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Everything posted by GO CATS

  1. I don't know, he got plenty of playing time last year.
  2. I am hearing Mark Coury may be leaving the basketball program.
  3. He has to go down as one of the most hated college basketball players of all time.
  4. He's already served two full terms which makes him inelgible.
  5. Hagel is currently a "maverick," something McCain used to be, Hagels support would only help McCain.
  6. In honor of horse racing season I made these odds.. GO CATS ODDS ON REPUBLICAN VP NOMINEE Charlie Crist 6-1 Executive exp, Florida Mitt Romney 8-1 Unity, businessman, experience Rob Portman 12-1 Conservative, Ohio, experience Tim Pawlenty 15-1 Conservative, swing state gov Joe Lieberman 17-1 Bi-partisan, indie vote John Thune 20-1 Young, conservative Mike Huckabee 20-1 Unity, former gov, South Tom Ridge 25-1 Swing state, former gov Christopher Cox 25-1 Conservative, financial exp Rudy Giuliani 25-1 Urban experience, moderate Bobby Jindal 25-1 Rising star, ethnic, South Mark Sanford 30-1 Southern conservative gov Kay Bailey Htchs'n 30-1 Female, conservative senator Carly Fiorina 30-1 Female, former CEO, balance Haley Barbour 40-1 Charismatic gov, GOP insider Fred Thompson 50-1 Likable, South, conservative Christie Whitman 75-1 Female, swing state, experience Sarah Palin 75-1 Up-and-comer, female governor Sam Brownback 75-1 Staunch conservative senator Phil Gramm 100-1 Conservative, economics Condi Rice 100-1 Counters Obama with experience Jeb Bush 100-1 Keep dynasty alive, popular Fred Smith 100-1 FedEx founder/CEO, experience Newt Gingrich 100-1 The visionary George Pataki 100-1 Effective blue state governor
  7. I have not heard anything official but it doesn't look good.
  8. Let me guess Bill O'Rielly is brilliant.
  9. :thumb:, no matter which canidate was on the cover, that is classless.
  10. I also faound these comments by Keith Oberman interesting. He goes off in the second one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaVpPvPg8Jk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgZFQwklqaM
  11. Some articles I found interesting about the remarks! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/23/AR2008052303158.html?hpid=topnews http://www.time-blog.com/swampland/2008/05/hillarys_bizarre_rfk_comment.html
  12. Speaking of missing the boat, I've heard the "mark it down story," so I know you've made mistakes before, JK:lol:. Lets squash it...
  13. We lost one player on the offesive line, at RB R.Little was injured a good part of the year and the QB posistion will come together. Granted we will definitly be down on offense but we can sprap more than one game in the SEC. Then again I've been wrong before, I've ate crow and it just tastes like chicken.
  14. True, I made a mistake, Acie Law was not the best example. What I am trying to say is "so called" recuiting experts miss the boat some times. G-Time, you have a lot of knowledge about recruiting, I realize you work for rivals and your very proud of that, its litterally your life so your going to know a little more than us other people who do other things for a living. I will give you this tip G-Time, when your really talented at something don't be arrogant about it, it makes you look desperite, people who are great at they're proffesion do things with class. I had to learn this lesson with my proffesion to, so your not the only one. BTW, I don't know why your going out of your way to insult my posts but if one of my past posts offended you im sorry.
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