't even practice hitting. The coach seems to think this is something they should already know,but the truth is it is vital for the teams to do more than just run plays to be ready for the games.
  2. For a sophmore I think he has had lots of chances to run the ball. Lyle is indeed a good player and I for one hope to see alot more from him. But I still believe the coaching staff finds one player and forgets that they have a whole team. As far as touches prior to the Lawrence Co game I have never seen Sammons use a sophmore as much as he has Lyle this year. My point in all of this is simply not about Lyle as much as use ALL the talent not just one.
  3. Lyle is a good player but to say that they need to get him the ball as much as possible has been the problem with this team all year. It seems we find ONE player and work them to death and the other teams know who the ball is going to, I say use all the talent that the team has not just one player.
  4. Way to go GC you guys did a great job. I believe a shout out goes to the fans that were there, we were down in number but not in spirit and man did we cheer for the boys. Also way to go #26 on defense you rocked :ylsuper:,#25 nice catch for the TD. Defensive linemen if you play this way the rest of the year it is hard to tell how far we might go. Very proud of you all and Good Luck with the rest of the season you all deserve it. :banana:
  5. What about mixing up the offense where you are not looking at the wide spread offense all the time. In other words mix up the wing T, wishbone,and Tony Franklin.
  6. There has been several statements that this system is to easy to figure out for the opposing team, do you think this is true?
  7. I was wondering how everyone feels about the Tony Franklin System and if they think this is right for GCHS? Also what does a team need to have as far as talent to make this system work? Any thoughts.
  8. So where does it end,if GCHS is losing then the kids transfer and if we were to start winning they come back. There needs to be a line somewhere that is simiply just not right .
  9. As far as giving up I was just told by a LC parent that some of the Senior boys has quite the team is this true?
  10. I believe GCHS has talent enough to catch the ball just those kids are mostly sitting on the bench becase they are not Seniors. Not that I'm saying the Seniors shouldn't play just mix it up a little bit .
  11. Yes you are right the parents should not let the kids transfer on the drop of a hat. Dosen't the school have a say so about all of the transfers I thought before you could switch to a different school you had to move to that area?:confused:
  12. So if it worked for them maybe it could work for GCHS.
  13. What does the fact they transferred before High School have to with anything. That is what some of us are trying to say don't seperate the kids so much in the Middle Schools and they might want to go to the High School with the kids they have known for years.
  14. I'm going with GCHS I think the boys can pull together and get a win here. It will also help if Grayson returns like they said he might. Besides the boys that were all ready out against Ashland we had no injuries, so it should be a better game. GOOD LUCK GCHS have a great game.:dancingpa
  15. I believe alot of it would be stopped if the two middle schools did not play against each other in sports but actually combined as one team as they do in High School. The two Middle schools Mckell, and Wurtland, have so much pressure on each other to beat the opposite team. If they could learn about each player earlier and let the kids bond together as a team I believe it would make a difference. JMO.
  16. I agree with you 100% on this if the talented players that gave up on GCHS would have stayed faithful to their school we would have seen some more wins. I agree with you it takes a better person to stay with his team both ups and downs then to tuck and run.:thumb:
  17. You can add Austin Blankenship, Jessie White, and Dalton Terry . Yes they all still live in Greenup except Jessie White. I know for a fact that Austins parents moved him to Raceland right after basketball season was over at Wurtland last year simply because of all the politics and they are big sports fans.
  18. With all that is being said the facts are still the facts.:argue:Parents can not win the games it is up to the team and THE COACHES. I believe that no matter how bad it sounds some of the blame to a 1 game winning season has to fall on the coaching. With all that being said I will be there tonight backing the team like always and hoping for a hard hitting heart felt played game. Good Luck tonight GCHS and lets win at our home field for the team and the Seniors. We love you all.. and may we have an injury free game on both sides.:dancingpa
  19. 1. Calloway County 2. Christian County 3. South Laurel 4. Harlan County 5. Lexington Christian
  20. You are right on the mark, since my kids were in middle school at Wurtland the main game they were told to concentrate on was playing against Mckell.Then they get to the High School and have to play on the same team. It makes no sense to me how they do this.
  21. I was not at this school when all this was going on. Since my kids have been there Sammons has been the coach. And as I'm sure every school has a few bad apples(parents) but that does not mean us all. My main and only concern is for my children not the politics of GCHS.
  22. I'm sorry but I will have to disagree with you on wins/losses not mattering. Nobody likes to lose all the time.If the boys are coming to that field everyday and putting all they got in to it and nothing coming out then they are bound to get tired somewhere. They have won 1 game this year and started practice the first day school was let out.As far as Coach Logan I don't know any thing about him or his team.
  23. So who is to blame for this? The coaches, the schools record,the players? I know that I have talked to a soon to be Senior next year and he said he was not playing next year this boy has played since 3rd grade. Something is wrong some where.:confused:
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